Tom Brady---Forever a Fraud?

It's not just the colts game

The texts are all year long

Right. But wasn't the contention before that Brady's stats are much better in cold weather than other QBs, and even better than his #s in warm weather? If they were doing it all year long, logic would say that the numbers should be the same, or actually that the warm weather #s would be better than the cold weather #s. Basically it was "they do it in the cold to gain an advantage, look at the stats," and now it's "they did it all year long," but the stats aren't going to be mentioned anymore because they no longer fit the narrative.

Not to mention, Sports Science did an episode on deflated footballs and came to the conclusion that there was a very minimal advantage to be gained, if there was an advantage to be gained at all by deflating the footballs to the level they were deflated. And we're not talking about the one ball that was well under...that, again, was curiously the ball that Indy turned over to the league. The other 11 balls, which were deemed to be a few ticks under the 12.5 threshold can actually be explained away by the temperature....the scientists who initially came out calling Belichick a moron for suggesting the temperature could change the psi of the footballs as much as they were actually redacted what they said and agreed the temperature could have had something to do with it when it was discovered the balls weren't 2psi under (as initially reported, and what their first comments were assuming as far as if it was possible), and were actually only a few ticks under.
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so does the coach get suspended for a year?

No. Not a chance. Payton shouldn't have been suspended when he was, and I steadfastly defended the Saints back then because that whole thing was BS as well.
And the texts don't really prove anything. I understand they are talking about deflating footballs, but one of the texts says that the officials put the ball to 16psi when they filled one up, and didn't check to see it was so high (they are to be between 12.5 and 13.5psi). It's very possible that the Pats kept getting their balls over inflated by the officials before the game, so these guys had to get them back to where Brady liked/wanted them. That, in itself, does NOT say the deflation they were doing brought the balls under 12.5psi, it simply says they were deflating footballs after the officials put more air in them. Since the officials don't seem to have too many logs to look at, we can't assume they were inflating the balls to 13.5 when they were putting air in them.

I saw 4 separate back and forth text messages (on CBS Sports)...what in those messages proves anything about the actual psi of the balls, and what they may have been instructed to put the balls at, psi wise? Half of the texts joked about inflating balls like rugby balls, or watermelons, as if to fuck with Brady. I'm just not sure I see the correlation of those text messages to proving anything.
Honestly come on

We all know they cheated is there video of brady ordering balls deflated or something to that effect no

But this entire document makes it essentially clear something was up. Is it enough to convict in a court of law where innocent until proven guilty, no

But everyone outside pats fan boys can see what went On
Brady didn't cooperate according to the AP release I just read.

In investigating Brady, Wells said he was hindered by the quarterback's refusal to provide his own emails, texts or phone records.

He should be suspended for that alone.

This is from the report:

Similarly, although Tom Brady appeared for a requested interview and answered questions voluntarily, he declined to make available any documents or electronic information (including text messages and emails) that we requested, even though those requests were limited to the subject matter of our investigation (such as messages concerning the preparation of game balls, air pressure of balls, inflation of balls or deflation of balls) and we offered to allow Brady’s counsel to screen and control the production so that it would be limited strictly to responsive materials and would not involve our taking possession of Brady’s telephone or other electronic devices. Our inability to review contemporaneous communications and other documents in Brady‟s possession and control related to the matters under review potentially limited the discovery of relevant evidence and was not helpful to the investigation
Personally, I'd be embarrassed to lose by 40 or whatever and point to the deflation of the football. Grow the fuck up.
I hate the Patriots. But there will be no penalty, and there shouldn't be. They kicked their ass.
The inflation level of the football is not a big fucking deal to me. The Browns would still suck if they snuck in a nerf.
Important cheating issues:

Betting, and just as importantly not betting on the baseball team you manage


Corked bat


The psi of the football
I wish every coach was required to wager on his team

You joke, but this is the most damning evidence against Rose. People in his gambling community knew if he was on the Reds or laying off. Not betting on the Reds was an implicit bet against the Reds. And I bet he managed his bullpen a little differently with five dimes on the Reds.
You joke, but this is the most damning evidence against Rose. People in his gambling community knew if he was on the Reds or laying off. Not betting on the Reds was an implicit bet against the Reds. And I bet he managed his bullpen a little differently with five dimes on the Reds.

Let's see how those lines reacted if people in the community knew
And people DID know, that was the fucking problem. Rose is a shameless, degenerate gambler.
Guy's one of the greatest and he's signing cards on a tin chair in the fucking desert. Wonder where his money went.
Don't care put him in the Hall and end the discussion, you like cheating when it fits your definition, that's all

When it doesn't it somehow has an effect on the integrity of the game
When the integrity of the game isn't in doubt due to tip's definition of cheating

I think deflating balls is cheating and effects the game, I think gambling is cheating (although being required to bet on your team would be great) and yet I think I don't get worked up over either. You think Rose was throwing games by not betting on his team, I do not.
Can we not discuss football inflation? That's like soggy field or high grass.
No it's intentional manipulation which you've made clear you're ok with, you know, breaking the rules intentionally
I'm going to unscrew my brain.

Are you arguing that betting on or against your professional team, which you manage, is akin to deflating the ball, which both teams handle?
Well both teams don't handle the same ball...I'm suggesting that there isn't a degree of difference when it comes to cheating especially if you are caught.

Betting against your team (no I'm not going down the path of not betting on your team) is very different than betting on your team.

Deflate the tires on you beach cruiser and see how much a difference it makes. Science won't lie regardless of the sport.
At what inflation level would the Colts have won that game?
If I throw your broke hands a nerf ball and a medicine ball, I know which you are more likely to catch

The medicine ball would own you like a Mayweather jab
KJ, you don't think Dan Marino, Roger Staubach, Joe Montana had a preference? It's a non-story.
Were those three found to be out of compliance?

I prefer the baseball I pitch to be drenched in olive oil, all good?
But in football you weren't unless there was a witch hunt out for you because teams have been trusted to provide the ball for their teams at specs

Doesn't work like that in any other sport, but it should
Football's pretty good at it. I got a world class WR to prove it.
Robert Kraft has proven himself to be a total jackass in all of this, I hope Goodell sets one of the punishments as Kraft having to give a public apology for his asinine act.
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Robert Kraft has proven himself to be a total jackass in all of this, I hope Goodell sets one of the punishments as Kraft having to give a public apology for his asinine act.

For that to happen Goodell will have to first remove Krafts balls from his mouth
Robert Kraft has proven himself to be a total jackass in all of this, I hope Goodell sets one of the punishments as Kraft having to give a public apology for his asinine act.

Why has Kraft been a jackass in all of this??
If I throw your broke hands a nerf ball and a medicine ball, I know which you are more likely to catch

The medicine ball would own you like a Mayweather jab

Not defending the Pats here. Your example doesn't work based on:

Aaron Rodgers admitted he likes the ball to be fully inflated which seems to equate to your medicine ball example (if i am understanding your comparison correctly)?
His receivers seem to catch the "medicine" ball with no problem . ( this "medicine" ball does not own them like a Mayweather jab)
"The Wells report, with all due respect, is a significant and terrible disappointment. It’s omission of key facts and lines of inquiry suggest the investigators reached a conclusion first, and then determined so-called facts later. One item alone taints this entire report. What does it say about the league office’s protocols and ethics when it allows one team to tip it off to an issue prior to a championship game, and no league officials or game officials notified the Patriots of the same issue prior to the game? This suggests it may be more probable than not that the league cooperated with the Colts in perpetrating a sting operation. The Wells report buries this issue in a footnote on page 46 without any further elaboration. The league is a significant client of the investigators' law firm; it appears to be a rich source of billings and media exposure based on content in the law firm's website. This was not an independent investigation and the contents of the report bear that out – all one has to do is read closely and critically, as opposed to simply reading headlines. The investigators' assumptions and inferences are easily debunked or subject to multiple interpretations. Much of the report’s vulnerabilities are buried in the footnotes, which is a common legal writing tactic. It is a sad day for the league as it has abdicated the resolution of football-specific issues to people who don’t understand the context or culture of the sport. I was physically present for my client’s interview. I have verbatim notes of the interview. Tom made himself available for nearly an entire day and patiently answered every question. It was clear to me the investigators had limited understanding of professional football. For reasons unknown, the Wells report omitted nearly all of Tom’s testimony, most of which was critical because it would have provided this report with the context that it lacks. Mr. Wells promised back in January to share the results of this investigation publicly, so why not follow through and make public all of the information gathered and let the public draw its own conclusions? This report contains significant and tragic flaws, and it is common knowledge in the legal industry that reports like this generally are written for the benefit of the purchaser."
not defending just sharing. This is from a local reporter who has NOT been supporting the Pats since the story broke 6 months ago.....

The biggest problem with the report, and what’s most concerning, is that a lot of this investigation is based on the word of referee Walt Anderson and his recollection of pregame measurements (none of which were written down), even though Anderson was informed beforehand by the NFL that there was concern about the balls being under-inflated.
“That’s definitely a hole in this report and this entire story. A lot of this we are forced to believe that Walt Anderson is above reproach and did everything properly, and that he tested the balls with a gauge instead of just a squeeze test,” said Volin. “The report says that, Anderson said that, and that’s great, but it’s not like he wrote them down. There’s no video evidence. … If this was going to a court of law, the Patriots and Tom Brady’s attorney would attack that angle to shreds.”
Walt Anderson, who was revealed in the report as being credible based on his memory, seemed to make many mistakes along the way: He did not emphasize the inflation issue with the other officials, did not remember whose teams balls he tested first or which of the two gauges he usedto measure the PSI. He also lost the footballs.
“Even though [the Wells Report] tried to paint a flattering picture of Walt Anderson being above reproach, and doing everything by the letter of the law, it doesn’t make him look very good. He was informed about this issue the day before the game, he didn’t take any special measures with the footballs before the game and he even lost track of them,” said Volin.
“It’s amazing that he was told about this, the balls went missing and it never occurred to him to maybe halt the game for a little bit. He just went along with his business willy-nilly and started the game, and allowed the Patriots to use these under-inflated balls in the first half. Walt Anderson did not do everything appropriately, and we are definitely forced to believe everything he did was above reproach and to the letter of the law, even though there’s no proof.”
"If this was going to a court of law, the Patriots and Tom Brady’s attorney would attack that angle to shreds.”

a court of law is not the metric here. the nfl's own perverted sense of justice is. and if there's enough smoke, the NFL is gonna say there's a fire. greg hardy wasn't convicted of domestic violence exactly, and he got 10 games. a court of law ain't got shit to do with it.