Tom Brady---Forever a Fraud?

I have seen espn reach for stories before but this probably takes the cake....classic example of today's media that is unregulated,unethical and hides behind our first amendment for non altruistic gains
I have seen espn reach for stories before but this probably takes the cake....classic example of today's media that is unregulated,unethical and hides behind our first amendment for non altruistic gains

Might as well come down on the NFL then because they are who are doing the investigation and initially reported it.
The only deflated balls on the field that I saw belonged to everyone wearing a Colts uniform after they were castrated in all three aspects of the game by the Patriots.
The deflated balls only come into play if the officials don't do their job.
Patriots just opened Pandoras box with the media now for the next 2 weeks. I'm predicting this Super Bowl as being the most hyped we'very ever seen. Why? Because the Seahawks players won't keep their mouth shut and will want the same respect given to the Pats.
On a super cold day when the ball is hard as a rock I could see this being an advantage but not so much when its in the 40's.
Deflated balls are an advantage in any weather. The colder the better but it makes them sticky in warm weather too.
some free time so i will play along....and yes I am a Patriots fan.

Doesnt surprise me that Alex started this thread,, his hatred for Brady and the Patriots is well known....

- The Colts are not the ones who have complained... no one has stepped up to say they have....

- I will give you the scientific version of what happened, as it coincidentally happened to one of my car tires....(light was on this morning)
2.5 hours before the game the air was still cool with low humidity, the footballs werent just laying out in the open to absorb the air., as the storm moved into foxborough, the humidity was rising as did the air temperature, causing the deflation of the ball.....

nothing to see here....
some free time so i will play along....and yes I am a Patriots fan.

Doesnt surprise me that Alex started this thread,, his hatred for Brady and the Patriots is well known....

- The Colts are not the ones who have complained... no one has stepped up to say they have....

- I will give you the scientific version of what happened, as it coincidentally happened to one of my car tires....(light was on this morning)
2.5 hours before the game the air was still cool with low humidity, the footballs werent just laying out in the open to absorb the air., as the storm moved into foxborough, the humidity was rising as did the air temperature, causing the deflation of the ball.....

nothing to see here....

Cash, did you fail science? When the temperature rises everything expands and anything under pressure increases. The ball would have increased its pressure, not deflated!
Your tire example was wrong.
Next time you get in your car and its 10 degrees out side, check the pressure indicator on the information center in your car. Then, when it gets to lets say ...45 degrees, check it again and you'll see it increase.

The Colts were crushed and the Pats will crush Seattle too.
Cash, did you fail science? When the temperature rises everything expands and anything under pressure increases. The ball would have increased its pressure, not deflated!
Your tire example was wrong.
Next time you get in your car and its 10 degrees out side, check the pressure indicator on the information center in your car. Then, when it gets to lets say ...45 degrees, check it again and you'll see it increase.

The Colts were crushed and the Pats will crush Seattle too.

Yes i did fail.... :hang:
Gman bringing the noise.

If the risk for getting away with something is less than the potential reward of course one will do it. Of course they did it., duh

If a person argues that it makes no difference catching/throwing a slightly deflated ball than a full rock in those conditions, either didnt play football growing up, or forgot.
Gman bringing the noise.

If the risk for getting away with something is less than the potential reward of course one will do it. Of course they did it., duh

If a person argues that it makes no difference catching/throwing a slightly deflated ball than a full rock in those conditions, either didnt play football growing up, or forgot.

How do you know?
I dont. Just instinct. Id do it. Belichick and Tom are killers. I take nothing away from them for doing it. Kudos. Did what had to be done.
this is the interesting part of the article.. besides who is going to admit they said something to the NFL...

"Officials check balls as they go into the game, and if the ball doesn't feel perfect, they can throw it out," Daopoulos said. "There is always the possibility that balls can lose air due to the conditions.

isnt this on the nfl officals?

and before anyone chimes in i understand they are looking into if their was "intent" by the Pats..
this is the interesting part of the article.. besides who is going to admit they said something to the NFL...

"Officials check balls as they go into the game, and if the ball doesn't feel perfect, they can throw it out," Daopoulos said. "There is always the possibility that balls can lose air due to the conditions.

isnt this on the nfl officals?

and before anyone chimes in i understand they are looking into if their was "intent" by the Pats..

Yes and no. The claim is that the Pats switched balls after they were checked by the officials before the game. However, I would find it hard to believe with the number of officials that touches a football during a drive that one of them would not have noticed a ball or two that were more deflated than any other football they've handled in every game they've officiated.

So, yes it should be on the officials because they check the balls before the, it shouldn't be on them because the Pats apparently switched balls....but then yes, again it should be on them because enough officials handle the football between plays and one of them should have noticed.
i think the footballs are put into a bag after inspection....12 supplied by each team into a bag 2 hours 15 minutes before game time and I would assume that the bag then lies on the sideline of each team until game time where the officials decide based on conditions when to this day of a thousand cameras everywhere especially an NFL game one would assume that someone would have observed any tampering....the nfl has said nothing so you can assume it is just media has caused a lot of rap with my patriot hating buddies busting my balls today though so it has been entertaining....
with any other team this is nothing, but when you have a history of cheating, it's a story

dont blame ESPN or the NFL
i personally don't care how we long as we patriot hating NY buddies are calling it "DEFLATEGATE" that is so funny
i think the footballs are put into a bag after inspection....12 supplied by each team into a bag 2 hours 15 minutes before game time and I would assume that the bag then lies on the sideline of each team until game time where the officials decide based on conditions when to this day of a thousand cameras everywhere especially an NFL game one would assume that someone would have observed any tampering....the nfl has said nothing so you can assume it is just media has caused a lot of rap with my patriot hating buddies busting my balls today though so it has been entertaining....

Couple thing not mentioned that I viewed onCBS sports.
First the balls are switched for different uses. One is for kickoffs and the others are to be put in play for the offense.

Next: the balls are heated and dried constantly when its cold or raining.
with any other team this is nothing, but when you have a history of cheating, it's a story

dont blame ESPN or the NFL

spoken like a true hater....

I have no problem with hate.. usually means your winning,,, went through as a bosox fan vs the yankees

just make sure you preface with: I hate......
Can the pats win this super bowl without cheating?

we shall see...

though i would like to know when they cheated..

they won in 01,02, 04..

so when did they cheat and if you wouldn't mind posting the link that shows proof??
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BTW... I don't hate the Pats at all - I think they're a great team (I hate when they beat the Bronco's).

if not them than who??? seattle? raiders? jets? argonauts?

no jets and raiders aren't good, so no fun there....A lot of people hate Seattle because of Pete, but I love him. I do dislike Sherman.

Not sure I really hate any NFL team, though it is fun to see the Broncos fail. Elway seems like a prick
no jets and raiders aren't good, so no fun there....A lot of people hate Seattle because of Pete, but I love him. I do dislike Sherman.

Not sure I really hate any NFL team, though it is fun to see the Broncos fail. Elway seems like a prick

He does...
Take did you read this???
only thing proven was in 2006, which is well after their 3 bowl wins...
so they won 3. , lost 2 after the scandal and now in 2 weeks....

He said he had been doing this since 2000..
Can the pats win this super bowl without cheating?

Nah, probably couldn't have won the AFC Championship without cheating either. I heard 3 less PSI in a ball on average accounts for 35 points per game.
He said he had been doing this since 2000..

But most of the league was as well. The NFL cut down on this at some point, and the Pats just didn't listen. Let's not act as if they were doing something no one else was doing...they were videotaping just like everyone else...they were just doing it from a position on the field that the NFL said you weren't allowed to tape from anymore.

That's one thing that has always bothered me about the whole "cheating" issue...the only thing they were doing is taping from an off-limits spot...the taping itself isn't against the rules, and every team has tape on every other team. The whole thing was blown WAY out of proportion.

Whether or not they've won a SB since 2007 is such a lame argument anyway...they have been the most successful team since 2007 in the NFL, have made a couple other SB's and have been in numerous AFC Champ games as well...just because they haven't lifted the trophy doesn't prove at all that their Spygate scandal means anything to their success. It's a lazy argument made by people who sound like idiots when they say it.
Well put Lareux. I wish that asshole Marshall Faulk could see it that way, whiney bitch.
But most of the league was as well. The NFL cut down on this at some point, and the Pats just didn't listen. Let's not act as if they were doing something no one else was doing...they were videotaping just like everyone else...they were just doing it from a position on the field that the NFL said you weren't allowed to tape from anymore.

That's one thing that has always bothered me about the whole "cheating" issue...the only thing they were doing is taping from an off-limits spot...the taping itself isn't against the rules, and every team has tape on every other team. The whole thing was blown WAY out of proportion.

Whether or not they've won a SB since 2007 is such a lame argument anyway...they have been the most successful team since 2007 in the NFL, have made a couple other SB's and have been in numerous AFC Champ games as well...just because they haven't lifted the trophy doesn't prove at all that their Spygate scandal means anything to their success. It's a lazy argument made by people who sound like idiots when they say it.

Well said..
But on Tuesday, a clip from the CBS broadcast of the Patriots’ November 30 game against the Packers was dredged up.

During the game, CBS play-by-play man Jim Nantz asked partner Phil Simms about the ball pressure favored by Green Bay quarterback Aaron Rodgers. It added a new wrinkle to the ball discussion.

“(Rodgers) said something [that] was unique,” Simms revealed. "[Rodgers said] 'I like to push the limit to how much air we can put in the football, even go over what they allow you to do and see if the officials take air out of it.' Because he thinks it’s easier for him to grip. He likes them tight.”

The scrutiny on the Patriots will now -- presumably -- extend to the Packers’ practices.

The long and short of it is clear: Ball manipulation could be an NFL epidemic. And the league needs to sniff it out and snuff it out.
The ball with less air in it was obviously the reason why the Colts wanted zero part in tackling Legarrette Blount on Sunday. Fuck the Patriots, they don't deserve that win!
11 of 12 Pats' footballs under-inflated

Updated: January 20, 2015, 11:03 PM ET
<cite class="source" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; outline: 0px; font-size: 12px; vertical-align: baseline; font-style: normal; font-stretch: normal; line-height: 14px; font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; color: rgb(153, 153, 153); display: block; overflow: hidden; background: transparent;">By Chris Mortensen |</cite>

The New England Patriots had 11 of their 12 allotted game footballs under-inflated by 2 pounds of air (PSI) as required by NFL regulations, according to league sources either involved or familiar with the investigation of Sunday's AFC championship game when the Patriots beat the Colts 45-7 to advance to their sixth Super Bowl.

"We are not commenting at this time," said Greg Aiello, the NFL's senior vice president of communications.
Troy Vincent, the league's senior executive vice president of football operations, said earlier Tuesday that the NFL expected to wrap up its investigation in "two or three days."

Yet to be determined is what, if any, penalties may be imposed upon Patriots. One source described the league as "disappointed ... angry ... distraught," after spending considerable time on the findings earlier Tuesday.
Part of the investigation that still needs further vetting is how the 11 footballs became under-inflated. The game balls provided to each team for preparation were required to be inspected and approved by referee Walt Anderson two hours and 15 minutes before kickoff before they were returned to each team. No alteration of footballs is allowed once they are approved, under league rules and regulations.

The balls are required be inflated between 12.5 and 13.5 pounds per square inch and weigh between 14 and 15 ounces.
"We have been in complete cooperation with the league and will continue to do so," said Patriots spokesman Stacey James
cheaters gonna cheat

I am for one happy they got caught here, so we can have (for the first time with the Pats) a 'clean' superbowl

I hope they lose multiple 1st round picks though, they are a serial offender
Some of the Baltimore Ravens believe kicking balls used in their playoff game at New England were slightly under-inflated, according to league sources.
With the Patriots under investigation for possibly under-inflating balls in their playoff win against the Colts, sources said some on Baltimore's sideline believed there may have been irregularities with the kicking balls used in their AFC divisional playoff game at Foxborough, Mass., on Jan. 10.
Baltimore's kicking and punting units were not getting their normal depth and distance, and some believed the balls they were using may have been deflated.
shocked as well, thought the league would brush this under the rug and we would hear about it 6 months from now that nothing conclusive could be found

hoping to hear Brady laughing on the radio and Gronk posting twitter pics in the morning