Tuesday bases


Pretty much a regular
Had another good night, 2-0 and plus 2 k, jeah. Cancellation on the Reds bet. I thought about this today at work, don't know why. I am like Jim Carey in that movie Me, Myself, and Irene, I was lmao at that, cuz I have that kind of somewhat. He has the split personality in that, except his isn't caused by alcoholism like mine is. Yeah there is sober me, and then there is Tuck when I'm drunk all the time, two different people. The sober me folds under pressure, ha. Fuck 5 dimes barely knows Tuck, but they are getting him now, and probably not liking it. They are probably like what the hell? This guy always loses his ass to us, lol. Well Tuck has control of the ship now, so it's on. Na, na, na, na, na, we're gonna rock you. Anyway onto the picks.

Pittsburgh -106 at Cincy, risking 1060 to win 1000

Cincy is in big trouble here, I may add on to this bet not sure. Leake yeah he's not bad at all, but there is a problem here. Checked the weather and the wind will be blowing out at 10-20 mph, that is not good news for Leake, cuz he gives up a ton of homers, especially at home. Fuck if he pitched all his games at home he would give up over 30 homers on the season, lol. Cole doesn't have that problem he is always good at keeping it in the park. Plus, none of the Reds have seen him yet, so there is that advantage. I mean they can look at video of him, but until you've batted against him, it's not the same. Think Pittsburgh rolls easy here, not even close. Pirates gonna be bombing homers again like last night.

Gonna add some more as I bet em. Wasn't too sure about Atl at Philly or Nats at Marlins. Thought about taking a shot with the Marlins but didn't.
Fuck I kind of forgot about they have to finish that 1st game, oh well hopefully it just takes about an hour, and the next game will start about 7. The wind is supposed to die down later, like after 9 or so. Guess there will still be plenty of opportunity for Leake to pitch in the wind. Unless there is a stalemate that goes on a while in extra innings, hope that doesn't happen.
Ha that was stupid of me to forget about that. Oh well, like I said hopefully it just ends after 9 innings, and Leake gets the wind. That will suck if it drags on, then my big advantage is gone.
Adding another one

St Louis +107 at Brewers, risking 934.58 to win 1000

This is kind of like my last bet. Another pitcher that allows a bunch of homers in his home park in Estrada. Man, he was horrendous at home last year. He gave up 14 homers in just 50 innings at home, lol, that is almost a homer every 3 innings there, ha, that really sucks. Miller is pretty solid normally so figure he will pitch okay. He was good vs the Brewers, guess not quit as good at Miller Park, but not horrible. You know whenever somebody has a big streak broken like the Brewers did last night, it always seems like they lose the next game as well. Ha don't know why that is I guess.
Good deal Robinson and Stauskas declared for the NBA draft, yes!!! That opens it up for my Huskers to win the Big 10 next year in hoops.
Hell I don't know about Mejia for the Mets, can't really bet that one. Arroyo has been pretty terrible so far though. He was pretty solid the last 2 years, but not so far.
Thanks ut, gonna keep raking. Man, I am pretty on fire right now. Not sure if I'm gonna put in a big parlay as well for 100 bucks, may take a stab at it, we'll see. Can't be doing that all the time though, that would be stupid. Once in a while I am gonna put in like a big 10 teamer for 100 bucks, what the hell? It almost paid off in hoops, fucking Purdue haha, I hate those motherfuckers damn it, cost me 64 k. Always gotta bring that up everyday it seems.
The tunnel walk is going, have the Husker spring game on Big 10 network in the background. Bo Pelini has the cat with him.
Tommy Armstrong intercepted, nothing new there, man he blows. Wish we had a damn qb, we could be pretty kick ass if we did. Well with Abdullah, I mean now people can just focus on stopping Abdullah, not hard to stop us, cuz we can't throw worth a shit.
Maybe we should give Ryker Fyfe a shot at qb he looked decent in the spring game. The sophmore out of Grand Island, NE, lol, I'm sure that would go well, haha.
Not really sure about that Rocks at Pads game, was watching video of Erlin for a while. Not sure, guess have to pass on it.
Added another one, I really like this one

LA at San Fran, San Fran team total runs over 3.5, -125, risking 1250 to win 1000

Beckett is washed up, finished. He was terrible last year, and I don't see him getting any better this year. The Giants are smashing pretty good as well offensively, well they have a lot of weaponry there. Can't imagine they get held to 3 runs or less by Beckett's sorry ass. With Lincecum I'm not really sure, so didn't fuck with the side or the total on that. He did fare reasonably well vs LA last year, so who knows, not worried about it, lol. That doesn't matter for my bet, just figured I would say something about him, and why I'm taking the Giants over 3.5 runs.
Oh yeah, and what little wind there is, about close to 10 mph at the start. It is gonna be blowing out to dead center, so that's a help for runs. Beckett really gave up the bombs last year, oh my, did he ever, lol, at Beckett's bumfuck ass, he should retire.
Lincecum tonight I am not sure how he will do, he is a bum too, but he can be effective from time to time at home anyway. Who knows on that, and I don't give a fuck, lol.
Damn Stovall with a big hit coming up from safety, I was like whoa, when he leveled Taylor. Freshman from Bellevue West, then he missed a tackle next play.
Tuck you should road trip up to Canterbury Park in MN this year. It would be nice to come out and see what a real track looks like instead of a dumb ass bull ring. Not to mention we have a lot more than just one hot teller.
Ha, young gun maybe I will, the 5/8 mile oval here, well not anymore they tore that down. It was crazy cuz the Lincoln track there was no stretch run at all. So it was pick the horse that could get the lead and the rail, and throw down, lol, I did have a lot of success with it though. Yeah one hot teller that is it at Lincoln, the black chick, she is pretty dark. I like the dark meat, tasty, like sucking black titties, ha don't know why they get me so fired up.

Adding another, like this one a lot as well, a lot to like tonight this is great.

Tampa at Baltimore -110, risking 1100 to win 1000

This Gomes guy for Tampa really blows, watched the video cuz I wasn't familiar with him really. He threw about 91 on the heater out of the pen, ummm, that heater is gonna be slower starting, probably 88 or so at best. He hasn't ever started, and not even in his lengthy minor league career. At least Gonzalez is a bona fide starter in MLB, well he was solid at least the last 2 years, not spectacular, but solid. Figure this Gomes bum is about to get lit up on the road. That line of -110 is laughable man, ha.
I don't usually ever bet Canterbury, I know when those horses shipped in from there to Lincoln, they were serious threats always for sure. Especially if they could get the lead at Canterbury, cuz then here they would bolt way out in front and not be caught.
Crap, Baltimore game just got called off, so no bet there I guess, good thing I spent all that time on it, lol. There is a lot of weather out on the East coast looks like.
Well a lot of those horses that would ship in from Canterbury would be horses that would get a lead there, and then fall apart in the stretch. Here though they wouldn't.
Fuck the only way you could get anybody up from farther than about 3rd early at the Lincoln track was if the track was heavy. Otherwise good luck coming from 5th to win haha, that was such a bumfuck track I liked it though anyway.
Okay, Pittsburgh got the lead, now let's hurry the fuck up, and get out. Want the wind to still be howling when Leake takes the hill.
Gotta watch some video of Robbie Ross, I vaguely remember him out of the pen from time to time, but it is tough to remember all those relievers.
Fuck I don't know about that fucking guy Ross. I know Beavan is kind of average basically. Better pass on that game.
Fuck I wish I had a 6 pack like Abdullah, lol, just saw that on the spring game on tv. I don't have any pack, it is a big balloon down there ha.
Gotta watch more video now, Erik Johnson for the Chi Sox, don't know him, gonna get to know him here. Don't really know how the hell Peavy warrants a -148 chalk on the road, lol at that. Maybe a while ago, fuck he sucked last year, well average pretty much. It's Chi Sox or nothing for me here. Time to take a look at Johnson.
Gotta lay off the Chi Sox, looks like Johnson has trouble with lefties, and Bosox are stacked with lefties, but I'm not laying the wood with Peavy either. Would take the over, but it is gonna be cold, so no on that.
Miami at Nebraska, prime time at 7, wooo, gonna be there for that one. I hate Miami they always kicked our ass, until that 94 season, the 95 Orange Bowl. We came back and kicked their ass in the 4th quarter, fucking Sapp was getting oxygen on the sideline in that one late, he got worn down by the big Husker white boys, haha. They had Ray Lewis too, fuck how the hell did we win that game, it was even at home for em. Can't fuck with Tom Osborne damn it.
That should be a raucous crowd for that Miami game. I'm gonna be hammered and yelling my ass off for sure. Then the blue hairs around us will yell at me and my brother, down in front, ha. No you get the fuck up, the blackshirts need us, lol.
Adding another one

Toronto at Twins +112, risking 892.86 to win 1000

Morrow should not be laying road chalk anywhere right now. He sucked ass last year, and this year isn't going any better so far. The Twins are swinging the sticks nicely as well early on, scoring a lot of runs. So I'm going with em. Phil Hughes does make me nervous however, but going with Phil anyway. He should be able to do a little better than what he did in his 1st two games. At the White Sox is tough with how they are hitting now, and Oakland at home is no picnic. Toronto may be easier for him, we'll see.
Adding another, this one didn't take long, took about 2 seconds to know I want this, boom, no doubt winner here, even though it is -1.5.

KC -1.5, -102 at Houston, risking 1020 to win 1000

Ventura is awesome, oh man, watched his 1st game and whoa, that guy was unhittable, fucking filthy stuff, gas at about 97 mph or 98, serious heat, man you could maybe ride this horse for a while to big $$$$$. Good luck Houston hitting that, ha, they blow anyway, no way they will hit him. Tampa couldn't begin to touch him up. Harrell, well, he blows pretty much. This is a blowout win. KC wins 9-0 I think, around there.
May just call for a double digit win by KC, ha, don't know for sure about that, but Houston is gonna get their ass shutdown. Straight gas from Ventura, rocket fire baby.
Not real sure on that Oakland at Angels game, could go either way it appears. Think I will put in a 100 buck parlay on my 5 games, why not, I'm rolling ass, gonna sweep the board mothafucka, yeah niggaz, get out my way bitch!!!!
Added a 5 team parlay

Risking 100 to win 2857.08, on Pittsburgh, St Louis, San Fran over 3.5 runs, Twins, and KC -1.5

Keep countin the stacks, keep countin the stacks, add a little to my winnings here. Going 5-0 bitch. Let's get it on, about game time.
Fuck come on get that Pittsburgh game started. The wind is cranked up blowing out now, Leake has big trouble there. Ha, he is gonna give up some serious bombs with that wind blowing out to center 10-20 mph, this will be funny.
I am definitely gonna have to quit my job in August. There will be too much to look at then. Well the college football will be getting cranked up, and I have MLB to keep track of. Don't have enough time to do it right if I'm working.
Shit the college football preseason research is a chore for sure. That takes some time on that. So many guys leaving, and so many new guys starting, oh man, that is tough early, especially if your working full time.
Leake brought it so far, not worried, we will get him. He had one good frame, oh well, gonna get yo ass here in a bit Leake.
Come on up to Canterbury for a weekend, we have plenty of dark meat to choose from (Somali) ha. I enjoy following your plays and listening to you, it's a riot.
Yeah Sigo, I'm hoping so, I think baseball may go pretty well if I keep drinking, lol, well it seems I can't win at anything if I'm not drinking. I am sort of pissed off, and not in a good mind set when I'm not drinking. The problem is living doing that, cuz when I drink it is a lot, that is why I quit for quite a while so I could live, ha. Suppose I will have to quit again at some point.

Yeah young gun I may do that, will have to get days off from work, which is always a concern. Well I already have 5 days off for my San Francisco trip, that my dad is paying for, that rich motherfucka, but I owe him for my skills, cuz he is pretty smart, a lawyer, and a damn good one.
Young gun, I will have to wear my Lawrence Phillips jersey when I go to Canterbury, I always get comments about that shit, ha. He was a beast though at RB for the Huskers, a real dumb ass, but a beast running back, like 6 foot 1 225, and just a moose to bring down, guys would just bounce off him. I remember me and my buddies went to the Husker game in Manhattan, and we had the 3rd string qb playing Matt Turman, the terminator ha, he was a walk on, our other guys were hurt, Tommie, and Brook. They just handed it off to Phillips like 40 times or something, it may have been 45, and we won the game easily. Phillips was just in beast mode, lol, drag a bitch by her hair mode, which he did, lol.
Boom, smack that shit, Pirates up 1-0, yeah, there ain't nobody beating T-money now baby, get the fuck outta here with that weak shit Leake.
I'm running over your ass Leake, like Lawrence Phillips over a Florida linebacker haha, man he smoked their ass, that was awesome in the Fiesta Bowl, title game.