I'm back!!!!! (kinda)

you're welcome

By the way I didn't really twist an arm, the last couple days of texts were incredibly pleasant. Wouldn't trade that for the world.

But welcome back homey
i can't promise having a lot to say daily bro. i'll do my best but as i said i been more spot betting than doing the everyday grind this year, we just see how things go with time but ill post as much as possible. i don't care if it easier to do in the discussion threads or do them in here? i didn't see discussion thread when i hopped on so just started this. i'll do whichever ppl prefer but this might be just as easy.

Whatever you prefer bro
ok guys sorry i had to ghost last 3-4 days but as you know theresa was back in hospital and we got more really bad news, what else new? lol. the cancer has been getting better but now she has a damn tear in her bladder caused from radiation weakening the tissue. this worse than the cancer, lot of dr's didn't give us very optimistic opinions, it was a very hard week!! i just couldn't focus on capping and didn't want to leave her just to go across river and bet, i woulda felt like a pos! she got released just in time she took really fast ride across river to get the royals over against allen!! wanted to post it but didn't even know i get it in and wasn't gonna post a play i didn't make.

anyways didn't see a monday thread?? is there really only 3-4 games? when that happen? i dont recall many days during season with this few!!! anyways she home, we be going to lot of different specialist getting opinions this week after her immuno therapy treatment tuesday but i should be back to having little more time, we only got what 10-14 days till all star break! i hate the week or 2 after asb, so need to go on
one more run and make some money before asg!!!
Fuck MLB my friend. Praying for you and yours. Things will turn out well. GL

anytime we get good news worse news lurking around corner last year. shit been so hard, stressing me out, i can't imagine how hard it is on her, i couldn't deal w as well as her, im a pussy when i get a cold! lol. hopefully we find a urology surgeon more confident they can reconstruct her bladder. i guess the only good news is they were holding off attempting to remove tumor with surgery cause fear of damaging bladder, now we should be able to go ahead and remove the cancer! not like they can do much more damage to bladder which was the fear! gotta look on bright side!
only 3 games but i see bit of potential!

hunter brown should continue his recent run of top notch outings vs jays not that scary offense! i think stros keep rolling!

i could see a pitcher prop or 2 in the muts/nats game. be interesting, peterson been pretty good but he very much a k/walk guy. nats not a big k team, in fact he only punched out 2 last matchup w nats but he did hold them to 2 runs in 6.2 innings. muts played pretty great ball turning it around in june, still not sure im a buyer? is anyone following them and buy into them as a above .500 team which make you a playoff team these days! although more nl teams starting to push at or above .500. i still don't think cards will be one those teams at end, we see, i still think reds are better in division (along with brewers obviously)., cubs have issues going on.

nats slid at end the month, i do kinda like gore but mets are swinging good bats. until the pads game gore been a k prop cashing machine but was bad in san diego against a hot pads team. mets shelled Gore last meeting. with mets having much better numbers vs lhp, them playing much better ball than nats. makes me look at square ass stros/mets parlay! lol