Wednesday Discussion Thread

Refs have been completely unbiased this game. Worry about what crew the league will have ready for game 4.
@Marsski or anyone really. Isn’t that De La Cruz kid a big time prospect for reds? Off to a quick start hitting in middle the order already!
Yes he was top prospect in Reds system and I saw ranked #3 in MLB overall. Had a double in his first game and then whatever he did tonight (I missed it). He’s got blazing speed and power.
Yes he was top prospect in Reds system and I saw ranked #3 in MLB overall. Had a double in his first game and then whatever he did tonight (I missed it). He’s got blazing speed and power.

Think he had a bomb and a triple at least. I don’t follow the prospects much until they get up here and even then it mostly pitchers. There some kids playing great I really had no clue who they were coming into the year, lol. I thought I had heard his name a few times tho so figured he was a big deal. They stuck him right in middle the order and certainly hasn’t seemed to faze him, beating lad 2 in a row with him hitting cleanup, I been saying some nice things about the at bats the other guys been taking the last week or so prior to this, insert some more juice with him and they more interesting than the cardinals! Lol. You guys have lot of injuries to the young pitchers at moment?
I really don’t like the way nugs choose to play these games out. They did it game 1 and they doing it again, take foot off gas and let heat make it look closer than it was, I honestly think that does something for them mentally and if nugs woiod just blow these losers out like they should it would make a difference going forward. You give these clowns the mentality they can come back on you! Step on their fucjing throats a few times!
Refs have been completely unbiased this game. Worry about what crew the league will have ready for game 4.

I blame it on nugs, even with all the whistles it shouldn’t matter, this is a gift to play these undrsfted clowns and overrated butler in finals. Bro, I love Murray rebounds, been cleaning up w those all playoffs. Just 4 or 5 isn’t all that much juice and he has gotten that practically every playoff game but one the last month! 9 tonight, I always add that in with his points ovsr when I play it. They probably will dump gm4 but they shouldn’t! I said 5 and sticking with it, just wish they would finish off these blowouts instead of give heat hope they can come back on them. Maybe I’ll play 1st half next game and see how that goes, if they up take the cash, if they down maybe play 2nd depending. They been up at half every game havnt they?