Thur bases

Just a matter of time until the Nats get to Stults, had a threat there, didn't work out. Their bats are too good for Stults to shut down in D.C. in Petco yeah he maybe could then, not on the road.
Fucking shit, work was talking today about keeping me out there until 5 or so tomorrow, that is not good. Cuz then that is an hour before the games start. Guess I may look a little bit at the early Friday night games here in a bit. Get prepared in case they keep me late. That job man they really regulate on my ass, keep me there for a bunch of hours. Then the bosses get in later than me and leave about the same time ha, fucking crap, I should be running that shit. My 2 bosses they would get their ass rolled in my world, lol, fuck I would like to see them make some bets on these games. No chance for their dumb asses. Well one of em does bet football, and he blows at it, every time he says something I think well I should probably get on the other team.
We are on our way, 1-0 Nats, with the way Zimmerman is pitching I don't see the Pads getting anything going. Nats should add on a few more runs here.
Natty boys deserve to be winning with all those hits just need to get the timely plays. I feel a bomb coming for ya Tuck