Tuesday Discussion Thread

Good morning!

Fucjing gilbert and reds only getting 2 off fedde cost me a fucjing monster night. Still smashed the k’s and nats,stros and pirates FF’s. Braves turning into auto k fade! Didnt even know the dude who got them tonight, just that he was mid 8k’s psr 9 and only a 4.5, got them easy!

King did his thing!

Cant believe Kirby got smashed by tigers, honestly I didn’t even cap, not sure if it change anything but for the amount I bet woulda been wise to take the time!!!! lol

Anyways, Shoulda been another day if you played the right digs and overs did the most you did well. I know I learned from that guy to always wait fo end to tell book how much I bet on each!! We made jokes but turnes out this strategy makes
Winning a breeze!!!
Lmao. You swimming in the kiddie pool? I’m fine with the different sexual orientations bro but they gotta be of age!! I’m getting a Kevin spacey vibe! Lol
Uh? Fred Savage's little brother is like ten years older than I am...
Fucjing gilbert and reds only getting 2 off fedde cost me a fucjing monster night. Still smashed the k’s and nats,stros and pirates FF’s. Braves turning into auto k fade! Didnt even know the dude who got them tonight, just that he was mid 8k’s psr 9 and only a 4.5, got them easy!

King did his thing!

Cant believe Kirby got smashed by tigers, honestly I didn’t even cap, not sure if it change anything but for the amount I bet woulda been wise to take the time!!!! lol

Anyways, Shoulda been another day if you played the right digs and overs did the most you did well. I know I learned from that guy to always wait fo end to tell book how much I bet on each!! We made jokes but turnes out this strategy makes
Winning a breeze!!!
I'm still waking up lol

Still on Pairs time
I can vaguely talk French, how does some random chick that needs to talk in the middle of the night not understand that shit? Massaging a language seems like the easiest massage you'll ever have in life.