Three Team Deal Supposedly In The Works (Kidd Involved)

reNew Orleans

Clubbin' with Rasual Butler
The Nets are reportedly in discussions with the Mavericks and Blazers in a deal that would send Jason Kidd to Dallas.

While nothing is confirmed, the potential deal would send Kidd, Malik Allen, Jamaal Magloire, a draft pick and cash to Dallas. The Nets would get Devean George and Jerry Stackhouse from the Mavs, and Travis Outlaw, Jarrett Jack and Channing Frye from Portland, while the Blazers would get Dallas PG Devin Harris. Whether this blockbuster happens or not remains to be seen, but the Nets are reportedly scrambling to move Kidd sooner than later. And we're also not sure what good this trade would do for the Blazers. In fact, it hurts more than it helps. Jan. 30 - 3:36 pm et
It would make more sense IF Port was getting NJ draft pick cause it should be a decent one. Figure if Miles returns he takes Outlaw's role , Jack's role has diminished some and Devin Harris would be an upgrade , and Frye ha been in and out of McMillan's doghouse and has only produced in spurts. So if you were getting that Draft Pick for him I think it fits very nicely for Portland...still would you deal Jack and Frye for Devin Harris??? Assuming Miles comes back and takes Outlaw's role....NJ would have to do some reshuffling...

Also good point Frye is useless to them when Oden come back next season
The Portland personal would have to be a bunch of fuckin idiots to do that trade. This will not happen if Portland personal is worth a damn.
First of all fuck Miles and anyone who believes that hes going to make a comeback,....PLEASE! Miles is completely GARBAGE

Devon "Flopper" Harris, I fuckin hate the living shit out of this bastard. He is a great example of how basketball should not be played. I swear this guy fucking falls anytime someone touches him. I say FUCK HIM! The blazers have a great chemistry that I'm sure they do not want to mess with in lue of Oden coming back next year. (Dont even get me started on that 2 timing mofo, lazy, slow, retarded bastard.)
I'm probably in the minority but I thought Devin Harris was pretty good. I liked the way he drove to the basket even tho his jump shot wasn't that good.

It's kind of like how Miami sold their soul a few years back and signed Shaq to a long term contract to get that title. Now there paying for it having to pay him. Dallas wants that title now and is willing to get an aging Kidd to help them.
LOL gooser, yeah Harris is a flopper. Looks like he graduated with flying colors from the Vlade Divac school of flopping.
The only person with a future in Portland is Outlaw so thats all they are giving up. Frye and Jack have been on there way out since Dec...and you dont have to been a Blazer fan to know that. I agree Outlaw is a loss though...just sayin Miles comebacking in management minds along with Webster probably ease concerns....
Geezus, just when I starting liking Portland and Travis Outlaw.....

Sportsnut brings up good points, but i still dont like this trade for Portland at all......
I think you guys are giving Portland way to much credit? How good is it really going? Above zero expectations..? Yeah . This team still hasnt beaten anyone . Mangaement knows this team is all about the future once they get Oden in the mix. Frye and Jack have little value . Outlaw is the tough guy to deal cause he has been so Good but it comes down to nunbers and Miles probably is untradeable. Plus Webster is a version of Outlaw as well .....its about needs and with Steve Blake at PG are you going anywhere?? Devin Harris is a solid upgrade without taking away much. If you really listen to McMillan he is not happy with either Frye or jack as both have ben benched and shopped for awhile. It comes down to do you want to deal outlaw??? Harris seems to fill a need. This good thing is feasting on medicore teams....

If I am Portland and have resigned myself to getting rid off Jack and Frye for whatever this might be the right deal. How many decent young PGs are available? The NETS would be the big winnners IMO.....they get some athletes and vets...

Interesting offer to say the least probably doesnt get done w/o Outlaw so I would assume thats what PORT is deliberating.
wouldn't give up outlaw, actually wouldnt change anything until oden is back and they see what happens after that.
I think you guys are giving Portland way to much credit? How good is it really going? Above zero expectations..? Yeah . This team still hasnt beaten anyone . Mangaement knows this team is all about the future once they get Oden in the mix. Frye and Jack have little value . Outlaw is the tough guy to deal cause he has been so Good but it comes down to nunbers and Miles probably is untradeable. Plus Webster is a version of Outlaw as well .....its about needs and with Steve Blake at PG are you going anywhere?? Devin Harris is a solid upgrade without taking away much. If you really listen to McMillan he is not happy with either Frye or jack as both have ben benched and shopped for awhile. It comes down to do you want to deal outlaw??? Harris seems to fill a need. This good thing is feasting on medicore teams....

If I am Portland and have resigned myself to getting rid off Jack and Frye for whatever this might be the right deal. How many decent young PGs are available? The NETS would be the big winnners IMO.....they get some athletes and vets...

Interesting offer to say the least probably doesnt get done w/o Outlaw so I would assume thats what PORT is deliberating.

I'm not too sure how much you've seen of Portland, our know an idea of the way management thinks, you'd realize this doesn't make that much sense.

I agree with everything you said about Jack and Frye, both exenpable, neither a part of our future, if only jack 2 more years so we can lure in Chris Paul with playing with an old friend. And Frye is an odd man out when Oden comes back, he may steal a few minutes from Aldridge, but I'll take Pryzbilla over Frye everyday of the week.

Miles is a non-factor, he's been "ready" to play for about a month now, in decent shape, and knee stable, and it has been a non-story. Management wants to stay as far away from shining a light on that as much as possible.

Ok, Webster is not a version of Outlaw, he's not a beta, not even cut from the same mold. Too completely different players, in about every aspect of their game. Outlaw, after Oden/Roy/Aldridge, is as big a key to the nucleus as anyone. Kevin Pritchard can't look at that grin and not salivate. Outlaw if he continues to develop is going to be a top flight SF in the near future. If he could put on 10 pounds he'd be a force. Portland wouldn't trade Outlaw for anyone on Dallas outside of J.Howard and Dirk, period.

Devin Harris, really, we want a slightly more refined Jarret Jack, for Jack, Frye, AND Outlaw. I am not a fan of Harris at all, he's soft, flops, plays reckless at times, and has peaked. How do you play on a team with Dirk, Howard, Stack, and Terry, only average 5 assists? More staggering then Randos inability. To average anything less than 10 shouldn't be an issue. Why would I want a poor shooting PG who looks for his shot, running my team, with Roy/Aldridge/Oden to distribute to. Makes no sense, and would be a complete regression.

Portland won't pull the trigger, I would put my entire bankroll on it.

Portland shouldn't make a deal for any PG's until after next year and have Paul Allen (:prayer) open up his wallet and get CP3. Who's expressed concern about playing in NO. And what young PG wouldn't want to come to the best young team in the league. I'll throw a unit on this prop.

I'll trade Outlaw for Kidd though. He's got 2 years left right?
Clearly you know Portland better then I do. I know Webster is more of a 2/3 rather then Outlaw being a legit 3 but I just think the can do alot of the same things.

Why do they start Webster then when it would make more sense to start Outlaw if he is clearly better and Webster is versatile? Curious if you knew

And I agree with Darius Miles being kept away due to his attitude problems in the past or should I say I was aware.

The way I see it is how many trade opportunties present themselves in the NBA? Chris Paul is a stud but to much talent if you run out Roy , Aldridge and Oden with him...sounds silly but I think you have to cap the stars at three per team. So I would think whle Paul fits great on paper it might not work. I really havent seen Devin Harris much at all so I dont how bad I would want him other then he is an upgrade over Steve Blake.

It will be interesting to see how it plays out. I'll take your word that management would never do it but I could see why they would if they have to get Miles back in the mix. Remember if Miles is healthy enough to play eventually he will be able to file a grievance I would think. I assume James Jones then if not Miles would be the beneficary of the minutes at SF. His play has been solid as well.

I love Outlaw's play of late but I am unsure of what Port management envisions his future with them. Just from looking at the situation. I am only guessing ...

Good thing is certain Kidd is just about done in NJ!
While nothing is confirmed, the potential deal would send Kidd, Malik Allen, Jamaal Magloire, a draft pick and cash to Dallas. The Nets would get Devean George and Jerry Stackhouse from the Mavs, and Travis Outlaw, Jarrett Jack and Channing Frye from Portland, while the Blazers would get Dallas PG Devin Harris. Whether this blockbuster happens or not remains to be seen, but the Nets are reportedly scrambling to move Kidd sooner than later. And we're also not sure what good this trade would do for the Blazers. In fact, it hurts more than it helps. Jan. 30 - 3:36 pm et
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Well...Brandon likes to control Blazer offense...Outlw has showed it...but this is an upgrade for Portland longterm....

New Jersey is big loser here...bunch of this/that for a semi-franchise guy....rather have cap money
Clearly you know Portland better then I do. I know Webster is more of a 2/3 rather then Outlaw being a legit 3 but I just think the can do alot of the same things.

Why do they start Webster then when it would make more sense to start Outlaw if he is clearly better and Webster is versatile? Curious if you knew

And I agree with Darius Miles being kept away due to his attitude problems in the past or should I say I was aware.

The way I see it is how many trade opportunties present themselves in the NBA? Chris Paul is a stud but to much talent if you run out Roy , Aldridge and Oden with him...sounds silly but I think you have to cap the stars at three per team. So I would think whle Paul fits great on paper it might not work. I really havent seen Devin Harris much at all so I dont how bad I would want him other then he is an upgrade over Steve Blake.

It will be interesting to see how it plays out. I'll take your word that management would never do it but I could see why they would if they have to get Miles back in the mix. Remember if Miles is healthy enough to play eventually he will be able to file a grievance I would think. I assume James Jones then if not Miles would be the beneficary of the minutes at SF. His play has been solid as well.

I love Outlaw's play of late but I am unsure of what Port management envisions his future with them. Just from looking at the situation. I am only guessing ...

Good thing is certain Kidd is just about done in NJ!

It's not even about positioning with those two. Webster is a sit in the corner spot shooter, he shows spurts of what he's capable of, but at this point it's a mindfuck scenario and his ego has been broken down so much I wouldn't doubt he jumps whenever he hears a door creak. He's come up big in one game his entire career, where he put the team on his back. Still makes mental mistakes, he's just not on the same level skill/potential wise as Outlaw. Outlaw's midrange has increased exponentially, his ball handling leaps and bounds, and his athleticism tells the rest. The leap in his game from last year to this one is not shown in any stat sheet. The improvement from last year to this in his overall game, is not at all indicative in his 13ppg.

As for why he's not starting is a good question, with much of an answer. Nate McMillan has left me clueless on a lot of lineups and rotations, and espacially with the use of Pryzbilla, but most the times he's right. I think it's more of the fact that Webster can potentially be on, and knocking down threes, which is always nice to open the game. Someone who they can stick out there and the other team has to atleast give a little bit of credit to, to spread the offense. Outlaw right now isn't as productive outside as Webster, so I think we lose that range from Webster. That's all I can come up with.

It's definitely not a matter of who McMillan favors. To see who McMillan favors go look at Martells minutes next to Outlaws, it's probably 8/1, Webster doesn't hardly ever play in the 4th unless we're really desperate. Whereas Outlaw is neck-and-neck with Outlaw for scoring in the 4th, and has numerous times put the team on the back and carried them. And even showed poise in the clutch against ATL last week, McMillan settling on that play last year, would've fallen somewhere just ahead of a Jamaal Magloire fade away three. Is really shocking for anyone to think of where Travis Outlaw was this time last year .

As for Paul, agreed on the stars, but I don't really see Aldridge becoming a star, unless his game changes, he'll be a 'star' the way sheed is, his game will be as versatile as anyones, but he will fade in and out of stardom. He doesn't have that take over mentality, and he's soft on the glass, considering out lack of depth upfront and the minutes he's on the floor, with his height, he should be pulling down 10 a game. I don't think there should be any exceptions. But his game just doesn't demand star. And I view Oden as like Emeka Okafor, or something. His game is gonna develope slow though, CP3s first year would be his 2nd. So he's not going to be dominating anyone yet, but I think he'll be a quiet star, like Okafor, and his Rebounds are going to be the key stat, and rebounds dont jump out when people think of stars. Just my take on those two. But when you throw Paul into the mix, everything would gel. Paul/Roy/Outlaw/Aldridge/Oden, Paul Allen should/could sell his stocks to get 10years with that lineup.:bong: I rambled