The Miami Dolphins - Martin and Incognito texts


Pretty much a regular
the stuff with Martin alone was horrible and add on to it this

  • Adam Beasley@AdamHBeasley<small class="time" style="font-size: 12px; color: rgb(187, 187, 187); position: relative; float: right; margin-top: 1px;">7m</small>
    Recently, a younger player was handed the tab for a $30,000 team dinner. The rookie minimum this year is around $400.000.
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  • Adam Beasley@AdamHBeasley<small class="time" style="font-size: 12px; color: rgb(187, 187, 187); position: relative; float: right; margin-top: 1px;">9m</small>
    They've gotten sucked into the Miami lifestyle, and the veterans are using the younger players as an ATM, I'm told.
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  • Adam Beasley@AdamHBeasley<small class="time" style="font-size: 12px; color: rgb(187, 187, 187); position: relative; float: right; margin-top: 1px;">9m</small>
    One young defensive player, whose privacy I'm protecting, has literally gone broke because he's been pressured to pay for older players.
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  • Adam Beasley@AdamHBeasley<small class="time" style="font-size: 12px; color: rgb(187, 187, 187); position: relative; float: right; margin-top: 1px;">10m</small>
    I can now report this: This is a HUGE issue inside the Dolphins' locker room, and not just limited to this situation.
entire management hierarchy needs to take a long look at themselves in the mirror and if the coaching staff knows about the bullying and other stuff needs to be fired

how can this team attract free agents going forward looking like this
Whole staff needs to go. There is no way the entire coaching staff is not aware of this.
richie incognito grew up in the area here and was thought of as a real piece of shit then, obviously it hasn't changed

I don't know if you guys saw the piece on ESPN this morning or not but he pressured martin into a vegas trip, instead Martin just gave him $15,000. what a pile of shit that guy is if it's true and he hasn't earned any benefit of the doubt from me
You have to wonder if this happens on other teams... Football players have to be liked by their teammates to a degree otherwise they can be turned on quite easily and have their careers hurt. It's not like other sports where the player can make a name for himself on his own. Their careers are really short compared to other sports and this is just wrong if true.
The rookie paying for the bill bothers me. It seems ridiculous to expect that kid to foot the bill.

Agreed. It seems as if there were a bunch of rookies present at the dinner, as it was "rookie night," so it probably wasn't just one dude who got stuck with the entire tab. That doesn't really change much, it's still ridiculous, but not as ridiculous as one rookie shelling out $30k himself.
richie incognito grew up in the area here and was thought of as a real piece of shit then, obviously it hasn't changed

He's been thought of as a piece of shit in the NFL for a few years now too, so you're 100% right nothing has changed with him. Hasn't he been voted the NFL's dirtiest player (maybe #2) by the other players for a year or two running now?
Pretty fucked up what they do to the rookies. But the rookies need to say fuck that I'm not paying for this. Grow some balls. I understand there can be some backlash if they do revolt but you can only go so far with the bullshit. Once you cross the line, that's it. It's not like a young kid against a gang of bullies. You're grown ass men. Stand up for yourselves.
I love that the GM approached Martin's parents (who are both harvard educated for whatever that means) to issue a joint statement on friday and they declined...I actually thought the guy was just being a little overly emotional at first but it sounds like it goes a ton deeper. Now just got to sift through the bullshit of course.
Something about this just reeks of media bs

There are tweets from a few of the Dolphins players from the night of the dinner that kinda show it may be true. It sounded more like media BS before this story of the rookie(s) paying for the dinner, amongst other things, came out. Now it actually sounds like there's something legitimate to the entire story.

Jared Odrick ‏<s>@</s>JaredOdrick98 <small class="time"> 2 Nov </small> Everything tastes better when rookies pay for it
Retweeted by Adam Beasley

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Oh I fully believe it happened. But we don't know the context of the situation. Just jumping to conclusions. $30,000K is a huge bill but for how many people? $500 a player isn't that crazy.
Oh I fully believe it happened. But we don't know the context of the situation. Just jumping to conclusions.

What do you think is media BS then? I'm confused.

You think that one rookie paying the $30k tab is the media BS? I would sounds like it was a bunch of rookies who had to foot the bill.
This story is brutal. Can you imagine, forget being a #1 draft pick, think about being another rookie. You kill yourself to make the team, you've made it and then you get treated like a cash machine—by your teammates. Jesus.
Do we know if after it was all over, if the players didnt pony up cash for the rookie? :thinking:Lets not jump to conclusions. And to say this doesn't happen at other teams to some degree is ludicrous.
The rookie paying the bill made sense (kinda) when guys like Bradford were handed 50 million before playing a down....but making a later round draft pick pay is insanely stupid.....
Roy Williams pays back Dez Bryant

Updated: September 29, 2010, 11:36 AM ET
<cite class="source" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; outline: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; font-style: normal; line-height: 14px; font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; color: rgb(153, 153, 153); display: block; overflow: hidden;">By Calvin Watkins |</cite>

At some point, Dallas Cowboys rookie wide receiver Dez Bryant was going to get his comeuppance. Teammate Roy Williams all but guaranteed that during training camp.

Bryant made national news in training camp when he refused to carry Williams' pads after practice -- bucking the trend of veteran NFL players hazing rookies. Bryant later said he didn't know about such tradition.

"I'm not doing it," Bryant said then. "I feel like I was drafted to play football, not carry another player's pads."

Williams excused it, saying then that Bryant, who received $8.3 million in guaranteed money from his rookie contract, would just have to take the team out to dinner and get him some new shoes.

Well, that dinner happened Monday night. The final tab: $54,896.

Bryant took the offensive players out to Pappas Bros. Steakhouse. Williams, however, made sure Bryant got the message, inviting defensive players as well.

And guess who was left holding the bill afterward.

"They got the young fella," said Bryant's adviser, David Wells. "What could he say? He had to pay it unless he wanted to wash dishes for a month."

Players ordered basically everything on the menu and even took home bottles of wine.

After checking out the 90-page wine book, it's anybody's guess if anybody took home a bottle of Chateau Latour for $9,000. It's also possible a few players ordered a bottle of PlumpJack Reserve for $600.

No word from Bryant or Williams about the evening ... yet.

$8.3 in guaranteed money vs. a rookie making the minimum. There's no doubt this type of thing happens on most NFL teams, it just sounds as if Richie and the boys are taking it to another level. Maybe not, it could all be just an overblown media story, I guess we shall see in the near future.

The Jonathan Martin situation has taken another twist. Only hours after the Dolphinsreleased a statement on Sunday saying "the notion of bullying is based on speculation," Martin fired back by formally raising allegations of player misconduct.
"We received notification today from Jonathan's representation about allegations of player misconduct," the Dolphins said in a statement. "We are taking these allegations very seriously and plan to review the matter further. We have also reached out to the NFL and asked them to conduct an objective and thorough review. As an organization, we are committed to a culture of team-first accountability and respect for one another."
<aside style="float: left; width: 220px; margin: 20px 20px 20px 0px; line-height: 1.4em; font-size: 16px; font-family: Ubuntu, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-weight: bold; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);"><header style="width: 220px; margin-bottom: 10px; color: rgb(204, 0, 0); font-size: 12px; border-bottom-style: solid; border-bottom-width: 1px; border-bottom-color: rgb(204, 0, 0); font-weight: 500; text-transform: uppercase;">INCONITO NAMED</header>Richie Incognito termed 'ring leader' of abuse</aside>Martin may have decided to make the allegations after the Dolphins released the following statement on Sunday morning, "The notion of bullying is based on speculation and has not been presented to us as a concern from Jonathan or anyone else internally. The reports that the NFLPA is investigating our players are inaccurate. Additionally, the NFL offered its assistance during this time, which we appreciated and gladly accepted."
and the Dez thing has nothing to do with it, it doesn't sound like this was a rookie dinner issue, or even making a guy who has a guaranteed 8.3m coming his way pay alone

it's league minimum guys dropping close to 10% of their yearly earnings and shit like that

if Incognito was actually the guy running things I hope he gets blacklisted from the NFL
same thing for the management of the team

made them selves look even stupider today saying it was all speculation an hour before he gives the official complaint, clown organization
Dickhead Richie has been suspended by the Dolphins. I guess it wasn't a media creation after all. Wonder if he's going to say anything on Twitter after putting the media on blast earlier and basically calling everyone liars.
i am all for the media bs, but icognito has a history of being a pos at the very least, no reason in my book to give this loser the benefit of the doubt at this point. something fucked up happened here, though i dont believe incognito was nearly alone or all to blame.
i am all for the media bs, but icognito has a history of being a pos at the very least, no reason in my book to give this loser the benefit of the doubt at this point. something fucked up happened here, though i dont believe incognito was nearly alone or all to blame.

He probably wasn't, but like you said...he has a history of being a dick. He was at least the ring leader, if he wasn't the only one doing it.
Dickhead Richie has been suspended by the Dolphins. I guess it wasn't a media creation after all. Wonder if he's going to say anything on Twitter after putting the media on blast earlier and basically calling everyone liars.

lol he called out Schefter hard, and CBS too

will be great to see what he has to say

Piolo said on SNF that he didn't want him out of college at all, was an automatic off the draft board
lol he called out Schefter hard, and CBS too

will be great to see what he has to say

Piolo said on SNF that he didn't want him out of college at all, was an automatic off the draft board

Odds that his twitter account is shut down w/i a week?
I wonder if Incognito will be man enough and apologize for what he's done. And I wonder if it was N. Suh would he do the same thing? I think we all know the answer to that. Just a typical bully who picks on weaker people. For the life of me I don't know why Martin didn't stand up to him. You check him in his chin, the bully almost ALWAYS backs down.
he was probably scared shitless. Richie is an all pro and o-line's are like a fuck with one you fuck with the whole pack. he was probably scared that if some second year dude starts shit with a guy like RI the team wouldu drop him before theyd side with him. horrible situation, this guy is clearly a completely piece of shit as a person. looks like this is just the tip of the iceberg too and the stuff were going to find out is gonna blow our minds

The Jonathan Martin situation continues to unfurl and escalate, with the latest allegations turning what seemed to be a simple case of bullying into perhaps much more.
Multiple sources told FOX Sports the Miami Dolphins and the NFL Players Association have been told guard Richie Incognito sent Martin text messages and left him voicemails that are both threatening and racially charged in nature. Sources said those messages will be shared with the league as part of the investigation.
Albert Breer@AlbertBreer<small class="time" style="font-size: 12px; color: rgb(187, 187, 187); position: relative; float: right; margin-top: 1px;">2m</small>
The evidence that's now in the hands of the NFL implicates Richie Incognito and, to a lesser extent, Mike Pouncey.

To be honest, I don't really care. Do they care what happens in my Fire Department? No. Proceed :cigarguy:
Have you guys seen the message posted by Incognito's father on a Dolphins' message board? Deadspin has done some sleuthing, and they have all but confirmed that it actually is his father on the board making the posts. He actually talks shit about Pouncey as well as Martin, so it's surprising to hear Pouncey's name come up on the side of Incongnito. Here's the link if you haven't read the story yet...
All of this from a guy who was bullied in high school, until his father told him to stand up to the bully. You're a pretty big POS if you go and bully others when you've been bullied yourself and know what it feels like.
Wow. I hope this guy gets cut from the Dolphins and no other teams ever pick him up. I hope he's played his last down in the NFL. This guy is 30 and still acting like that, SMH.
his disdain for rookies is bizzare to say the least. whats his issue? I understand and am fine with some harmless hazing, maybe a $500 dinner bill or something, but my god this is disgusting. does he not realize that he was also once a rookie?
his disdain for rookies is bizzare to say the least. whats his issue? I understand and am fine with some harmless hazing, maybe a $500 dinner bill or something, but my god this is disgusting. does he not realize that he was also once a rookie?

he was also a victim of bullying in school i believe?
Something about this just reeks of media bs

The media attention it's received might be the only reason piece of shit Incognito is suspended now. Dolphins seemed very willing to keep it under wraps until it became public. Media as watchdogs deserve more credit than blame here.
The media attention it's received might be the only reason piece of shit Incognito is suspended now. Dolphins seemed very willing to keep it under wraps until it became public. Media as watchdogs deserve more credit than blame here.
well said
Have you guys seen the message posted by Incognito's father on a Dolphins' message board? Deadspin has done some sleuthing, and they have all but confirmed that it actually is his father on the board making the posts. He actually talks shit about Pouncey as well as Martin, so it's surprising to hear Pouncey's name come up on the side of Incongnito. Here's the link if you haven't read the story yet...
Interesting. Now you know why Richie Incognito is a the way he is. His dad is a POS and taught his son well.
This shit is fucked up but we're talking about grown ass men. It's not like they're kids if someone talks or treats me this way it's time to throw down. Martin should've beats his ass no matter what happened after. As a dolphins fan they should both go Martin seems really soft and incognito is a POS. Our O-line sux anyway maybe it'll get better damn sure it can't get worse