Tuesday Discussion Thread

I’m too sleepy to get after it tonight. Theresa has a surgery scheduled for morning, nothing major they just have to switch out the tubes they have in her. Anyways I’ll be sitting around hospital all morning so I’ll prob try to get most my card in then. Anything I’m on e up way before game times I don’t think it a very long procedure, maybe little longer this time cause she told them last time it hurt so they had to knock her out! Lol.
Morning everyone. Rough night Theresa kept waking up cause obviously she little nervous bout surgery. Fun conversations when your wife telling you she doesn’t want to die and leave me alone! We had good talks tho and snuggled some, been awhile since she basically been in bed the last month cause that new med made her so sick, luckily those effects finally seem to be wearing off, I mean we will be back to having to manage her pain but I’m pretty good at that being the “street pharmacist” I’ve always considered myself w access to all the good legal shit they give her I can get her pain level to where she can get up, out, and do things for few hours :) I just told her I wanted us to have a great fall together like we have so many others, she started a different kind of treatment after this surgery, I told her if that made her sick we would just stop with all the bull shit and enjoy rest the time we have together, but she handled chemo super well, hardly made her sick at all, maybe like for a day or 2 after she got treatment she rest been then she be fine so there a good chance this “her 2” or whatever they gonna try now doesn’t give her the awful side effects. If they do like I said we just stop doing anything and just enjoy time we got. Anyways emotional ass not enough sleep night!!

So after my 1st alarm went off I ate a weed gummy, pretty much had to , that made it really hard to get up when 2nd alarm went off!!! Now that I got up and moving and a addy in the mix starting to feel
A1!! Gotta get her up and ready now. This a super quick surgery but think it be little longer since she making them put her under, either way I’ll prob start posting thoughts while she under the knife, or if we done and back home by 12 then I’ll just get her comfy then cap the games! Either way money never sleeps, or takes time off from life shit; we find something on this card to get after!!

@bulldogs you have to step up and give me shit to work with!! You been doing great but now I think we lost @peelpub94 as he said he wrapping his season up last night so I need you to give me more post like the one on Manaea and your thoughts on other games! Just hope you don’t get offended if/when I go to work and find diffeeeing stuff, it happens to myself all the time my initial thought turns out looking shitty when I dig! It doesn’t matter it all bout getting the process started and coming up w the bets that give us the best chance to make some money! Hope all that made sense, I’m tired and high, I wanna see some stuff posted tho when I’m come back here while she in surgery!!

Let’s kick this days ass fellas
Morning everyone. Rough night Theresa kept waking up cause obviously she little nervous bout surgery. Fun conversations when your wife telling you she doesn’t want to die and leave me alone! We had good talks tho and snuggled some, been awhile since she basically been in bed the last month cause that new med made her so sick, luckily those effects finally seem to be wearing off, I mean we will be back to having to manage her pain but I’m pretty good at that being the “street pharmacist” I’ve always considered myself w access to all the good legal shit they give her I can get her pain level to where she can get up, out, and do things for few hours :) I just told her I wanted us to have a great fall together like we have so many others, she started a different kind of treatment after this surgery, I told her if that made her sick we would just stop with all the bull shit and enjoy rest the time we have together, but she handled chemo super well, hardly made her sick at all, maybe like for a day or 2 after she got treatment she rest been then she be fine so there a good chance this “her 2” or whatever they gonna try now doesn’t give her the awful side effects. If they do like I said we just stop doing anything and just enjoy time we got. Anyways emotional ass not enough sleep night!!

So after my 1st alarm went off I ate a weed gummy, pretty much had to , that made it really hard to get up when 2nd alarm went off!!! Now that I got up and moving and a addy in the mix starting to feel
A1!! Gotta get her up and ready now. This a super quick surgery but think it be little longer since she making them put her under, either way I’ll prob start posting thoughts while she under the knife, or if we done and back home by 12 then I’ll just get her comfy then cap the games! Either way money never sleeps, or takes time off from life shit; we find something on this card to get after!!

@bulldogs you have to step up and give me shit to work with!! You been doing great but now I think we lost @peelpub94 as he said he wrapping his season up last night so I need you to give me more post like the one on Manaea and your thoughts on other games! Just hope you don’t get offended if/when I go to work and find diffeeeing stuff, it happens to myself all the time my initial thought turns out looking shitty when I dig! It doesn’t matter it all bout getting the process started and coming up w the bets that give us the best chance to make some money! Hope all that made sense, I’m tired and high, I wanna see some stuff posted tho when I’m come back here while she in surgery!!

Let’s kick this days ass fellas
Best of luck to your wife my friend, hope all goes well.
Best of luck to your wife my friend, hope all goes well.

Thanks brother, should be fine it not a huge thing just replacing a tube already there. Hardest thing gonna be getting her there in time I let her sleep little late like a dummy and now it time to go and she bull shitting! And I’m all high and rather post than get her moving! Lol. She says she didn’t need help
Still awake but finally laying down for the night for a couple hours before Champion's League fires up in 3 hours. Hoping to wake up for the party. 9:45 first couple games and get 3 days of it this week!

All the best today with the health stuff bruv. Be thinking of ya even if eyes are shut
Morning everyone. Rough night Theresa kept waking up cause obviously she little nervous bout surgery. Fun conversations when your wife telling you she doesn’t want to die and leave me alone! We had good talks tho and snuggled some, been awhile since she basically been in bed the last month cause that new med made her so sick, luckily those effects finally seem to be wearing off, I mean we will be back to having to manage her pain but I’m pretty good at that being the “street pharmacist” I’ve always considered myself w access to all the good legal shit they give her I can get her pain level to where she can get up, out, and do things for few hours :) I just told her I wanted us to have a great fall together like we have so many others, she started a different kind of treatment after this surgery, I told her if that made her sick we would just stop with all the bull shit and enjoy rest the time we have together, but she handled chemo super well, hardly made her sick at all, maybe like for a day or 2 after she got treatment she rest been then she be fine so there a good chance this “her 2” or whatever they gonna try now doesn’t give her the awful side effects. If they do like I said we just stop doing anything and just enjoy time we got. Anyways emotional ass not enough sleep night!!

So after my 1st alarm went off I ate a weed gummy, pretty much had to , that made it really hard to get up when 2nd alarm went off!!! Now that I got up and moving and a addy in the mix starting to feel
A1!! Gotta get her up and ready now. This a super quick surgery but think it be little longer since she making them put her under, either way I’ll prob start posting thoughts while she under the knife, or if we done and back home by 12 then I’ll just get her comfy then cap the games! Either way money never sleeps, or takes time off from life shit; we find something on this card to get after!!

@bulldogs you have to step up and give me shit to work with!! You been doing great but now I think we lost @peelpub94 as he said he wrapping his season up last night so I need you to give me more post like the one on Manaea and your thoughts on other games! Just hope you don’t get offended if/when I go to work and find diffeeeing stuff, it happens to myself all the time my initial thought turns out looking shitty when I dig! It doesn’t matter it all bout getting the process started and coming up w the bets that give us the best chance to make some money! Hope all that made sense, I’m tired and high, I wanna see some stuff posted tho when I’m come back here while she in surgery!!

Let’s kick this days ass fellas
Hope all goes as planned today at hospital. Games can wait, take care of that girl. Sounds like she is going thru hell!
Still awake but finally laying down for the night for a couple hours before Champion's League fires up in 3 hours. Hoping to wake up for the party. 9:45 first couple games and get 3 days of it this week!

All the best today with the health stuff bruv. Be thinking of ya even if eyes are shut
How is your soccer plays?
Hope all goes as planned today at hospital. Games can wait, take care of that girl. Sounds like she is going thru hell!

Yea bro she a tough bitch, I knew she was tough but I woulda said fuck all this way before now if I was her! I’m a bitch when it comes to like being sick w flu, there no way I could be sick like she been. The pain I can deal but sick, no thanks!

I ain’t got shit to do for next 2 hours but sit in a room and wait for her we might as well cap some games my dude, I’m super high off the weed gummy I ate so it prob take me little longer but I usually see shit pretty well on this level! Let’s get after it, what you looking at?
I didn’t bring my notebook so I might end up writing some nonsense in here, nobody run out and make the damn play yet I just have to put it down somewhere or I’ll forget when I go to bet and my notebook ain’t w me! Can’t believe I forget that!
Interesting giants are favs. I know snell can be untouchable but not like o’s hitting any pitchers so honestly I expect bout same output vs snell as most pitchers. Where they think giants runs gonna come from? Im not the biggest Suarez fan most ya’ll know that but he more than quality rhp enough to hold San Fran down. Maybe their offense gets a little boost out east but in not exactly ball flying out weather in balty today. I feel like this out total on the low side but let’s not go crazy and go betting it yet. Think this also has some potential for 1st 3 or Ff unders.
Interesting giants are favs. I know snell can be untouchable but not like o’s hitting any pitchers so honestly I expect bout same output vs snell as most pitchers. Where they think giants runs gonna come from? Im not the biggest Suarez fan most ya’ll know that but he more than quality rhp enough to hold San Fran down. Maybe their offense gets a little boost out east but in not exactly ball flying out weather in balty today. I feel like this out total on the low side but let’s not go crazy and go betting it yet. Think this also has some potential for 1st 3 or Ff unders.

The 1st 3 u1.5 is freaking +140, man I can see that hitting. U2.5 is still less juice than the Ff u4.5 is! I got news for ya if they score 3+ thru 3 then the Ff has an incredibly high chance of going over.
Damn, I was kinda hoping maybe they offer some kinda deal on Gavin Williams k’s, no such luck. Even tho I like some the swing and miss in twins lineup just don’t think we can lay -160 for this mfer to get 6. How they say that shit in hunger games “the odds are not in our favor”. I don’t have much feel for this series overall. Twins lax players who take off days all the time and their idiot manager annoy me, I kinda hope cle just helps bury these losers, they be an easy fade in playoffs tho! They really shouldn’t even make it but I’d be happy to fade these clowns., just not paying that for Williams k’s. Maybe there a way to play cle they not very expensive? I dunno this matchup bores me I’ll maybe come back to it.
Maybe Bobby miller getting plus money worth a shit to fan 6 in Miami? I dunno you really can’t trust shit down there, he could be just leaving the club or still getting his cock sucked, and it not like he been good, he could easily get knocked around. I guess this some kind of dog shit opener for fish? I don’t see shit here. I’d imagine there’s prob a bunch of runs. Dodgers had to tax their pen in atl, surely la will hit wherever crap fish put on the mound here, this ain’t like a tigers opener: if you wanted to bet this over in some fashion that really seems like only thing that makes sense, i doubt I get involved.
Maybe Bobby miller getting plus money worth a shit to fan 6 in Miami? I dunno you really can’t trust shit down there, he could be just leaving the club or still getting his cock sucked, and it not like he been good, he could easily get knocked around. I guess this some kind of dog shit opener for fish? I don’t see shit here. I’d imagine there’s prob a bunch of runs. Dodgers had to tax their pen in atl, surely la will hit wherever crap fish put on the mound here, this ain’t like a tigers opener: if you wanted to bet this over in some fashion that really seems like only thing that makes sense, i doubt I get involved.

Dodgers could really use Bobby miller to show he can actually pitch and eat some innings here, I just don’t know that he trustworthy to do it. I’m assume they have some kind of long man in mind if this little prick can’t got 5-6 innings. 9.5 kinda says it all, prob shouldn’t trust him w any money you like and I like all money. I could def be convinced on over but if it left up to me I prob just pass and then by the 4th inning thinking how dumb it was not to play this over!! lol
Ragans k and walks over looks good. last 3 starts had 7k, 7k, 10k. two starts vs det 11.2 inns he has 18 k and 7 walks

You gotta keep in mind this ain’t the same tigers team as when they were picking on them earlier in year. Thst why I stayed away from kc yesterday, just back home and tigers got some voodoo mojo shit going. I will say looking at their lineups lately I’d guess they more vulnerable to lhp, have to look into that, maybe @B.A.R. knows? I’m just making a guess based off the lineups I’ve seen lately vs rhp, I don’t recall last lhp they faced have to look it up and see what lineup looks like vs lefties. Also remember it orettt unlikely they offering any kind of deal on a kid like Ragans at this point cause he pretty well known now.
I had to come outside and get some smoke in my lungs, it hard for me to see real well capping on phone outside. I’m gonna take few more puffs off this black and mild then I’m going in and gonna jump to the tigers/kc game., Look for other stuff you see while I’m doing that :) pretty please
You gotta keep in mind this ain’t the same tigers team as when they were picking on them earlier in year. Thst why I stayed away from kc yesterday, just back home and tigers got some voodoo mojo shit going. I will say looking at their lineups lately I’d guess they more vulnerable to lhp, have to look into that, maybe @B.A.R. knows? I’m just making a guess based off the lineups I’ve seen lately vs rhp, I don’t recall last lhp they faced have to look it up and see what lineup looks like vs lefties. Also remember it orettt unlikely they offering any kind of deal on a kid like Ragans at this point cause he pretty well known now.
Tigers are just humming right now.

Some of this isn't cappable (is this a word?).

Mize tonight? Always scary as he'll give up some...

Last night, after the slam, I figured donezo yet this team just keeps fighting !
Tigers are just humming right now.

Some of this isn't cappable (is this a word?).

Mize tonight? Always scary as he'll give up some...

Last night, after the slam, I figured donezo yet this team just keeps fighting !

Yea they sick w it, I mean after all I been telling them up since right before asb when you posted that crazy ass stat how good they were if the offense just scored 3 runs! What do you think of lineup vs lhp? Most their lineups I’ve seen lately been pretty heavy lefty as most the guys doing damage? I need to find what their last lineup looked like vs a lefty cause I can’t think of one: My guess is they hit rhp better but I’m bout to look shit up., I told you if they didn’t trade pitchers away they could take a playoff spot!

They have made up for Flaherty piecing together all these pen games, the manager seems really good at it and they have good arms coming in, dunno how long they can sustain that? Wasn’t mize originally listed for last night? Thought I saw him early on then he came off board, top my head def would think kc can score a few but if he can give them 5+ innings I’m sure it be a big help even if he gives up 3-4, 3 of his last 4 he has went 5+, he has given up some runs to not great teams but that to be expected, think the inning the more important thing since Olson didn’t even give them 3. Mize is generally pretty good bout not walking a bunch, that goes a long way in my book for a guy to be able to eat some innings!! His 15.5 out total at plus money ain’t the craziest thing! He took a beating in kc way back in May but he also had a 5 innings decent start vs them before that. My concern is the early innings for Mize, this year he has some super inflated early inning numbers but if he can get thru the early going there a good chance he could pitch 5 minimum, it feels kinda like a coin flip if he could go back out for 6th but it is plus money, I don’t mind plus money coin flips and I think kc is more right handed now in their lineup than they were early in year so that should help him.

Way I see it we go one of 2 ways, they have Kc 1st 3 ov 1.5 +130, or we trust he doesn’t struggle early (with that plus on the 1.5 I feel as if they kinda seeing it that way also, it not like anyone is jumping on that under!! lol), if he gets thru 3 and Kc has less than 2 I think he pitches into the 5th and goes over the 15.5., when you look at what going on w Kc it isn’t less crazy than tigers, they have all these off cast players they picked up hitting for them, Pham leading off! Dejung playing 3rd where he never played, he is hitting bombs but these not guys who gonna make mize throw a ton of pitches imo.

Ragans actually has better numbers across the board vs righties than lefties so tigers might be ok leaving lot their lefties in but I dunno how any them him lefty on lefty? Another thing ragans has been a straight beast the 1st time thru lineups but he still young and hasn’t really learned the art or pitching and setting guys up for later at bats. I looked up to make sure but I know there been more than 1x I had a play on ragans and he is way ahead of schedule for the 1st few innings, I’m practically counting my money as he fans 5 or so the 1st 9! Then the lineup flips and dudes start getting to him a bit, next thing I know if I’m paying attention I’m doing a lot of cussing and begging for this mfer to get the last k he needs to cash!! lol. This isn’t real expensive to play the 1st 3 innings u2.5 runs. We could go for the u1.5 at the plus money but that feels little more like coin flip, I don’t think mize will give up 2 in 1st 3 innings but he certainly could. Once we get to 5 innings lines I think kc is absolutely overpriced but not sure I want to be involved, I’d have loved if we coulda got +1.5 for 5 innings for like -160 but -200 a tad steep, think I rather roll dice on Mize going 5.1 innings!
Told you guys without my notebook you were gonna get a bunch my inner mind workings! I have to have this stuff jotted down or it be wasting my time so I’m just using forum as my notebook! Lol
Not in love with this card. I am liking woo under 1.5 walks and over 16.5 outs

I havnt got to woo yet but 1st glance I knew is be trying to find ways to play him, if the numbers agree of course. I’m with ya when I glanced last night I said same thing it wasn’t an incredibly appealing card. That just means we gotta do little extra work to yank a few winners out this junk!!

What you think bout the doyers in Miami. How you see that going??
Fucj I thought we be home by now they took forever to come get her. Now I want some food and want to go outside but feel like she should be back soon!! Ugh
Im not sure this arsonal A’s pitcher Spence throws is gonna work out real well vs scrubbies and their super hot bats! Lot of guys crush the cutter which he throws a lot! Lot of guys tag most his pitches and he really struggles w guys from left side! Happ h,r,rbi prop is super cheap given the matchup and all the cubs hitting!
Cubs over 1.5 1st 3 innings is +124, that is for sure worth a play, can always back it up with Ff ov 2.5 -110 but dunno need it. I havnt looked at A’s side vs Wicks maybe there some other things we can do here!! We for sure making some kinda play on this game tho!
She made me go get her a mcchicien soon as she came back to room so guess she feeling ok!! We both ready to leave tho! Didnt think we be here this long. Left my glasses in car and think or hope they discharging her soon. Still need time at home to finish card and go across river, plus gotta get her home comfy and take care of puppy before I do that shit!! Never enough time! Lol
One my non very talented gambling friends text me and said the Mets game was gonna fly over cause both teams due to score and the pitchers suck. Lol. Do what you will with that., I told him I didn’t trust Mets offense without Lindor and was way more confident cubs scoring runs, he said “fuck them”. Lol
We back home I’m trying to put card together now, soon as I get my ass across the river and get plays in I’ll post up. Still need to look at Woo before I go. @bulldogs you come up with anything else that caught your eye? You havnt answered me bout dodgers game, doesn’t that just feel like runs? I know you and @peelpub94 been all over this over in Miami thing and it has seemed to keep playing out that way. This screams some kind of over. I kinda like the both teams to score a run 1st 3 inning prop at +140 then the Ff over either 4.5 w juice or 5.5 at plus?
Draft kings has mize props off the board, @B.A.R. Sorry to bug ya but you know if he still starting tonight or tigers pulling another magic trick? Could be someone just put a bet down and they took him off the board to adjust but with tigers it usually cause they change starters more often then I change my boxers! lol
Draft kings has mize props off the board, @B.A.R. Sorry to bug ya but you know if he still starting tonight or tigers pulling another magic trick? Could be someone just put a bet down and they took him off the board to adjust but with tigers it usually cause they change starters more often then I change my boxers! lol
I'll check!
I'll check!

He still in. Some prick did hit his prices. Fuckinh ov 15.5 outs is now damn -120!! It better not been any you guys! lol. Actually hope someone I like got the price but I think that move telling so even tho pisses me off we lost the plus money I am very close to playing his over 5.1 innings. Also like the 1st 3 under
He still in. Some prick did hit his prices. Fuckinh ov 15.5 outs is now damn -120!! It better not been any you guys! lol. Actually hope someone I like got the price but I think that move telling so even tho pisses me off we lost the plus money I am very close to playing his over 5.1 innings. Also like the 1st 3 under
We back home I’m trying to put card together now, soon as I get my ass across the river and get plays in I’ll post up. Still need to look at Woo before I go. @bulldogs you come up with anything else that caught your eye? You havnt answered me bout dodgers game, doesn’t that just feel like runs? I know you and @peelpub94 been all over this over in Miami thing and it has seemed to keep playing out that way. This screams some kind of over. I kinda like the both teams to score a run 1st 3 inning prop at +140 then the Ff over either 4.5 w juice or 5.5 at plus?
Yep, this is an over candidate for sure. Miami home overs still hitting at 72%.

Yea they sick w it, I mean after all I been telling them up since right before asb when you posted that crazy ass stat how good they were if the offense just scored 3 runs! What do you think of lineup vs lhp? Most their lineups I’ve seen lately been pretty heavy lefty as most the guys doing damage? I need to find what their last lineup looked like vs a lefty cause I can’t think of one: My guess is they hit rhp better but I’m bout to look shit up., I told you if they didn’t trade pitchers away they could take a playoff spot!

They have made up for Flaherty piecing together all these pen games, the manager seems really good at it and they have good arms coming in, dunno how long they can sustain that? Wasn’t mize originally listed for last night? Thought I saw him early on then he came off board, top my head def would think kc can score a few but if he can give them 5+ innings I’m sure it be a big help even if he gives up 3-4, 3 of his last 4 he has went 5+, he has given up some runs to not great teams but that to be expected, think the inning the more important thing since Olson didn’t even give them 3. Mize is generally pretty good bout not walking a bunch, that goes a long way in my book for a guy to be able to eat some innings!! His 15.5 out total at plus money ain’t the craziest thing! He took a beating in kc way back in May but he also had a 5 innings decent start vs them before that. My concern is the early innings for Mize, this year he has some super inflated early inning numbers but if he can get thru the early going there a good chance he could pitch 5 minimum, it feels kinda like a coin flip if he could go back out for 6th but it is plus money, I don’t mind plus money coin flips and I think kc is more right handed now in their lineup than they were early in year so that should help him.

Way I see it we go one of 2 ways, they have Kc 1st 3 ov 1.5 +130, or we trust he doesn’t struggle early (with that plus on the 1.5 I feel as if they kinda seeing it that way also, it not like anyone is jumping on that under!! lol), if he gets thru 3 and Kc has less than 2 I think he pitches into the 5th and goes over the 15.5., when you look at what going on w Kc it isn’t less crazy than tigers, they have all these off cast players they picked up hitting for them, Pham leading off! Dejung playing 3rd where he never played, he is hitting bombs but these not guys who gonna make mize throw a ton of pitches imo.

Ragans actually has better numbers across the board vs righties than lefties so tigers might be ok leaving lot their lefties in but I dunno how any them him lefty on lefty? Another thing ragans has been a straight beast the 1st time thru lineups but he still young and hasn’t really learned the art or pitching and setting guys up for later at bats. I looked up to make sure but I know there been more than 1x I had a play on ragans and he is way ahead of schedule for the 1st few innings, I’m practically counting my money as he fans 5 or so the 1st 9! Then the lineup flips and dudes start getting to him a bit, next thing I know if I’m paying attention I’m doing a lot of cussing and begging for this mfer to get the last k he needs to cash!! lol. This isn’t real expensive to play the 1st 3 innings u2.5 runs. We could go for the u1.5 at the plus money but that feels little more like coin flip, I don’t think mize will give up 2 in 1st 3 innings but he certainly could. Once we get to 5 innings lines I think kc is absolutely overpriced but not sure I want to be involved, I’d have loved if we coulda got +1.5 for 5 innings for like -160 but -200 a tad steep, think I rather roll dice on Mize going 5.1 innings!
Appreciate these thoughts.

I do feel Mize is slowly gaining confidence. This has been a long road for him.


3 of the last 4 he wins this bet.

Let's break it down into since he came back though -- 2 of 3 win the bet.

The Rockies game...

Tigers led 6-0 quickly. He gave up a solo HR.

Big lead still in the 5th, 2 on two out and he gives up consecutive scoring hits.

He was pretty close there too.

At first glance I was not a fan of this. Starting to look a bit deeper and I can see why you were intrigued right off the bat at + money.
The snakes really need to win this game don’t they? I don’t know standing but feel like they can’t afford to be handing games over to the rox. Half tempted to be a total square here and just play them -1.5, actually super cheap price considering, prefer triad teams and higher scoring games if I do this, this kinda feels like a spot to do it, although I have no clue how Montgomery has been at coors in his career, kinda just feel like it don’t matter. Snakes will out slug them and in the pen in later innings and take this game. They should anyways. I guess the responsible thing to to would be look at Montgomery real quick but time not on my side ! Nodoby else doing much work for some reason? Am I the only one who wants this money! ?!?!,
Appreciate these thoughts.

I do feel Mize is slowly gaining confidence. This has been a long road for him.

View attachment 88442

3 of the last 4 he wins this bet.

Let's break it down into since he came back though -- 2 of 3 win the bet.

The Rockies game...

Tigers led 6-0 quickly. He gave up a solo HR.

Big lead still in the 5th, 2 on two out and he gives up consecutive scoring hits.

He was pretty close there too.

At first glance I was not a fan of this. Starting to look a bit deeper and I can see why you were intrigued right off the bat at + money.

Good stuff buddy. Sometimes ya gotta get way outside the box to find what I be seeing! Lol. Sometimes I might go too far off the deep end! I think there something here tho and I really think it fair to say lot of the guys who been helping kc offense ain’t guys he can’t get out, they guys on a good day I could get out! They just having some nice moments. Those don’t last forever like tigers not being able to hit a beach ball for the 1st 2-3 months couldn’t last forever. Even at -120 I still really wanna play him, I am super pissed I lost the +110 tho! Stupid life shit always getting in the way, I shoulda been like “can’t you put the surgery off baby, we have bets to make”! Lol
If we don’t play mize out total I think we should def consider the 1st 3 inning under in kc. After that anything goes, I think tigers could get to ragans or at least get his pitch count up but I think it will take them till the 4th or 5th, he generally unhittable the 1st time around
Freaking Montgomery has never pitched at Coors? Ain’t that a bitch. That what I get for taking the time to look! lol. Ok fellas I’m off I have to make some stops to get things as I cross river but I’ll have card posted here in next hour or so. By 5 I promise
Freaking Montgomery has never pitched at Coors? Ain’t that a bitch. That what I get for taking the time to look! lol. Ok fellas I’m off I have to make some stops to get things as I cross river but I’ll have card posted here in next hour or so. By 5 I promise
Montgomery has been in the pen the last 2-3 weeks, thrown a couple longer relief outings but Torey said he thinks he's still stretched out enough to start. Guessing 6 innings would be more a surprising gift and absolute ceiling.
We back home I’m trying to put card together now, soon as I get my ass across the river and get plays in I’ll post up. Still need to look at Woo before I go. @bulldogs you come up with anything else that caught your eye? You havnt answered me bout dodgers game, doesn’t that just feel like runs? I know you and @peelpub94 been all over this over in Miami thing and it has seemed to keep playing out that way. This screams some kind of over. I kinda like the both teams to score a run 1st 3 inning prop at +140 then the Ff over either 4.5 w juice or 5.5 at plus?
yes on runs. miller blows as does marlins pitching. lad spanked the ball yesterday
The snakes really need to win this game don’t they? I don’t know standing but feel like they can’t afford to be handing games over to the rox. Half tempted to be a total square here and just play them -1.5, actually super cheap price considering, prefer triad teams and higher scoring games if I do this, this kinda feels like a spot to do it, although I have no clue how Montgomery has been at coors in his career, kinda just feel like it don’t matter. Snakes will out slug them and in the pen in later innings and take this game. They should anyways. I guess the responsible thing to to would be look at Montgomery real quick but time not on my side ! Nodoby else doing much work for some reason? Am I the only one who wants this money! ?!?!,
zona got shutout for 8 inns last night.