US Open Thread

Nishi needs to lull him into boredom, no challenges, keep his intensity down

Eventually Milos will have a shit service game if he falls into that trap
milos thinking..."I'm up 2-1 currently, can we just play a tiebreaker right now instead of playing the rest of the games in the set?"
back to work at wall street tomorrow, greedbags missed a day today, so they're dead serious about making up for it tuesday
Nishi still hasn't shown the gall to finish so far tonight, but keep the intensity low
whoever the former pro is calling on the US Open radio, he knows his stuff. Called Milos taking the 4th set off, and doing so now bites him in the ass. Great heart by Nishi.
Surging! Let's goooooooooo. Raonic must be spinning in his own head right now. Wouldn't be surprised to see some df creep into his serve
Seriously, why not go into every point with the mentality of two first serves? Why bother with a 2nd serve?
How much better is Nishikori's backhand compared to Milos'. Absolutely disgusting lol. Nishi is such a baller