This narrative that Boston fans aren't "classy" is the funniest thing I've seen in my lifetime

King Slap

CTG Honorary Super Moderator
Of course it's all Californians.

Not sure if this is even in the right forum but Jesus, grow some balls you fake fans. That's what happens when you come to the Northeast. And in Draymonds case try to severely injure our best player

I guarantee you people in San Francisco can't even point out Philadelphia let alone Boston on a map

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A LOT of receipts will be collected in this thread.

We all hate each other out here in the Northeast but we respect the shit out of each other, except UConn I hope that program gets shut down but

Clearly nobody on this forum has been to a Bills game and thrown a dildo on the field the way @Lexington 125 did

Much respect to all, but fuck the Warriors and tomorrow will be a bloodbath

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What kind of receipts you gonna find?

You are claiming Boston fans are classy. You are the one that needs to prove that they are. The general concensus in this country is the opposite.
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Still don't know what they were chanting at Draymond but def sign of high class it appears
What do you expect to happen to a state when you kick out the cultured and civilized people and replace them with a bunch of pioneers and indian-fighters who literally disdain anything upper-class?
I love this kinda shit.

Pro sports to the NE is like college football in the South
Rivalry is fun

Dodgers fan brutally beating Giants fan to within an inch of his life not so much

Wearing away stuff to a game isn't grounds for assault...I don't think. Didn't go to law school though.
Just wait until tomorrow night though when the biggest puss*** in America try to walk back into the Garden and get a road win. This arena and area will not forget everything they said postgame and it'll be 100x worse for those softies
Not possible. It’s a very liberal state and city. Definitely no racism in Boston or Blue England as a whole…..
I like how Greg McDermott (Creighton head coach since I know you don't watch college hoops) said after we massacred them to win the Big East "no way were we winning tonight, the Golden State Warriors wouldn't even have stood a chance in this environment"

Same shit happening for these P Boys from The Bay in Beantown

Your thread title is a statement (opinion). We have actually events that happened in the last 24 hours that support the opposite of what you are trying to say.

This thread was dead on arrival.
I’ll try to save it

One of my favorite SNL cold opens ever
My buddy and I were 11 when this aired and we thot it was the funniest thing ever.

This is a great rendition of Boston fans particularly Celtics


So a group of people who were called racist, are denying it

That's proof?
It was the quickest I could find but the bleacher creatures would've pummeled the shit out of anyone that did what Jones said, trust me.

When I go to games casually it's always bleachers cause it's kind of like a family out there

Your thread title is a statement (opinion). We have actually events that happened in the last 24 hours that support the opposite of what you are trying to say.

This thread was dead on arrival.
Ok like the Warrior fans didn't absolutely call LeBron all kinds of things in the 2016 Finals?