The 2008 World Series: Fightins vs. Rays

I think the fact that theyre not playing today is good for the Phils...even better if they dont play till Thursday...

The Phils were not happy about last night...JRoll didnt speak to the media, neither did Burrell or short they felt like Bud fucked them over

Heres a gem of a quote from an unnamed pitcher:

“That (expletive deleted) guy,” one pitcher said as he saw commissioner Bud Selig before walking out the back door of the clubhouse. “I wouldn’t let him supervise one of my (bowel movements). He has no clue. Not one (expletive deleted) clue.”

And another from an unnamed position player:

“(Expletive deleted),” one position player said in the direction of one television pausing only for a moment before leaving. “He’s a moron. How stupid can one person be?”
:36_11_6:...My guess is the pitcher was Brett Myers...The position player I dont really have a guess

good, fuck selig

GET FIRED UP, lets take this bitch whenever it resumes

maybe it could even turn into a good thing and be delayed till thursday

although the anticipation and anxiety and waiting would suck, cole for game 7'an_horse'
I mean if you remove the whole 'Oh shit this is Philadelphia and doomsday is on the way' thing and look at it rationally, the Phils should be favored...

They get to bat first and last, theyre at home and they have the better bullpen...

We'll see though...
I mean if you remove the whole 'Oh shit this is Philadelphia and doomsday is on the way' thing and look at it rationally, the Phils should be favored...

They get to bat first and last, theyre at home and they have the better bullpen...

We'll see though...


there ya go bro, positive thinking.
it was certainly a tough turn of events, and selig is a fuckstick, but you all now have the shot to eliminate all doubt form peoples mind if this ended in a suspended game, and close it out tomorrow/thurs. no questions asked. phillies as unquestioned world champs.

. lonogoria flied out to end the inning. so to lead off the 7th we'll see the middle/bottom of the order which really hasnt producing at all. navarro and bartlett have been silent this WS, baldelli may come through with a hit. and then the pitcher spot, maybe hinske to PH again?

its a tie game but you get 3 extra outs.
and undoubtebly it will be lidge/romero/madson.... phills still have the advantage

maddon has already said he will NOT use shields in relief and is saivng him for game 6.
we will most definitely see some price and the phills had some success against him in game 2.
look at it this way

if they get it done and win tomorrow, its a double win.

phils are world champs, and selig looks like a fucking idiot.:moose:

that being said,yall fans have a right to feel cheated though.
Maybe they need to talk to those Umps about the horrific calls they are making to Phillies favor? I mean, Tampa Bay pitchers have to pitch inside a shoe box while Philly pitches to a net. :hang:
Maybe they need to talk to those Umps about the horrific calls they are making to Phillies favor? I mean, Tampa Bay pitchers have to pitch inside a shoe box while Philly pitches to a net. :hang:

Yeah, right after they talk to them about how to tell when someone gets hit by a pitch or is out at first by a foot...not to mention when they change the rules and make you play in a monsoon....when that gets evened out, then maybe they can start bitching...
In related news, Rollins has undergone outpatient surgery to remove a baseball from his ass. The spheroid was believed to have been inserted into his rectum on a play at 3rd base.

These umps suck hard.
Selig hates the Phillies, 'nuff said...

Here's a snipit from Bud's press conference...
SELIG: After consulting with Buck, McCarver, Karl Rove, John McCain and Chris Wheeler, we’ve, um, determined that we will resume play when conditions most favor the Tampa Bay Rays.

REPORTER #2: Yes, of course, but will play resume in Philadelphia ?


The least Selig can do after royally fucking us over like this is, if in the unlikely event this series goes past game 5, to keep the travel day in tact so game 6 would be friday and game 7 would be saturday which would mean Cole could go on full rest...
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