Wed Mac, wooo I am fired up

What the hell I put you on ignore, and your post showed up anyway. Blessed huh, well I could give a fuck about blessings, anybody saying blessed, fuck that shit.
Ha fondy, this was kinda funny. I mean what in the hell this guy has 15 damn posts on here and is just ripping me for no reason ha, I don't know what the deal is.
Shit I better put on some music, this fired me up a bit, this Deaz guy, what the fuck, 14 posts, well now 15 all of em talking shit to me. I fire people up so much they join just to talk shit to me. Fuck I hate this damn Tuck guy, drunk all the time talking to himself, man he pisses me off, and he's fucking retarded ha. Put some fucking ummm, Tha Dogg Pound on, Dogg Food album, are you mothafuckas ready, yeah, like we always do about this time.
Yeah I guess fondy. Well I am nutso, and what I said was true the 129 IQ that actually was what I tested out at, but that was about 6 years ago, so now probably 100 at best I'm sure.
I bet I have depleted the brain cells quite a bit the last 6 years, but I'm still smarter than that Deaz guy. I mean anybody that reads somebody's posts and gets so fired up he joins just to talk shit, whoa, you have problems then.
Maybe I should try to get on the card when they fight in Lincoln ha. Dynasty combat, never heard of it, but man I am gonna throw down bitch.
Ya know it is big time fighting when I tried to google it and couldn't find it. I will have arrived then if I am fighting in Dynasty damn combat haha, lol at that. Better than what I'm doing now I guess, nothing.
Shit he can bring one of his stupid Dynasty combat guys to the stadium ha, that would be funny. Well guess at least my bro would be there to help me out, sure those guys would kick my ass, semi professional fighters that would not go well for me. Just fucking bums in that league anyway, but they would kick my ass I'm sure.
Thing is that guy said he knew Rex last night, which Rex is my boy, fuck we tore it up in Vegas a long time ago.

Ha yes fondy, fondy, fondy.
He must have been on covers way back in the day. I think yeah I remember Deaz on covers, I'm sure of that, he was on there. Fucking stupid blankets.
Dynasty combat, oh baby, I am signing up for that ha. I don't know if they can fuck with me man, I doubt it, who the hell wanna face me, to make me act a complete fool lately. Got fucking skills to murder em all, yeah, bitch.
I remember they had MMA at the Royal Grove in Lincoln this club, and anybody could just sign up to fight, and I signed up to fight this guy, and then they closed before I got to ha. The Royal Grove, yes. I only went there once, not sure why I went even. I remember the big dog was Demetrius "king kong" Worlds ha, my bro would go to those stupid fights all the time, he said some UFC guy agreed to fight king kong worlds, and he just kicked his ass, the UFC guy kicked ass on king kong worlds.
That is a good name Demetrius "king kong" Worlds ha, he may be fighting in the Dynasty Combat league for all I know. Wonder why I even remember that? Well I remember a lot of stupid shit, nothing really worthwhile, just random stupid shit.
Man if I can get a fight in the Dynasty Combat league, oh man, I have arrived then, shit top of the world. I'm sure they would kick my ass all over the place.
Yeah Deaz, just line up the fight, Tuck "the round mound of throw down" Fexas vs Demetrius "king kong" Worlds, oh it is so on baby, man I better start training tomorrow ha.
the royal grove had some of the sleaziest strippers known to mankind. i got sucked off in a hotel down the street by one over lunch back in 2002for $25.
Ha deaz, yes, they did, you are right. I thought I banned you, but okay. I mean if you are boys with Rex, fuck you are okay with me. Rex and me are homies.
I wonder if Deaz knows Demetrius "king kong" Worlds ha, I remember me and my bro were drinking with him back a long time ago, and my bro was like this guy is the shit, man he kicked ass at the Royal Grove ha. I didn't know him, but my bro went to those fights about every week they had em I think.
The fucking Royal Grove, ha, I went there just one time is all, fuck my bro was a damn regular I think he fought one time there. Cuz it was like you could just sign up, there were no restrictions or anything, just sign up ha.
Fucking king kong Worlds is going down, when he faces the round mound of throw down baby, oh yeah, I am lighting his ass up ha. Man that was a big brotha I don't know there, ummmm, I may be in trouble.
Really you can read me getting drunker, ha, the posts just start deteriorating at about ummm maybe 12 or so, now it is 3 so who knows now.
Oh yeah I would be in big trouble against king kong Worlds, oh whoa, I would have to run out of the ring, shit, shit, there is a huge brotha after me, fuck, damn it.
Well ya never know I could land a lucky punch maybe. It would kind of be like Shogun vs Saint Preux, I watched that shit, man Shogun had no chance. He tried ya know, well a lunging stupid punch, then left himself wide open to the counter by Saint Preux, oh he jacked his ass up big time. I remember they were in the ring ya giving pre fight instructions, and I looked at both of em, and was thinking oh my, Shogun better run, he is gonna get killed out there. Sure enough he did, well I mean he really made a stupid move, but that guy was way bigger and stronger than him anyway, eventually Shogun was gonna lose.
Well only 318, guess better pour another glass of vodka ha. I don't know if I should post anymore though I am really fucked at this point. Wonder why that deaz is so pissed at me, ha, I would never get ya know pissed off and be trying to fuck with somebody on the internet no way. Ha and I had guys drive buy and yell at me, that was funny, Tuck you suck ass fuck you.
Fuck I am not kidding either, manchester said it was him, I don't know if he was joking maybe, ha, it was funny cuz they were just waiting for me down the street. I went out, then hahahhaha, wooooo, then went driving by yelling at me, fuck you Tuck.
I am hoping for the chick stalkers, I know it will happen ha, that would be great, well anything now I will damn take it. Fuck if she has tits and a vag, I am down.

Yeah Al, I can lay it down man. I remember me and you taking shots back in the day on blankets, it would be like I am taking a shot, then you would match me, yeah I got one lined up.
Fuck if you wanna bring it Deaz, I mean I will be 43rd row, Memorial Stadium Saturday, North End Zone, behind the goal posts. Fuck we 2 hard mothafuckas, me and my bro, you wanna go, we 2 hard mothafuckas. Got some Eazy E on, 2 hard mothafuckas, well it wouldn't be a cake walk for ya no there.
Dynasty fighting ha, those guys I could care less about that, ha. I mean I watch ya know UFC sometimes, watched Shogun get his ass kicked, oh my, that was a total mismatch, I mean Shogun may need to retire, or go to Dynasty or something ha. Fuck he got his ass whooped in that fight by Saint Preux, but I knew just seeing em standing there pre fight instructions, I was thinking oh whoa Shogun better just run, just leave the ring.
Dynasty fighting man I do need to get my tickets for that, ha, fuck that is at Pinnacle Bank Arena? Whoa, I would think it would be at bumfuck Pershing Auditorium ha, well there isn't much at Pershing anymore that is really a bumfuck venue there. Guess there is class D High school basketball playoffs, oh that is great, class D ha, that is our lowest classification, and they play like chicks ha, man I would wipe the floor with those guys.
Ha Eazy E, I hate male groupies so just back the fuck off. Yeah unfortunately that is all I have, stalkers, male groupies yes. Ya never know some chick could read my post and stalk me ha, that would be great, fuck I welcome that. I don't really want guys rolling by yelling and then trying to fight me, no would prefer that doesn't happen.
Oh wait, I know what is gonna happen some dude is gonna come with his chick, and be like I want you to bone my chick, and I will watch, whoa, what am I talking about there. Well I really wouldn't be opposed to that ha, no whatever I can get is fine with me.
That dynasty fighting at Pinnacle Bank Arena, man I better go to that ha. I really have no desire to watch it, I mean I did go one time to that bumfuck Royal Grove fighting, which I was just pissed at the time and wanted to fight somebody, which is why I went, cuz my bro said, oh yeah you can sign up to fight there. I did and then they closed before my match came up ha, oh man, I am stupid. I have no idea who the fuck is in the Dynasty fighting league, fuck they could put me in there, well if they wanna pay me to get my ass kicked I'm okay with that. Yep just go out there and lose every time, ha, it would be that way I'm sure. But if I'm getting a damn paycheck and can pay rent, okay I will take my lumps.
Here he is out of Lincoln, Nebraska, Tuckfexas, he is 5 foot 9, and checking in at a not so fit, not so ready, 225 pounds. The round mound of throw down Tuckfexas!!!!
Shit AK 47 is the tool don't make me act a mothafuckin fool, me and you go can go toe to toe, boy you can't fuck with me.
You are now about to witness the strength of street knowledge, ha I love NWA, Straight outta Compton, it is the best. I remember me and my buddies in 6th grade we all had it, and our parents would take it away, the tapes, was tapes back then.
I have nothing to post about now, just posting for the hell of it, I am not sure why. Ummmm, let me think for a minute. Well Dynasty fighters suck ass, that is all I could come up with ha, but whatever. Fucking punk ass dynasty fighters are afraid of me, a fat whitey on the warpath, and when I finish it's gonna be a bloodbath of Dynasty fighters dying in Lincoln haha.
Ya know I was really hoping Deaz was a comic book geek, I thought maybe that was the case. No I won't talk about him anymore. I like though he had no fucking damn posts here yet he was pissed at me ha, okay there dude.
I think if Deaz is ya know in control of this Dynasty fighting, well he needs to line up a Lincoln classic, Tuck "the round mound of throw down" fexas, vs Demetrius "king kong" Worlds, yes, I mean come on it would be great. Wonder if those dynasty guys make jack shit probably not.
Fuck that king kong Worlds guy would beat my ass ha, me and my bro were drinking with him, cuz my bro knew him and they were ya know buddies sort of, well they are both big boys, and fought at that stupid place.
I talk to myself a bunch on here, but it is harmless really. So I am wasted, and whatever, hope they don't ban me, I enjoy talking to myself on here.
Fuck and Deaz ripping on my name Tuckfexas, I was just hammered one night and did that, well I hate Texas, fuck they would beat the crap outta my Huskers every time, and they came into the league and made damn regulations. Then we couldn't take those guys that didn't qualify academically, I mean there were several guys that did not qualify. Fuck Lawrence Phillips, Tyrone Williams, fuck who knows a bunch of others, I can't remember all of em. The only reason I did that name was cuz I was pissed at Texas at the time man, I didn't know at that moment it was gonna be a life long posting session, which now it is. Fuck I don't care about my name I still hate Texas fuck those guys they ruined my program. And I ain't changing my name, I don't do alias crap fuck off on that.