Wed Mac, wooo I am fired up


Pretty much a regular
Surprised I didn't get banned. Well now I can block posters out of my thread that are bullying me, the CTG bullies ha. It kinda reminds me of 7th grade Junior High, I was a little tiny scrawny guy, well I'm not exactly imposing now either, and this big 9th grader would pick on me ha. Well all of the littler 7th graders he would, he was just a total ass hat. One time he caught me slippin alone ya know by my locker, and he shoved me in there, and then he locked it. It was after the bell rang in between periods, so there was nobody out in the hall, so I was stuck in there for a while. Just pounding on the locker, come on somebody let me out, finally a teacher came over and let me out. Man I really hit my head hard too on the damn shelf in the locker, ouch.

Deaz was talking about wanting to fight me with some DC fighters ha great. I wonder what I'm up against. Better check out the website, I have never heard of DC fighting, must be a minor league MMA thing. Well I watch UFC occasionally and some boxing big title fights, but not a huge fan of either. As far as DC fighting goes I am not watching, I don't really have time in my life for retard fights ha, boom. Oh I am a digging a hole now, uh oh, here comes the big 9th grader at the Husker game Saturday to give me a beating. But ya know Pistol Pete that cop that is right by us will save me, yep, no worries. You can't fuck with Pistol Pete, he runs shit in this town, any mean hombres can step off when Pistol Pete is around ha, if I am relying on him I am really in trouble. Yeah Saturday I get to get bounced down the aisle like that big fat Vikings chick I was talking about yesterday, but I won't bounce far just a few rows then hit the railing.

It is funny I have stalkers now. Well some dudes came by and yelled at me the other day. Fuck you Tuck you suck ass ha. Man I would never get so pissed at anybody posting, guess I have that effect on people, have a real knack for getting people pissed off. Wish I had some chick stalkers on here that wanna bang me, just like ooooooh Tuck I wanna suck your dick off, your posts just get me so hot, my pussy just gets wet when I read em ha. Doubt there are any chicks posting on here, no, and if they were they would never read my crap. Anyway onto the pick. Oh my I am lmao while I'm typing.

Bowling Green +7 at Toledo, got a -105, so risk 150 to win I think it was 143 or so

I just think it is cold windy, snowy. Gimme the + points, should be a grind it out affair. Who knows, you may just wanna fade away at this point. Time to get drunk, woooooooooo. Gettin there already fo sho baby, the baby, threw that in there for my chick stalker on here, I know there is one.

Yeah I better shut up and post.
Think some pre game Rage Against The Machine now. Gotta get fired up for this game. I don't think I could ever get tired of that 2010 London concert on youtube. That is the shit there. I don't know anybody that can play guitar like Tom Morello no, no way. I mean it is pretty crazy watching that shit, man I wanna suck his dick off ha, sounds like it sort of there, didn't mean to sound like that.

Probably the best guitar player I know personally is James Valentine, the Maroon 5 guy, I'm saying ya know that I hung out with. Their music sucks ass though, but he is at least ya know pretty good at guitar. Well or maybe Dave Schoo, yeah he is better I think than James. Nobody would know his band I know.
Yes Carolina bang, that is the shit. Anybody that doesn't like that I don't wanna hang with ya. Fucking Rage you can't beat it.

Thanks Braves.

I was thinking about my Huskers and was like why is this? I looked at the roster we had in 1995, and the roster now, okay this is really fucked. Look at all these kick ass players that were from the state of Nebraska back in 1995.

Eric Anderson 1st team all Big 8, OL
Chris Dishman 1st team all Big 8, OL
Ahman Green 1st team all Big 8, RB
Jared Tomich 1st team all Big 8, DE
Tony Veland 2nd team all Big 8, Safety
Jeff Makovicka, honorable mention all Big 8, FB
Clester Johnson, honorable mention all Big 8, WR
Brendan Holbein, honorable mention all Big 8, WR

3 of those guys on the 1995 team for my Huskers when we won the national title were damn All Americans too. Why do we not have that now, I don't understand it. 8 guys both sides of the ball, that were ya know really good players. What the fuck? I just don't get it, hmmmm it is a real mystery why now there is none. Well we have 4 guys now that play significant roles that are from Nebraska and they all suck ass ha. Well the 2 Cotton kids are completely awful. Then Josh Banderas ha, he blows at LB. Daniel Davie at CB woooooo, he is great, ha, no.
What the fuck? I mean back in the 90's there were great players everywhere from the state of Nebraska. Now they are all worthless, ha, I don't get it. Well part of the problem is I think quite a few go to other schools cuz Pelini is an idiot, and doesn't recruit Nebraska enough, who knows I guess. My Huskers I just am so pissed we suck every year now damn it.

Oh well game time now.
But shouldn't there be some guys that are good on my team from Nebraska, kj? I mean Ahman Green was fast as shit from Omaha. Tony Veland great safety from Omaha. Eric Anderson he was a good lineman from Southeast, my school in Lincoln. Chris Dishman real good O lineman. Those other guys were good too, and there were always guys from Nebraska that were good. Jared Tomich too, he was great at rushing the passer stopping the run. Ha Eric Anderson he is my age, wonder what he is doing now? I never hung out with him he was kind of a nerdy guy pretty much.
Fuck, damn it, almost got 2 points. This looks terrible, well what's new? Fuck I may quit for a while if this loses. Will have to unless I can hit dad up for some money, yes ha. Come on dad gimme some money. Oh yeah, I am really pathetic at this point.

I wonder what Deaz was talking about with his DC fighters? I looked that up and all I could find were like comic book things, maybe he is a comic book geek, I mean I am pathetic, but not pathetic.
Well I guess that is good news on the Tuck front. Don't think wonder woman is coming to kick my ass Saturday, or captain america ha. Well maybe I guess, ya never know.
I better look into the DC fighters at Pinnacle Bank Arena here in Lincoln, like Deaz was talking about last night. Maybe it is one of those things where you dress up as your favorite comic book character, a big lame convention. Well I am going, and if it's gonna be this kind of party, I'm sticking my dick in the mashed potatoes ha.
Man I really hope wonder woman doesn't kick my ass Saturday at the Husker game, that will really be embarrassing ha.
Maybe I should unblock Deaz, so he can post in my thread again. I kinda wanna hear about his Yag comic book convention here at Pinnacle Bank Arena, I don't know who I will dress up as ha.
Ha ha, this thread is just a debacle now. Well I tried to find DC fighters and I got nothing but comic books on google. Maybe that is what he was talking about deaz. Fuck who knows I suppose. I do need to get my tickets though for that convention, it is gonna be great, I can dress up as wonder woman, do a little cross dressing booooom ha.

I think I like Bowling Green's chances at this point at half.
Yes tug of war, saw that here on the halftime show. Man I remember we had the guys vs the chicks in I think it was 5th grade maybe, and the chicks beat us ha, whoa, that is bad. It was really humiliating, I was just like damn it, what the hell, man we are sorry asses.
Then hell we would never hear the end of it, just like yeah you guys are big pussies ha, from the chicks. You better bow down. Well I think girls are ya know sometimes stronger at a younger age maybe I don't know. Or ya know maybe we were just a bunch of pussies, probably the latter.
Gettin beat by the chicks in tug of war ha. Me and my buddies were just like, oh man whoa, we are never gonna hear the end of this.
Why the hell did the gym teacher even do that? Okay ya know here we go boys vs girls tug of war. I wanna ya know humiliate you boys, fuck you ha. Well I mean talk about shattering confidence that will do it there.
That stupid lesbian, I know she was, just wanted to embarrass us ha. Yeah you boys suck, well she knew we would lose, I mean I was no help for my team no, not at all.
Man ya know I have a lot of trauma in my childhood maybe that is why I'm so fucked up, and drunk all the time. Well the 2 experiences I talked about tonight were very traumatic ha, that bully man he would not leave me alone. Then the stupid lesbian gym teacher just lining up a tug of war to say fuck you, you boys suck ass.
Fuck, no TD, shit!!!!

I had a lot of really fucked up things early in my life. I mean why in gym class did they make you do pull ups? I mean then it was just terrible, cuz I couldn't even do one, ha, I would be there strugglin damn it I can't do a pull up, then everybody would be laughing at me, ha Tuck can't do a pull up. I couldn't, but then that stupid lesbian gym teacher would say okay I'm gonna lift you up and you do the flexed arm hang like the girls ha.
I mean the whole game Bowling Green it is just pass after pass where they just bomb it like 40 yards in the air every play, what the hell they are they doing?

Worked out that drive luckily. I mean throw some shorter passes from time to time haha.
Bowling Green the play call every time is chuck it deep, just fucking we are running all fly routes, just chuck it, fuck we are not fucking around with any short pass that could be successful, oh no way, we are chucking it ha. I have never seen this before, guess okay I'm covering at the moment at least.
Fuck here we go, chuck it deep, bombs away. I already know there, hope we connect again like last drive. We aren't throwing a pass shorter than 30 yards fuck that shit, it is air it out baby ha.
I mean what the fucking hell are they doing? They just did it again, fuck the first down were going for 40 yards fuck you, ha, yeah fuck we don't wanna a first down, just chuck it deep. We are airing it out mothafucka. If Bowling Green would just take it easy a bit I would win. You can't just bomb it every play, what in the hell?
Fuck at this point the Toledo corners are probably just thinking well I better run all out, I know what they are doing, a fucking bomb every play.
Man what the hell, it is every damn play is a bomb. We did fine there with the out route I was talking about, worked beautifully, but oh no, we gotta chuck it deep.
Well guess a push is better than a loss. The good old sister kisser, yep. That is no good. Guess maybe some of you guys would enjoy that ha. Well she is kind of your plain Nebraska white chick, guess ya know I can't judge since she is my sister on her looks. Ha great now this is being talked about, what in the hell. Well she did marry into some money, so she did good on that front with a rich engineer. That guy he is Canadian and plays damn hockey on the weekend, ha, I watched it one time he is pretty good I will give him credit.
Yeah I could not play hockey oh no, well I can't ice skate first off, then secondly I am way too out of shape to go up and down the ice fucking twice. Would be like oh oh oh, fuck I'm done, where is the oxygen, fuck I am gonna have a heart attack.
Really though me playing hoops now would be a debacle too. Man I would be terrible, well I was bad when I quit playing about 10 years ago, now oh wow, I'm sure I would just get my ass worked big time.
What sucks is about say 18 years ago when I was 20 and my bro was 17, we could take anybody in the damn city, now that isn't saying much, since it is Lincoln, Nebraska, but we still could run shit in 2 on 2 hoops, oh it was ya know on mothafucka. I mean nobody could step ha, I am not kidding either.
Ha why am I talking about this? Whoa, who cares. Well ya know just thinking back to better times. I need to marry a rich engineer, yeah, that is what I need damn it, ha what chick is gonna marry me ha ha, no way. Guess ya never know what can happen there. Need somebody to take care of my sorry ass.
No I think more what is reality for me is, dad can you give me some more money? Come on dad, come on, gimme 1500, come on, yeah that will probably take place again here soon I'm sure.
Well damn it if I could coach my teams I think I could win ha. Bowling Green what in the hell were they doing tonight? It was every play about bomb it 40 yards. That musta been the play call in the huddle, okay guys just go deep, fuck it we are just gonna chuck it deep every play. I have never seen anything so stupid. It is fine to take a shot every now and then, but not every play lol.
My dad is gonna run over the computer tomorrow with the riding lawn mower ha, like that video link I put up the other day. No dad come on, I am really good at gambling, come on, noooooooo!! I can just be out in the yard losing it ha, noooooooooooooo!!!!
Guess look on the bright side at least I'm not homeless, which I should be actually, oh yeah fo sho, I should be lying in the street somewhere freezing my ass off. But ya never know I could get hot here, and tear shit up. I have before I mean you guys have seen that, so no reason I can't now.
I do wonder what Deaz that poster was talking about with his DC fighters. I cannot find that anywhere when I google except comic book things. I thought he said it was at Pinnacle Bank Arena downtown, and then they were gonna kick my ass Saturday at Memorial Stadium. I really like how I have stalkers now, well 2 dudes in a pickup drove by, Tuck fuck you suck ass ha. Sorry if you tailed me I mean it's your damn fault, not mine.
My god this is pathetic. I went to bed last night, went to work, went and fucked my girl, hit the gym and worked on my body, had a few drinks and gambled on some sports in my luxury condo, decide to pop over to CTG to see if anyone has any tips for the earlys tomorrow. Then I see all the while, never once did "TuckFexas" (real nice original name) even come close to coming across my mind. Meanwhile, this weirdo drunk CTG Retard Mascot has been posting up a storm, my name on his mind the entire day. 100's of posts of drunken, idiotic, uneducated moron spewing bullshit for the entire day. GO OUTSIDE CLOWN. Get a job, I'm sure the local Kwik Shop could use someone to clean their coffee filters every 45 minutes. Do something with yourself clown, you didn't cross my mind once today, yet I've been on your mind all day. You're my biggest fan.

And its the Dynasty Combat Sports. Shouldn't have been at all hard to find via google, but I'd imagine you were entering it into the CTG search engine or something cause that's about how bright you are.
No those dudes didn't say that, I don't know what the hell all they said, it was something like that. So I have stalkers now, people trying to find me, great. The other night at the N zone this bar, before the Husker game, this guy was talking well he just wants to die about me, now I don't wanna die, but ya know keep drinking like this I will yeah, I know that, and it won't be long I'm sure. If I could quit I would so I could live ya know 25 more years, even if I quit drinking now, 25 years would be the max I think with what I've done, the damage ya know. Live to be 63, ummm, you can take the under on that, cash in big time, just throw everything you have on the Tuck under 63, fuck even if I quit now, no way I'm getting to 63.
Fuck I thought I put you on ignore there Deaz. You are not on my mind either, just you were talking shit last night that's all. I mean there is nothing on my mind ever, I don't have shit going on. All that is on my mind is ya know games or posting crap, whoever talks shit to me. And I googled that DC fighters, I didn't see anything about Dynasty combat, suppose I should look again ha. They must be really good ha, more like retard fights.
I can't wait for that dynasty combat at Pinnacle Bank Arena oh yeah, I got my tickets. Maybe I should fight on that card, fuck if somebody would pay me I would fight one of those bitches.
I love that somebody gets so damn mad at me for nothing. I never talked shit to this stupid Deaz guy, he just comes in here talking shit for no reason. I mean you have the problem idiot not me. I didn't come over and talk shit to you, you fucking came in my thread talking shit, so okay, ya know fuck off.
I wouldn't give a damn if you were from Iowa, Michigan or something. The fact that you're a Husker like me makes me sick cause we aren't anything alike. I'd never fight you either, I'm sure your brain is just mush from the alcohol abuse, I'd get charged with some kind of abusing the handicapped charge. Have a blessed life, get help.
I have no idea who this guy even is. He has 14 posts, it says that on his avatar thing, and then he comes in my thread talking trash. So you must be reading this and not posting ever ha, that is funny, another Yag stalker I have. You can ya know just bow down and start sucking ha.
Abusing the handicapped huh, ha, no I'm not retarded buddy, but okay. I got tested in rehab for IQ not too long ago, and it was 129, so no, you are I'm sure dumber than me, judging by your stalking behavior, 15 posts, ha.
129????????? LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooOOOOOoooOOOO hahahahahahah. If your IQ is 129 then I'm Michael Jordan, fuck outta here bum.