Tuesday bases

Ha, Maroney, he was pretty good. Minnesota is gonna get their ass stomped this year in Lincoln, pretty sure on that. That big beast Hageman is gone, not sure if I spelled that right, but he was a moose. Fuck our guys couldn't block him. NFL for that fucking guy, he will stick around for a while I bet there.
Fuck I am rolling so much ass right now, ha, there ain't no stopping the flow. Free LP, haha, he is in jail out in LA I think now. Fuck Phillips is doing 20 years or something out there.
I better not have to do any jail time, last time I did I wanted to hang myself, ha. I did 20 days and I was like fuck, can't get drunk or bet, and then nobody ever wants to watch a game. Man that sucked, I was thinking can we get a game on at least. Nope, smallville, ha, that show was terrible I watched cuz I was forced to.
Well I think I am looking good here, winning every game at the moment besides the Royals, but that will happen in a bit. Ventura made a dumb ass pick off throw that gave Houston a run, threw it into right field. Not worried with Harrell going, fuck I will be fine there.
There we go just as I type, triple for the Royals, yeah niggaz, I am winning all these games mothafucka, gimme the parlay and all the cash bitch. I am like my grandpas brothers, ha, they are the only ones in the family like me, well they rolled around playing poker for a living and drank whiskey like a motherfucker. They both died before 45 so that's not good ha.
Well looks like 3-1 on my games so far. Stupid ass Cole, what the hell, he is getting lit up by Leake the opposing pitcher, ha. He just laced one down the middle to him, after he already got ripped by him earlier, don't know what the fuck he was doing. Oh the fuck well, hopefully I can win my other bets. Way to go Cole you stupid fuck. It is funny though Leake he is a total dumb ass, he got caught shoplifting and he is a multi millionaire, ha, what a dumb ass. Got caught shoplifting like 500 bucks worth of stuff, ha, fuck he deserves to blow this game he is so stupid.
Yeah he was in a store, I don't remember which one, and he had a bunch of clothes, got caught with em. What a dumb ass, couldn't pay for em with your millions, ha.
Well all my games are looking good except Pittsburgh, damn it. Maybe the Reds bull pen will blow it, they aren't that good, and Chapman is out for em, fuck who knows.
Fuck I am wasted, right now, was drinking since 11 am, vodka, then got a call from my brother, to go eat lunch at Las Margaritas, had 3 dos equis draws there, and a shot. The Chimichanga there with shredded beef is very good, ha, don't know why I'm talking about that.
Fuck the Reds may fuck this up, I hope, they have a shaky reliever in there now. Fuck 1 out, think we could rip this guy.
Fuck, got my ass kicked looks like, oh well get em tomorrow. Well don't know my other games are kind of up in the air now. It doesn't look like I'm winning anything though at the moment. Could finish ahead, but things will have to break my way here late.
Cards and Royals could come in. Twins look like a lost cause. Giants didn't score in the 1st, but maybe Beckett will start fucking up. Suppose the best I can hope for is 3-2, oh well, I will take that. Kind of a crap day, well that is usually what happens for me, I have a bad day after winning 2 days in a row on baseball. The time to get on my bets is after a loss, then I always roll ass, otherwise your taking a gamble, lol.
Can't believe the Pirates didn't smash Leake, fuck, haha, that is fucked up. Well the wind was blowing out for em too. Leake is an extreme fly ball home run type pitcher, but the Pirates didn't do shit, oh the fuck well.
Fuck I'm out, not gonna stay up for the Giants, but that looks bad as far as the over 3.5 runs, fuck Beckett is pitching good so far, lol, that bum, hopefully he will realize he is a bum, and start pitching like it.
Well I got 2 wins at least, need to pull out 1 more to be ahead for the day. Guess that is what it is down to, pulling for a small win, great, hope I don't lose. It is looking tough at the moment, but maybe I can pull one game out of the fire to get the win on the day. I'm out, time to sleep for a bit, wake up is 3 am, shit, I am real fucking tired of that, but unless I start wrecking shop all the time nothing I can do about it, ha, can't quit, well could and then I better roll ass.