Thur Bases


Pretty much a regular
Posting when late for work again, lol, pretty fucking stupid. They haven't noticed though that I've been late cuz I still got everything done, hopefully there isn't a bunch of shit to do, don't think there will be there hasn't been lately. Better be brief, gonna be a half hour late again.

Houston at Detroit -1.5, -105, risking 1050 to win 1000

Keuchel has always been a bum, so gonna take the -1.5. He has been doing better so far this year though, just probably means he's due for an ass kicking I suppose by a good team that is rolling pretty hard right now. Smyly is usually pretty good, he has been always when they have called on him to start. Well except in that Angels game, I bet him in that one, of course. Seems like a blowout should happen, guess not sure though. Keuchel could snub me and pitch a good one. Smyly should do well.
Shit, looks like the bad run is gonna continue at least early, unless the Tigers get to crackin heads now in the 6th, 7th, and 8th. Smyly was rolling along until last inning, fuck. I sort of figured Keuchel was gonna have a rough one today, not yet, unless he gets mauled in the 6th. He was so terrible the last 2 years, has been doing okay this year so far. His last start was a bit rough, so I was thinking a hot team, and a pretty good hitting team this may not go well for him. Oh fucking well. Guess I will look at the later games, hopefully come up with something better than this crap, fuck Keuchel you piece of shit. Well the -1.5 those I should probably just avoid for the most part, cuz those have been losing for me lately. Like Detroit here today I bet now they come back and win by 1 late.
Yeah elbutre thanks, looks tough at the moment. Gonna need an explosion here in one of these innings coming up.
Can't do anything on SF at LA, or Miami at Pads, not too sure on those games. I kind of wanted to stick with Miami since it is sort of a good plus money, but Turner oh man, I can't back that bitch, even the crap Pads may light him up. Well plus the Marlins have a crappy road record. Baltimore at Tampa, hmmmmm, which Price will show up is the ?, it is funny he could be great, but he can't figure out it seems. Last year he did this too, wonder what the fucking deal is with him.
Here we go Tigers, time to start cracking need a 5 run inning ha, that is a long shot prayer there. Well figure 5 may be enough, don't know might need 6.
Man I was looking at Tampa's home record, and they haven't been swept at home since 2012, whoa that is serious, it happened twice that year. Maybe Tampa would be a good take at -1 then, with Price going, cuz Baltimore is going for a sweep here tonight.
Decided against that Tampa bet, wonder if I'm gonna come up with anything, lol. Really struggling to find anything.
Think this one is pretty good, Johnny, but it is only Iwakuma's second start so could be taking a big gamble here. He was great for me last year. Looks like he was rolling pretty well only giving up 2 runs through 6 in his debut, but then Seattle scored 8 runs, and he was in the dugout forever and kind of lost his flow. Maybe tonight he will be the man like last year, I'm hoping anyway. Fuck I spent an hour on this game almost it seemed, maybe not that long, ha. There were a lot of fucking variables to figure, but I got sold on it.

KC at Seattle -127, risking 1270 to win 1000

Duffy is kind of a headcase he is really talented but he can't seem to figure it out. Can't harness his stuff, wild as hell, walks a shit load of guys. Figure that could be trouble tonight against a hot Mariners team, they are raking at the moment except in that 2nd game of the double header yesterday. Thinking if Duffy walks a bunch of guys somebody will come up with a big hit or 2, that will drive guys in. Probably Cano, he is 3-6 with a homer vs Duffy. Guess the road trip and the double header yesterday are a concern, but they were just in Oakland not far away, and it is still early in the season, don't think they would be tired. Iwakuma I rode that horse last year, he was great, no issues with him like there are with Duffy. Think Iwakuma puts together a good one here. Saw where his heater was a bit down from last season, his last start he was 87 or so, where last year he would go 89-90, but maybe he will ramp it up a little tonight at least. Don't know if he will hit 90, but KC is a crappy hitting team so don't think he needs it. The KC bats have not been great so far. Mariners won 10 out of last 13 as well, so I like that at home.

Gonna look at more.
I mean shit it has gotta be tough in your first start off an injury like Iwakuma had to be rolling along feeling it pretty good, then sit in the dugout for 45 minutes, and come out in the 7th, and retain your shit, that ain't easy I'm sure. Think he will be fine tonight.
Added another one, think this will be it. Fuckin I better hit both of these to get me out of this slump. This is turning into February now, had a kick ass late December, and January, good on the bowls, and undefeated in the NFL playoffs, and real nice in college hoops from mid January until February. Then a total debacle in February the wheels totally fell off. Then mid March until close to the end of April real nice. Now here we go shit has hit the fan again, fuck I don't know what my deal is, but it is a streaky time always for me lately. This seems to happen a lot to me, hope I can fend off this bad streak before I lose what I won in March and April. Who the hell knows, I guess we'll see here. Not doing anything different from April, watching video of the pitchers and doing my research, shit just isn't working out at the moment.

Cubs at Chi Sox -116, risking 1160 to win 1000

The Cubs are just terrible they may lose 8 or 9 in a row right now. Should continue the piss poor play tonight I think. Well this Carroll guy for the White Sox doesn't appear to me to be great or anything, but the Cubs won't hit him, well doubt it. He is at least hot right now, was hot in the minors this year and now 2 starts in the majors, so he is feeling it. When somebody is hot, the Cubs aren't the team to cool him off, with their weak sticks. Arrieta had a good 1st start this season, and had a decent run with the Cubs at the end of last year, but he sucked in the American League. He is back there tonight at the Chi Sox, so back to sucking ass I figure. The Chi Sox had a little lull offensively for a while, but now they are getting cracking again, still 2nd in the majors in runs. I will say Arrieta has more talent than Carroll, but that doesn't really matter, when the Cubs worthless sticks are flailing away and not doing a damn thing. Plus if the Cubs are winning there is always the pen to worry about, the Cubs pen can blow it easy, unless Arrieta goes 8, and Rondon comes in for the 9th, he is pretty good at least for the Cubs. The Chi Sox pen has been hot lately, they started off kind of shitty, but they are dealing now.
Yeah that's it for tonight. Really wrote a book on both games, lol, hope they go according to plan. Think they will tonight.
Fuck if the White Sox are -120 or less vs the Cubs at home count me in, with how the White Sox are hitting this year. I'm down to ride for that shit, ha, the Cubs on the road oh my, that is a tough bet to make at +107 on the Cubs, ha, there isn't many times I'm fired up to take the Cubs on the road at +107, ha, no, that isn't a good idea usually.
Really if the Cubs are on the road I want +150 at least or more. They have been awful for years now on the road, guess awful at home too, but you are really taking a wild shot taking em +107 on the road.
Need some more vodka. Gotta go to the store. My brother came over with my nephew we're gonna watch the draft I guess. I'm not too hyped about watching the draft, but he is, so oh well. Will just put the baseball on the other tvs, since I have 4 setup. Well, ya know someday my nephew is gonna be on the stage there ha, yeah right, I can keep dreaming. It is funny though I think about it, or him playing for the Huskers just cuz of all the talent with my brothers half black wife, ha, ya never know I guess. Would rather he be a pitcher like his hall of fame great grandpa, baseball is where the big money is at, go for Kershaw money nephew, he's my boy, he is gonna do it, yeah right. Shit I may have to pay for the travel baseball team, his mom and dad can't afford it, well maybe my parents will pay for it I suppose.
Holy shit, at least they finally took Carroll out of the game, who the fuck gives up 6 runs to the fucking Cubs in 4 innings +, ha, oh well we're only down 2 runs, and I have the better pen, and the bigger sticks. Fuck Scott Downs is a scary motherfucker though, hope he is feeling it tonight.
Really wish they didn't put him in there, a lot of better options in the pen. Guess he is the long relief guy, suppose if he can navigate out of this jam I have a pretty good shot to come back.
My brother left now, he is a big Bears fan, and he wasn't too happy with the Fuller selection, I don't really know I guess. He wanted Mosley the Bama LB, yeah the Bears do need an LB kind of. Shit the Bears need a lot on defense, a lot of holes in that defense. He was even talking about Hageman that Minnesota DT, I think that would have been a real reach, he did kick the Huskers ass though. Man the Huskers made him look like a hall of famer, shit he was rolling our ass, our lineman just got tossed like bitches. Glad he is gone, fuck, don't wanna deal with him this year.

Downs got out of the jam, here we come Cubs, you got the lead now, not for long niggaz, we comin for ya.
The Bears better pick all defensive players, they really blow defensively. They could usually put up points in most games, but they couldn't stop anybody.
I like the Browns pick there at 22 Manziel, good pick, he is worth taking a chance on there, considering you don't have any proven QB for sure. Not sure if he will amount to anything in the NFL, but man he has some talent, I think he could be pretty good. Guess I'm not sure, will have to see what happens. He does run around a lot and improvise, suppose that isn't the best recipe for success in the NFL. I don't though, something about him he just fucking has it, the rich kid yeah baby, ha like me, my parents aren't Manziel rich though. Not far off, need them to kick me some fucking money damn it.
That Cubs pen is being asked for a lot here, oh man, on the road to get this many innings and hold the lead, ha, this isn't gonna happen. Chi sox are gonna take it down, just a matter of time.