UFC 170

Massive effort by Rory after getting down big in round 1. Unbiased opinion here as I'm pretty indifferent to him as a fighter but he showed a lot tonight.
ya if Maia threw anything during that minute or so it would have been close I think

but he did nothing, and then the 4 or 5 failed takedowns just look bad
Love Cormier. He's made me so much $$$. More than any other fighter in the past couple years. Can't lay this number tonight though.
Cummins is a gym rat anyway. But it's a little different fighting on HD Net to fighting absolute world class opposition.
LOL joe. I think Cormier looked pretty fucking good destroying Barnett in Strikeforce. I don't think you would put Cummins in the same universe.
Cormier is a star, absolutely love him. The best is his grandpa ankle socks he wears when he comes out for Cain's corner.