We have lost Bloodhound

Thank you CTG for all your kindness and generosity in contributing to Bloodhound's Go Fund Me Campaign! I am proud to say that to date we have raised over $3,500 in only a few short days, just an amazing accomplishment! It speaks volumes about what a great community we have here at CTG!

I wanted to let you know that I spoke with Tracey today and we had a good conversation. She's a bit overwhelmed right now and will miss Blood terribly! I told her that we had started a Go Fund Me Campaign for Blood and she was extremely grateful and emphasized how much he enjoyed CTG and the interaction with all his friends at the site. There will not be a service for Blood, but his son is working on an obituary that I am hopeful we can share here. Tracey said Blood's wishes were to be cremated and have his ashes spread in two different places including his Mountain home in the Smokies which he dearly loved and the Gulf (Shell Island off Panama City where he had a sailboat). She is very concerned about the wildfires in the South, and apparently the fire is raging fairly close (5 miles) to their mountain home. So on top of the grieving, she has that issue to worry about as well. I told her that at some point I thought she would appreciate reading this thread and the wonderful tributes that have been expressed and sent her a link. She has already replied that she couldn't not read them and " ' although they made me cry, they reminded me of what an extraordinary person he was'". She asked if I would post her thanks here later when she has time to get it together, which I will. Thanks again to everyone!
Rip. Cancer sucks. I just got diagnosed in May and I'm only 32. Been in shock. Hate this disease

Hang in there. I was also diagnosed in May at the age of 36. My third time. I beat it twice already and am hopeful to do it again. You can too. Keep ur head up and smoke up when u feel nauseous. You'll be fine with the treatments before you know it.

Thank you for the update & setting up the gofundmepage. You're a very good friend.
At first I wasn't going to play any CFB games today, just didn't feel like it. But then I know Mr Hound would have been saying "come on pard just takes a few games to get back on track"
Wow, the outpouring of support on a silly gambling forum is amazing. Chokes me up a bit to see the people that he touched who didn't even know the man beyond a screen name. RIP partner.
Noooooooooo........Just now finding this out.....been in heart therapy all week.........so very sad.
I hope Tracey is OK.....I know Chucks in a better place than where he's been in the past months.....I knew it was likely coming but I guess I just shrugged it iff knowing he was simply an extremely smart man and survivor of whatever was blocking nhis path to live life on his own terms......RIP Brother!!! You are Gone But You will NEVER Be Forgotten!
Could we please sticky this thread at the top of the college football forum, thanks?
I wish he knew about all of this and just how he was thought of...I thanked him a lot for our talks and the time he took for our PMs...


RIP, Hound.

These are the 1st times seeing his pictures. It's incredible how they're what I pictured. I didn't know his nationality or that he was only 72, but I pictured the beard and presence. Sometimes it really hits hard that I won't be interacting with him after 15 years of daily dialogue. Never once did we argue about anything.
I'll be honest, I'm a little more lost gambling wise. I find myself out of my routine of finding winners. He was a huge part of Bowl season and theses last few weeks of college. We could zero in together on the lesser slate of games. Opening his thread during the holiday season was no different than opening up a Christmas present. It was valuable and he created an environment as if we were in his living room. Deeply sadden by his loss.
After seeing his pictures, I've decided to grow a full beard this winter as well in tribute...

So say we all

:( :( oh no, not the ole hound! Long time lurker here.. Most of my posts are in the ole hounds threads. When I learned of his illness, I found myself visiting this site less and less. I know I was dreading the fact that this thread could become a reality at any moment. He is the reason I joined and created an alias instead of just being a lurker. The kindness he showed towards everyone on this site was unparalleled. To him, it didn't matter if you were a veteran or a newb, he would always take the time to reply to your question or PM. I felt obliged to show my gratitude in his threads for providing such amazing sports analysis and great vibe. Even though I never met him, he was someone I looked up to, and I'm deeply saddened by his passing. His love for sports especially college football was something I related to greatly. I know he is now in a better place and I am certain he's enjoying all the CFB he wants up in heaven. I will truly miss you ole hound.

This beers for you, RIP.

This reminded me of the Ole Hound......and how much he loved his four legged friends...

Thanks to all for their generosity and outpouring of support for Blood! Just a terrific response! In one week, we have raised nearly $3,700 to help the family (75% of our goal). Just a reminder if anyone wants to still donate that the campaign is open until Dec 15th. You guys are fantastic, and I wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!

https://www.gofundme.com/mvc.php?route=search&term=Chuck Warden
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Thanks to all for their generosity and outpouring of support for Blood! Just a terrific response! In one week, we have raised nearly $3,700 to help the family (75% of our goal). Just a reminder if anyone wants to still donate that the campaign is open until Dec 15th https://www.gofundme.com/mvc.php?rou...Chuck Warden. You guys are fantastic, and I wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!

This link in your post keeps giving me a "page not found" error. I copied the link below from the thread in GD. :shake2:

https://www.gofundme.com/mvc.php?route=search&term=Chuck Warden
These are the 1st times seeing his pictures. It's incredible how they're what I pictured. I didn't know his nationality or that he was only 72, but I pictured the beard and presence. Sometimes it really hits hard that I won't be interacting with him after 15 years of daily dialogue. Never once did we argue about anything.
I'll be honest, I'm a little more lost gambling wise. I find myself out of my routine of finding winners. He was a huge part of Bowl season and theses last few weeks of college. We could zero in together on the lesser slate of games. Opening his thread during the holiday season was no different than opening up a Christmas present. It was valuable and he created an environment as if we were in his living room. Deeply sadden by his loss.

I am right there with you, huge loss.... great person was Chuck
Message from Tracey which she asked me to please post:


"Thank you to everyone who so generously opened their hearts to Blood's son and me during this time of grief. I am comforted by the love and caring shown by the tributes written in the thread, and am humbled and grateful by the contributions to the Go Fund Me page. Please remember when you think of Bloodhound, how very much happiness he enjoyed cussing and discussing sports, capping teams, and talking players with all of you. He will be missed, but will also be right there in spirit as you continue the fun. Thanks and love to you all. Tracey


Thank you so much for posting this note. You've shown your loyalty to a great man. I read Hounds messages to me daily. Makes me smile.

Message from Tracey which she asked me to please post:


"Thank you to everyone who so generously opened their hearts to Blood's son and me during this time of grief. I am comforted by the love and caring shown by the tributes written in the thread, and am humbled and grateful by the contributions to the Go Fund Me page. Please remember when you think of Bloodhound, how very much happiness he enjoyed cussing and discussing sports, capping teams, and talking players with all of you. He will be missed, but will also be right there in spirit as you continue the fun. Thanks and love to you all. Tracey

Message from Tracey which she asked me to please post:

"Thank you to everyone who so generously opened their hearts to Blood's son and me during this time of grief. I am comforted by the love and caring shown by the tributes written in the thread, and am humbled and grateful by the contributions to the Go Fund Me page. Please remember when you think of Bloodhound, how very much happiness he enjoyed cussing and discussing sports, capping teams, and talking players with all of you. He will be missed, but will also be right there in spirit as you continue the fun. Thanks and love to you all. Tracey


Thank you for posting this.... not a day goes by that I don't think of Blood & I do believe he has left a little piece of him in each one of us..... thus my avatar, Blood hound pups. The one on front right is Wire, one on the left is Tim H, & bringing up the rear is Cash
I just saw this post Mitch. Truly saddened by this news. He was a great guy. The old timers know him well. DAMN. .........RIP my friend.... Please point me to the site I can contribute to his family. Sy
He will truly be missed. My sincerest of thoughts and well wishes are with his friends and family.

Rest in Peace
It is with great sadness I have to tell you all that Bloodhound passed last night, Tuesday 11/15, during a surgical procedure in his battle with cancer.

To say he was the best damn capper I ever saw is to trivialize his contribution as a friend and human being. I had the good fortune to have known him for the last 20 years both on the internet and in person. He and I have made several trips to Las Vegas and we talked almost every week on the telephone.

But the thing I will miss most about him was his kindness. Talking capping and sports was fun but I always loved the way he always cared about everyone he ever met. I never heard him say an unkind word about anyone. Ever. He was always quick to laugh and he truly cared about everyone's well being.

I could probably go on forever about what kind of man he was but I will stop here as words can't accurately convey who he was. I will greatly miss him.

I see that Tim and CTG have organized a fund raiser and I think Tracey needs the help as much now as ever. Also, I would greatly appreciate it if this thread or something like it could be placed in all the forums to notify the members. GL

Damn, I'm sorry to hear/read this news. My condolences to his family and friends. The little I knew (or interacted with) him here, I respected him. Was one of the good ones, and you could tell that right away.
RIP, Blood
Sorry to say I just found out...

He was the real deal.

Great man with class.

He'll be welcomed in heaven as "The Capper of Cappers!"
A few weeks back around the time I found out about blood, I went over to a friend of the family's to load some wood at a farm and there I witnessed I 3 month bloodhound that the family just purchased...Out of all dogs...lol