UFC 72 - PPV at noon Pacific 6-16-07


You've Got To Bleed For The Dancer
SANCHEZ -200 10/5
RAMIREZ +190 2/3.8
TYSON GRIFFIN -180 3.6/2
MACDONALD -225 11.25/5
FRANKLIN -180 5.4/3
SMITH +125 2/2.5

It is an early start time due to it being in Belfast Ireland...should be a doozy.
Have to disagree with you on the main event. I see Franklin going down. Yushin Okami is a fukin beast. After the first round of the fight vs Mike Swick, Swick told his corner that Okami was a lot stronger than he looks. When a guy says that during the fight, you know he's beat. And there is nothing I would love to see more than to watch "Ace" get his teeth pounded in again. For this fight, I am going with the value pick.

I like the McDonald pick.
I am going to disagree with the Okami is a beast. If Okami is/was a beast then he would have finished a mentally defeated fighter in Swick. If that was Franklin fighting Swick, Swick would have gotten hurt badly. I watched a few other of his fights, not UFC fights as I have seen all of those, and Okami would not put the guys away. He left them in the game too long. Okami wont be able to push the pace because Franklin is a cardio machine. Okami wont be able to out muscle Franklin. Okami wont be able to out strike Franklin. Okami has better takedowns, not that Franklin tries to take people down though. Franklin's TD defense is good enough to stuff Okami. TKO for Franklin in the late 2nd.

The MaDonald fight is, if you can say it, the easiest on the board to pick IMO. Singer is a freaking pansy. If MacDonald does submit Singer this will be one long boring fight. UD for MacDonald.

I also like Smith to knock out Ed Herman. Herman is a little overrated/overvalued due to his team he trains w/. And his conditioning has been a liability. I hate Herman too. He is a punk.

Those are the 3 I will be playing. I like Tyson, but Guida is no slouch. I dont know enough about him to wager against him.

And the Forrest fight I would not be surprised to see Hector win. But if I had to choose, I would take Forrest. It will be a no play. Forrset was just living the life and didnt take Jardine totally serious and he got caught on the chin. It happens. I am not ready to throw Forrest under the bus quite yet.
The more I analyze it the more I think Forrest will win tonight also. UFC needs him to win. If he loses, you won't be seeing him for awhile. He took the Jardine fight lightly. He won't take today's fight the same way. Good luck today bro, sorry we disagree on a couple of them.
No such thing as what UFC needs o doesn't need..this ain't boxing where the fixes are totally in.
Tons of upsets lately...SERRA, ST. PIERRE, JACKSON, COTURE to name a few....value in the UFC is at an all-time high for players...either way should be solid card and I hope for a few quick fights so we can get some of the prelims on TV.

Good luck to us all!
O.K. just got home from watching them.

The UFC has had some major upsets lately. But unlike other sports, if you bet the underdog on a consistant basis in mma you will lose. The favorites win the majority of the time. The UFC does have the "we need this guy to win" mantra. Why did Cro Cop fight get put back on their feet so quickly? Dana also was pulling heavily for Liddell in the Rampage fight. But indeed, the UFC just moves on without missing a beat these days.

The fights:

Ed Hermin v Scott Smith

I had picked Smith to beat Herman via KO due to the way Herman had performed the past 3-4 fights. He has been out of shape and unaggressive. This fight was TOTALLY different than the previous. He looked good, pushed the action, in Smith's face the entire time. He went at Smith the entire 1st round. Doing a lot of damage. Really messed Smith's nose up with a hard elbow. Give Smith credit, he never flinched one time. He was a hard ass tonight! Second round was the same. Herman came full force and finally got the TKO. If Herman looks like this again, he will do sme damage. He finally looks like the fighter he was built up to be.

Tyson Griffin v Clay Guida

The was a prefight report that this could possibly be the fight of the year. It lived up to that. Striking, take downs, jiu jitsu, submissions, submissions defense, everything. It was a very, very close fight. Should Griffin have won? Yes! Should Guida have won? Yes! It should have been a draw! One round to Griffin, one round to Giuda going into the 3rd. Griffin won the 1st 3 minutes of round 3 and Guida won the last 2 minutes of the 3rd round. I had no idea who they were going to announce as the winner. Winner? Griffin. Watch out for both of these guys. More so, IMO, Griffin. He has some sick jiu jitsu, BJ Penn shit.

Jason MacDonald v Rory Singer

When a fighter comes into a fight off a nasty beating like Jason is from the hands of Rich Fraklin, you always wonder how they are going to perform. I picked this fight as the "easiest" on the board. The 1st round I was nervous. I though Singer was going to finish MacDonald. We were talking that MacDonald came into this fight not the same. First rounf easily to Singer. Second round was totally different. Jason pushed the pace and absolutely dominated Singer, as I expected, and got a referee stopage. Keep an eye on MacDonald as I think he will be a measuring stick of contender or joe-smo fighter.

Forrest Griffin v Hector Ramirez

Just as MacDonald, how was Griffin going to come back from a KO? He use to come out of his dressing room smiling, high 5ing on his way to the octagon. Not this fight! He came out and actually pushed fans away on his way to the fight. He dominated the entire 15 minutes. I would not have been surprised at a Ramirez win, earlier today, but once the fight started, Ramirez wasnted nothing to do with Griffin. He would not engage, throw combinations, look for takedowns, NADA. Griffin was easily the victor.

Rich Franklin v Yushin Okami

I stated earlier how BIG Franklin was. I stated that Okami was also a BIG middle weight. I am telling you something, Okami is a fucking MONSTER. Holy shit is this Japanesse fighter huge?!?! I say that because most Asian fighters are small. He walked up to Franklin for referee instructions and he was much bigger than Franklin. I began to get nervous. The fight started and Okami wanted nothing to do with Rich. I wished now I would have countd how many punches he threw this fight becaue I probably could have used my fingers and toes for all of them. Franklin chased him the entire time. And what I was nervosu about, the takedowns of Okami, he never tried. Franklin won the 1st round. The 2nd round was the same. Booing from the crowd, which I think is ignorant and stupid, reigned down. Okami refused to exchange with Rich. For his size I was disappointed with him. The 3rd round came and just like round 1 and round 2 where they went to touch gloves, Rich went to touch gloves and Okami, piece of shit, threw a haymaker while Franklin was being respectful. Rich wagged his finger at him saying that is BS. This pissed Franklin off, you could tell, and he pressed the action again when he didnt have to. This put him in a position half way through the round to get taken down and did. Okami sink in a kimura with about 2 minutes left and I chlked it up as a loss, setback and a learning lesson for Franklin. But Franklin kept moving, rolling, putting himself in a position to relieve the pressure from the shoulder. It was a pretty nice effort on Franklin's part to get out of that. The fight was a solid 2-1 Franklin.

This was a very good fight card outside of name recognition. The fights were solid, the action was good, and I MADE SOME GOOD MONEY.

Any thoughts?
4-2 +11
to add to my last 3-0 +15 Tues...I'd say EN FUEGO!

Herman looks to be the badass he told us he was...Ramierez didn't look like he wanted to be there...Franklin almost gets armbarred...Griffin/Guida a studly floor match...pretty solid fights...and a good night.
mutosu - nice summary of the fights. i agree with most of what you said.

ed herman looked fantastic. i can't wait to see if he brings that type of pace and toughness to his next couple fights. he's a fun fighter to watch imo.

i really enjoyed the griffin/guida fight just like everyone else who watched. boy was that entertaining. don't you wish all fights were that fast and fun to watch! close call on the decision though as i would have given the fight to guida based on the final minutes of the 3rd round.

i wasn't too impressed with the macdonald/singer fight. i didn't really expect singer to even have a chance. i'm glad the fight only made a little into the 2nd round.

forrest looked sharp and on his mark the whole fight. he dominated from start to finish. ramirez looked like ass and really took a beating from all those leg kicks.

franklin looked very good. definately focused and ready for his shot at the belt. okami looked timid and didn't want to engage at all. he was backing up from rich the entire fight. i thought it was quite a boring fight until that 3rd round. wow! rich do a fantastic job on getting out of that kimura. i was certainly worried that he was going to blow the fight there, but he got out of the hold and that was all she wrote.

liquid - congrats on the winners! you've been on fire with your ufc picks! keep it up! i can't wait until the next fights! :cheers: