Thur bases


Pretty much a regular
Had another winning day yesterday, 4-2, and plus 1938. This week has been nice, plus 8744, so gonna keep it up. Need to get the fuck to bed, gotta wake up at 3 am for work. Gonna bet some more early games, but need the 5 inning lines.

Arizona at Cubs -113, risking 1135 to win 1000, well got in 500 at -113, then they moved it to -114, so that's the deal niggaz

Bolsinger is pretty bad, I thought though about waiting for the 5 inning line, but didn't do it. Well kind of doubt the Cubs will have another bull pen meltdown after today's fuck up. Jackson is not great or anything, kind of a mediocre pitcher, but he isn't Bolsinger bad. Figure Jackson will just pitch well enough to get the win here, while the Cubs light up Bolsinger.

Gonna add more tomorrow. Have to see what the 5 inning lines are. Not gonna say what I'm thinking about doing, cuz then they will move the line on me, cuz I'm such a sharp, lol, no I actually don't really know for sure if I'm betting that game anyway that I'm thinking about. It is funny I am not saying the game I'm thinking about, like it fucking matters, ha, oh well not gonna say it anyway. Just cuz I'm kind of paranoid about saying anything until I bet, not sure why I should be, no real reason for that. Ha, oh well, gonna put up that game when I bet it, if I do tomorrow. Be back tomorrow with more.
Adding another one, need to keep up this pace of winning 8600 every 3 days, ha, man I would have serious money at the end of the season. We're plus 500 units ha, yeah just won you know 500 k on baseball. Yeah doubt that is sustainable.

Twins at Rays over 4 -125, for the 1st 5 innings, bought it to 4 just in case, don't need it, but oh well, risking 1250 to win 1000

Both these pitchers are a mess. So one is sure to get his ass rocked. Even if one of pitches well it should go over cuz one of em will give up 5+ early. The pens could shut things down later, so getting in and getting out. No need to sweat it late.

May add another, thinking over one more day game.
Adding one quickly about game time

St Louis at Mets +115 for the 1st 5 innings risking 869.56 to win 1000
Yeah capping crunch, that may be a good idea on the team total there with the Cubs.

Thanks 50 cent

Yeah bones I am on fire at the moment.

Betting fat man, Colon, ha. That is a gamble, but the Cards aren't hitting, and Molina is out. Think the Mets can hit Lynn a bit, he has serious problems on the road usually.
I was just looking over Lynn's game logs from last year, and whoa, a lot of terrible outings on the road.
Sorry I didn't get those 2 plays up earlier there Bones. Work was getting in the way today, just got home a bit ago.
Wooooo an early salvo fired by the Twins 2 runs in the top of the 1st, like that shit. Maybe we can get another one here, ha there's another 3-0 Twins. Let's just win it in the top of the 1st, lol.
Tuck lots of people are riding you right now, keep it hot, classy, and vulgar as usual. Looks like your twinkies (who I played at +140, holla) might get this over in the top of the first for you.
Yeah young gun, when Tuck cranks it up, look out, just call me the microwave, like Vinnie Johnson, lol. Everything is winning.

1-0, the beat goes on, plus 1 k. Just straight merkin the bookie. Fuck ha ha, I'm a destroyer right now.

Your Twins look pretty good there young gun, as long as Nolasco doesn't fall apart.
Damn, Mets aren't gonna get me a run it appears. Could be a push 0-0. What the hell am I talking about? Of course the Mets will get a run in the bottom of the 5th for me, lol, just watch it happen, ha.
Ha the microwave don't know why that popped in my head. Well he was a good 6th man for Detroit, that was back when I watched the NBA. Remember the Huskers had his brother Eric Johnson, he wasn't near as good, didn't play in the NBA. Guess he was pretty decent in college for us, ha.

Crap, 1-0 St Louis. Looks like a loser here. Colon threw 1 bad pitch, and it cost me with 2 outs, rough.
Booooom Young with a homer Mets tie it a 1. Now time to get the cash baby. Let's get one more. Ha they weren't doing anything, but you can't beat me right now.
Push on the Mets game. So 1-0-1 on the day, too bad Colon made that terrible mistake pitch with 2 outs, damn, could have had the win. Colon was pitching great besides that one horrible hanger.
Ha, Bonifacio was called safe at 2nd, but he was out, they even reviewed it, lol at that. Everything is coming up Tuck right now.
Gotta go pick up a stack of cash now, Western Union. Man that was funny last year during and after college hoops, I was getting a bunch of em, and the lady at the check cashing place by my house was like this seems fishy to me, you keep picking up a bunch of cash from foreign countries, and it is always a different person. Then she said I think something illegal is going on here, ha. Yeah don't go there anymore, lol, I was a bit nervous about that.
Damn what the hell, it still isn't ready. Been over 48 hours now, usually it is ready in 24-48 hours. Slow mothafuckas.

Jackson is really sucking so far. Not looking good, hopefully the Cubs can start raking off this bum Bolsinger.
Looks like someone alerted the Feds and they are arraning the bust on you, hence the delay :hello:Making too many stacks.
Adding another one

Padres at Nats -1, -120, risking 1200 to win 1000

Not too difficult here to figure this one. Pads have no sticks, and Zimmerman is pretty good, he is solid, not a stud, but real good. Stults he can be had on the road, at home he is tough always in Petco. The Nats should get to him enough to cover the -1. Well the Nats have some sticks so I doubt he will shut em down totally. The Pads on the road, against a good pitcher, that isn't gonna go well for them offensively.

Yeah maybe younggun, ha, busting individual bettors that would be something. They don't even take down the local bookies anymore. Fuck one guy I went to school with has an online site and everything, and he isn't getting busted booking. That shit would make me nervous, no way would I start booking bets locally with a website too, that is ballsy.
He is making serious bank doing that though, man he has a big ass house, doesn't work. Just does the booking.
This Cubs bet is looking bleak at the moment. Bolsinger is pitching much better than the last time I saw him. He is mixing his pitches better. Still he doesn't have very good stuff, but the Cubs can be inept sometimes hitting. Guess the Dbacks bull pen may be due for a meltdown, they haven't had a real good meltdown in a while. They really don't have the best arms in there, so it could happen.
5 dimes there Johnny. They are usually pretty good about the Western Unions. They said at about 4 today it would be ready, so an hour. I could switch to money pak payouts, but I don't know if I want that coming on my debit card, ha. That would be faster, and cheaper cuz there aren't any fees it looks like. Think I will stick with Western Unions and cash payouts.
I need to just get a work transfer to Vegas damn it, that would be nice. Well if I keep rolling ass like I am now, I can just quit work and move to Vegas. I do like that much better cuz then there aren't transfers and fees, and you just bet right there and cash the ticket right away.
F college basketball. Baseball is where it's at for you tuck. Keep kicking the man in the nuts
Yeah guess so Sigo, ha, well the hoops were picking up steam, and then fell apart in February. Then though I started rolling again in March. The conference tournaments, and the NCAA I smoked em. Well and from mid to late January I rolled. February was a disaster, ha, I have never had a February like that.
Don't really have much of an opinion on that Baltimore at Jays game, who the fuck knows there. Could take a shot with Bud at +123, no, not going there, well if it was like +150 or something I would take a chance.

Yeah the Western Union fees kind of vary it seems, I never know what the hell the charge will be. They do give you one free if you haven't done one in a while as well. Then you start getting a bunch and they charge you. It is usually only around 20 bucks or so on the fees. It isn't a bad way to do it, just 24-48 hours normally on that.
I think the fees are different depending on how much you get out. I usually just always get about the same, but it is still different sometimes by a few bucks. Well it is like that when you deposit with Western Union too, depends on which country you are sending to, but at least they put those fees back in your account, since your giving em money.
I never get 4000 on a Western Union though, don't think you can get that much at once. Just take out smaller amounts once a week there Johnny. Fuck for 4 k, that might be a big fee on that, don't know.

Cubs are done. So 1-1 down 135 bucks for the day. Oh well, hopefully tonight goes better.
Here we go, Zona bull pen meltdown, I'm calling for it. Ha, did mention it earlier. They are overdue for one, they had quite a few earlier in the season, the big meltdowns.
I'm sort of afraid to get a payout of 4 k at once, lol, just figure I don't want to be flaunting it and alerting authorities or anything, probably wouldn't matter I suppose if I did. Guess I think just smaller ones weekly is a better idea. Or if I'm really rolling then I just put in a damn request about every day. Gonna have to start doing more payouts now, not once a week if this keeps up. Well have a shit load in the account right now.
Not really sure about the CC vs Doubront match up. Could go either way I suppose. Both those guys blow. Could take the over, but not feeling it.

Have two later games to look at still, but think my payout is ready so gonna get that now.

Cubs that is a loser now, so 1-1-1 on the day down 135, fuck it, will win tonight. Should have bet the Mets for the whole game then would have won today, got the push there on the 5 innings.
Adding one on going with an under

Oakland at Houston under 8, +105, risking 952.38 to win 1000

Houston has no sticks for sure, and Kazmir is pretty good he is good enough to shut em down most days. Well Kazmir isn't great or anything, but with these weak Houston bats they aren't gonna do much with him. Oberholtzer has been really good for Houston so far, not a whole lot of games yet in the bigs, but the results have been good. This is a rematch from earlier at Oakland ended up Oakland winning 4-3. Probably a lot of people are taking the over thinking there will be more runs in this park. But that was a day game in Oakland, and the ball flies out in day games there, much more hitterish park in day games. I figure Oakland wins 3-2 or something like that.

Gonna take a look at Philly at LA now.

They still didn't have my payout ready ha, those bastards.
Ha I'm worried about alerting the authorities with a 4 k payout, well I am scared as hell of jail. I once had to do 20 days, and man, that sucked ass, I felt like hanging myself in the cell. No drinking, no betting, and having to watch the community tv, and fucking Smallville was on all the time, ha that show sucked ass. Couldn't watch a fucking game, with all those dumb asses in there. The food was terrible as well. Still thinking about the Phils at Dodgers.
sorry i didn't get those 2 plays up earlier there bones. Work was getting in the way today, just got home a bit ago.
no problem...not your job to worry bout me...just do what you do and we all enjoy the ride
Yeah bones, I need to just quit work. I am tired of getting up at 3 am for that 4 days a week. Guess I can't rely on my gambling, well if I could just stay hot all the time then yeah, seems that doesn't happen usually. Can't keep it up all the time. Guess the example for this, is this year so far for me. Rolled ass in January and won over 20 k, then lost my ass in February and lost over 20 k, ha. Then rolled ass in March and won a bunch, now in April I am up a bunch, but there could be a turn at some point. The ups and downs of Tuck, it is a roller coaster ride ha. If I could just manage to lay low and not throw big when I hit a down turn then I could maybe make it without work, but I can't seem to do that, lol.

Laying off the Phils at Dodgers. I am not gonna lay a -1 with Haren, or take Kendrick as a big dog. Both of those options are not appealing to me. Think Haren is overpriced there, but taking Kendrick on the road, ummmm, not to fired up about doing that.
So just the 2 games tonight. The Nats -1, and the under 8 in the Oakland at Houston game. Those both look pretty good.

Maybe I can get my damn payout now, gonna check again, lol, they don't make me wait so long usually.
Well shit I was talking about the ups and downs, but that is only when I'm drinking like lately then I can win a little something at least overall. Hoping maybe this is the time I break the fuck out and just keep burying their ass. I feel like it could happen if I keep drinking a shit load. When I'm not drinking it is all losers, lol, you guys would love fading the sober Tuck, well Matt, he is a total loser betting.
Shit I have to be the streakiest motherfucker on here. We're on a good run though now, have been since the conference tourneys in March in the college hoops. I think maybe I can keep it going this time for the long haul, we'll see, I got that feelin.
Ha, the long haul won't be very long drinking like this. Suppose if I'm fucking Keith Richards, and just can take it then maybe. No health problems or liver problems yet, well went to the doctor a while back a couple months ago, and he didn't find anything.
Too bad that Purdue game wasn't at the end of the night and you coulda hedged that parlay, if you only knew
Yeah kj, that sucked ass, well taking Purdue +4.5 I think it was, that was not a good bet vs Wisconsin. Pretty terrible take there, but at the time it seemed like a good one. Man 64 k, that shit would have made the season, and with what I'm doing now. Would be rich rolling now.
Yeah and when I had that parlay coming in it looked like. I was talking about maybe letting ride on San Diego St at the end, lol, that would have been stupid, they did it, but barely in OT. No I'm not that stupid I would have hedged on that one, and bet Utah St for something.
ha, the long haul won't be very long drinking like this. Suppose if i'm fucking keith richards, and just can take it then maybe. No health problems or liver problems yet, well went to the doctor a while back a couple months ago, and he didn't find anything.
maybe matt went in your place?
Can't do any more 100 buck 10 team parlays until football season now. They came out with some football lines at 5 dimes now. I haven't even thought about em yet. Well, shit I haven't looked at the teams much, so I'm not betting any football now. They have some college lines out. It is just a few games though not many. Ohio St -16.5 at Navy, maybe Navy ha, they do have that really good running qb with the option. Guess Ohio St has all this time to prepare for that Navy attack. Well, I don't really know exactly who is coming back for Ohio St and Navy even, haven't looked into it.

Yeah I don't know there bones, I used to drink like a complete madman in my 20's. Then I quit for a while cuz I was afraid of my health. Now I'm drinking a shit load again, but not as much as in like my mid 20's, like back in the time I was in Vegas. Those were serious drunk days, cuz I didn't have something to wake up for at 3 am.