I thought you were saying in general that teams didnt have 80 million to spend . For the most part was only pointing out alot of these teams get 30-60 million upfront .

It's a sad situation that needs to get fixed . It's a mockery on every level . Yanks finance there own new stadium which means increased revenues for them and they get out of revenue sharing by doing so . Teams with good history like Pitt , even KC , Minny its sad to see them go this route .

Alot of change needs to happen. Small markets have to INVEST the money in the team and if not they should have to pay it back to MLB at season's end .

Baseball needs to classify players in teirs and have max contracts . What kills teams are not the CC , Arod , Tex deals its the medicore guys who get 4 years and 40 million that do nothing ..

In defense of the Yanks if you look at every bad contract they have signed in teh past 5 seasons the 3 new ones look great ...

Matsui 4yrs -52 million
Wright 2yrs -17 million
Pavano 4yrs-42 million
Giambi 7yrs -120 million (love Giambi but bad contract)
Pettitte 1yr -16 million
Moose 8yrs -105million(last 2 contracts)
Abreu 2yrs-30million

Kevin Brown , Randy Johnson , Roger Clemens pro rated in 2007 , and on and on.....

Just need the NBA and NFL structures....

No need to respond...
As far as Boston goes we couldnt stop at Tex we had to fleece you of Wake's personal catcher Kevin Cash as well ...lol..

In all seriousness if I was a Sox fan why worry ? We stole Contreras from you , we stole ARod from you which funny they are both Boars clients and well how has that worked out for us so far ??

More bad contracts ......how about Kei Igawa ?????
Yanks have the highest salary because they PISS away 50 million a season......

Hate the Yanks if you want but feel for the true fans who wont be able to afford going to the new stadium...or wind up spending a thousands bucks for a family four to sit in the nose bleeds..
SportsNut, you make a lot of good points in here, but the day I feel sorry for a "true" Yankee fan (haven't met many ... most in my neck of the woods are the Lebron James variety) will be the day I slice off my own dick.

Those poor folks can't even attend a game without a free ticket because the team that they support is greedy and bilks its own market because it can, fan be damned. Ticket prices folks can't afford, they set the precedent for pay-per-view baseball, they negotiate against themselves in FA season ... need I go on. (And on a personal level, that dyke they have calling play-by-play in the radio booth ...... c'mon, all I can say.)

Really, New York fans (nice run last season, by the way), I think I speak for many. We don't hate you because you're so good. We hate you because you think you're so good. It's bad form. Those of us outside of New York, we call it being an asshole.
^ Especially a winner that boasts artificially.

It confounds Yankees fans why people don't like them. They lose, and we continue to not like them. People are supposed to like losers.
This reminds me of the recruiting season for CFB. Every year Utah fans have to hear about BYU having the best recruiting class in the MWC. They're like 110-0 in that category it seems. Fortunately they don't win nearly as often, like the Yankees, when the ball hits the field. Yankee fans haven't been able to celebrate a World Series or a playoff series win in awhile so this is where they get to gloat. It is what it is.
SportsNut, you make a lot of good points in here, but the day I feel sorry for a "true" Yankee fan (haven't met many ... most in my neck of the woods are the Lebron James variety) will be the day I slice off my own dick.

Those poor folks can't even attend a game without a free ticket because the team that they support is greedy and bilks its own market because it can, fan be damned. Ticket prices folks can't afford, they set the precedent for pay-per-view baseball, they negotiate against themselves in FA season ... need I go on. (And on a personal level, that dyke they have calling play-by-play in the radio booth ...... c'mon, all I can say.)

Really, New York fans (nice run last season, by the way), I think I speak for many. We don't hate you because you're so good. We hate you because you think you're so good. It's bad form. Those of us outside of New York, we call it being an asshole.

Fuck baseball for letting this mess happen. The Yankees aren't trying to win championships, they're trying to buy championships. The Yankees should be banned 1 year for not even making the playoffs in that disastrous season last year.

Fuck baseball for letting this mess happen. The Yankees aren't trying to win championships, they're trying to buy championships. The Yankees should be banned 1 year for not even making the playoffs in that disastrous season last year.

soo funny

Go head, ban the Yankees, and all you small market baseball teams can shutdown your stadium tomorrow. Baseball can't exist without the Yankees. Thats a fact.

Whatr is also funny, a disastrous season for the Yankees is not making the playoffs and winning 89 games. Thats funny because 89 wins would of gotten you the AL Central and the NL West. There were 21 teams with a worse record than the Yankees. If a disaster of a season is winning about 90 games, I can accept it, especially when Sidney Ponson was a starter in the rotation at one point. That number should improve by about 20 this year.
Whatr is also funny, a disastrous season for the Yankees is not making the playoffs and winning 89 games. Thats funny because 89 wins would of gotten you the AL Central and the NL West. There were 21 teams with a worse record than the Yankees. If a disaster of a season is winning about 90 games, I can accept it, especially when Sidney Ponson was a starter in the rotation at one point. That number should improve by about 20 this year.

It was an awful season for the Yankees because they were out of the race by the end of August.
Baseball can't exist without the Yankees.

I can't make stuff up this good. Why stop at baseball ... can the world exist without the New York Yankees?
i have zero problem with the way the yanks spend their money. but please dont say the sox are like the yankees like i've been hearing, because the yankees are in a league of their own. boston is for the most part, very smart when they decide how much to offer a fa. they try spend their money wisely and the yanks just spend their money on the first big thing. tex is the best signing they've had in a while, congrats.
http://www.theonion.com/content/node/27656 Guess they were a bit ahead of the game in 2003...

Yankees Ensure 2003 Pennant By Signing Every Player In Baseball

NEW YORK—With a week to go before pitchers and catchers report for spring training, the New York Yankees shored up their pitching, hitting, and defense Monday by signing every player in professional baseball.

"We'd like to welcome the entire roster of Major League Baseball into the Yankees family," said team owner George Steinbrenner, watching as the franchise's 928 newest additions held up their pinstripes at a Yankee Stadium press conference. "With these acquisitions, we are in position to finally nab that elusive 27th World Series title."

Sports reporters were not surprised by the move.

"This is not entirely unexpected," New York Times baseball writer Murray Chass said. "When the Yankees followed up their signing of Japanese slugger Hideki 'Godzilla' Matsui by annexing Cuba for use as a Triple-A farm club, it was clear that Steinbrenner was willing to do whatever it takes to win."

By noon, Yankees GM Brian Cashman had signed the entire National League and most of the American League to multi-year contracts. Some 10 hours later, the final opposing player, Texas Rangers shortstop Alex Rodriguez, had been acquired by the Yankees, who bought out the remainder of his $252 million contract for $300 million.

"It's an honor to be part of this team," said catcher Benito Santiago, picked up from the San Francisco Giants as insurance in case catchers Jorge Posada, Ivan Rodriguez, and Mike Piazza all go down with injuries. "It's a surprise, certainly, but I'd be crazy to turn down the opportunity to play on what is, by default, the greatest team in baseball."

Yankees manager Joe Torre, whose pitching rotation, prior to the mass signing, lacked a clear seventh ace, now has the luxury of starting each of his hurlers twice a season.

"As they say, you can never have enough pitching in this league," Torre said. "Especially come playoff time. Now, if we make it to the World Series, we'll be able to start Pedro Martinez in Game 1 and still have him fresh and ready to go for a Game 287, should it be necessary."

With so many egos to juggle and so many personnel decisions to make, Torre said his job will actually be harder this season, the lack of opposing players notwithstanding.

"Hey, I don't care who you've got on your team; winning in this league is tough—Sammy Sosa, Barry Bonds, and Randy Johnson or no Sammy Sosa, Barry Bonds, and Randy Johnson," Torre said. "And it's even tougher in New York. This is a baseball town, and some of these fans think the Yankees are the only team in baseball. Now that we truly are, the pressure to win will be that much greater."

The mass signing, extravagant even by Yankees standards, caused the Bronx Bombers' payroll to skyrocket from a former league high of $149 million to $5.6 billion. Cashman noted that much of that figure is tied up in bonuses to be paid out to pitcher Tom Glavine, who at 37 will almost certainly not play out the entirety of his 15-year contract.

Baseball commissioner Bud Selig approved the signing, noting that the other 29 major-league teams received ample financial compensation.

"I see no reason why a small-market team like the Twins or Expos can't continue to remain competitive, just because it lacks players," Selig said.

"The league was due for contraction, anyway."
i have zero problem with the way the yanks spend their money. but please dont say the sox are like the yankees like i've been hearing, because the yankees are in a league of their own. boston is for the most part, very smart when they decide how much to offer a fa. they try spend their money wisely and the yanks just spend their money on the first big thing. tex is the best signing they've had in a while, congrats.

52 mil just to talk to a borderline number 2/3 starter is wisely spending your money??
soo funny

Go head, ban the Yankees, and all you small market baseball teams can shutdown your stadium tomorrow. Baseball can't exist without the Yankees. Thats a fact.

Whatr is also funny, a disastrous season for the Yankees is not making the playoffs and winning 89 games. Thats funny because 89 wins would of gotten you the AL Central and the NL West. There were 21 teams with a worse record than the Yankees. If a disaster of a season is winning about 90 games, I can accept it, especially when Sidney Ponson was a starter in the rotation at one point. That number should improve by about 20 this year.
Don't compare the yanks 89 wins to others 50-60 wins when you compare the payrolls. Are you serious, you can accept 89 wins with the lineup/payroll you guys dished out? You gotta be kidding me. That is a complete failure and you know it. In 2009, if this team makes the playoffs, takes the first round, then takes the penant, followed by a loss in the world series, IMO, it's a failure.
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The Pirates have no chance of that. McClatchy could not give a shit about the team winning. He has the money but wont spend it.

well, that answers my question in the pirate thread. thx.

Are you serious with this statement? First of all teams have won the world series in recent years with less. Second of all the owners, or most of them are in it to make money, not spend it.

absolutely. if the soft cap is 160 mil...no team should be spending less than 50% of that. what good is a cap w/out a floor?

of course teams have won with less...but how much better could these teams be (long term) had they spent more?
and how do you make money? invest. the better product you put out, the better you market that product, the more successful you'll be in making that profit. just ask mr moreno.
Great job by the Yanks. They got a lot better in all departments they needed and still have less salary than last year. I would say that is a pretty damn good job by Cash. The difference in the money with the Yanks and Sox is like going from 65 to 77 on the interstate. You don't see a difference at all. It comes down to the fact when Cash met with Boras and Tex before the winter meetings Tex said he wanted to be a Yankee. The Yanks sat back, saw what it would take to get Tex the best deal and did it. Great job.

good post.

gotta love boras blowin his load all over henry's face after the manny fiasco. sox musta figured they had tex locked up after letting boras off for that mess he created.

rumors swirling. some say it's the family thing...as tex has siblings in jersey, or something like that. some say he wanted no part of being in boston. who knows for sure?
Of the eight postseason teams, five - the Red Sox, White Sox, Angels, Dodgers and Cubs - have payrolls that exceed $100 million. Milw was at 90 million ....

bunch of great posts, sportnut. if that shithole can spend 90 mil a year, any franchise can.

btw...loved this article you linked from the boston fishwrap.

nice to see someone on that side of the fence being honest, and seeing things w/ some clarity.

More bad contracts ......how about Kei Igawa ?????
Yanks have the highest salary because they PISS away 50 million a season......

very true. it's not all roses and shit anywhere...

Also loved awhile back the Brewers owner blasting the Yanks for well everything . Then you look up his BIO and see he was on the Board of Directors @ Global Crossing think uhm Enron......:smiley_acbe:


lol...the guy needs one of steed's patented "STFU"s
Really, New York fans (nice run last season, by the way), I think I speak for many. We don't hate you because you're so good. We hate you because you think you're so good. It's bad form. Those of us outside of New York, we call it being an asshole.


^ Especially a winner that boasts artificially.

It confounds Yankees fans why people don't like them. They lose, and we continue to not like them. People are supposed to like losers.

and :36_11_6:

first of all...to each his own. we all have our various points of view, so it is what it is.

but from my POV...it doesn't confound me in the least. it's no different than the hate a company like microsoft gets from a small, independent software company. it's no different than the blind hatred this country receives from some poor Muslim in a country like Somalia.

bottom line...no matter how you choose to justify it w/in your mind...it boils down to a combination of jealousy, envy, and simply not knowing.
for example...if old george owned the tribe, and was doing the exact same thing for cleveland, you'd be ecstatic in your support of your team/your owner. you hate the yanks because you're in cleveland, and you're a tribe fan...and in terms of money, your franchise can't compete. simple as that.

but why bother? like i said before...to each his own...and it's all good.

Fuck baseball for letting this mess happen. The Yankees aren't trying to win championships, they're trying to buy championships.

and what exactly then did the celtics do with KG and RA last year?

i have zero problem with the way the yanks spend their money. but please dont say the sox are like the yankees like i've been hearing, because the yankees are in a league of their own. boston is for the most part, very smart when they decide how much to offer a fa. they try spend their money wisely and the yanks just spend their money on the first big thing. tex is the best signing they've had in a while, congrats.

thx for being reasonable. :cheers:
liked this by Gammons today...

Don't blame Yankees for living the American way
Wednesday, December 24, 2008 | Print Entry

Posted by Peter Gammons
They are, after all, the Yankees, as Hal Steinbrenner and Brian Cashman have so boldly reminded us. Scott Boras knew that, and knew that no matter where the Red Sox went, he could always come back to the Yankees and get $10 million more because everyone knew how much Theo Epstein coveted Mark Teixeira. That's the way it is. All the innuendo about Teixeira not caring for Larry Lucchino and John Henry doesn't really matter, because Teixeira was going to New York. To the Yankees, who have a brand new Bloomberg ballpark and two Steinbrenner brothers who are sick and tired of hearing how the Red Sox have twice as many world championships as The Bombers in the 21st century. The Yankees patiently waited for a year and allowed Cashman to pass on Johan Santana so that when he rebuilt the Yankees, it would not be at any expense to the farm system he wanted to build. So the Yanks finished eight games behind the Tampa Bay Rays for one season? And, by the way, there may not be three free agents next year worth anything close to $423.5 million (the total amount of money in the contracts given to Teixeira, CC Sabathia and A.J. Burnett). Now the Yankees are back in the high life, again, in a position where they will be the heavy favorites with the pressure that anything less than winning the 2009 World Series will be considered failure. Just ask Joe Girardi. The Yankees have the highest-paid first baseman, the highest-paid third baseman, the highest-paid shortstop, the highest-paid catcher, the highest-paid starting pitcher and the highest-paid reliever in the history of the game. Feel sorry for the Red Sox? No. Feel sorry for the Brewers and the Blue Jays and the Rangers? Yes, because for all the Yankees may pay in luxury tax and revenue-sharing money, for all the fannies they put in opposing teams' seats, for all Bud Selig does to try to level the playing field, the Yankees are back to being a smartly run business. And their business is to turn as much of the baseball business as possible into a game of fattening frogs for snakes, as Sonny Boy Williamson once put it. Derek Jeter, Mariano Rivera and Sabathia bring to the ballpark every day. We do know that the Red Sox and Mets are back in the Yankees' shadow; Boston still has close to $40 million to work with, and the Mets claim their baseball operations will not be harmed by the Bernie Madoff scandal, even though Madoff handled some of the revenues the Mets put aside to fund deferred contracts and some other payments. As much as the Red Sox obsess about the Yankees, the Sabathia, Burnett and Teixeira signings -- yes, historians, Teixeira's father was a high school teammate and friend of Bucky Dent -- this winter readjusts the landscape. The fact is that in Red Sox Nation, there were a growing number of fans who were more like George Steinbrenner than they wish to admit, who thought what didn't happen for 86 years had become an annual right, misanthropes for whom anything less than winning the World Series was, using George's word, failure. Now they're reminded that the Red Sox cannot win the revenue war, and that winning will continue to depend on the development of players like Lars Anderson, Jed Lowrie, Clay Buchholz, Michael Bowden and Justin Masterson. They can be reminded that last season Kevin Youkilis had three more extra-base hits than Teixeira, who had one more than Dustin Pedroia. This isn't like the Brewers not even getting a first-round pick for Sabathia. Even if the Red Sox change their minds about Jason Varitek and his representation by Boras (having turned down $10 million in arbitration for Varitek, Boras has to convince a team to give up a top draft pick and pay Varitek), they can take someone else's bad contract if a catcher comes in the package. They can afford to chance an investment in John Smoltz and/or Brad Penny. They can sign Rocco Baldelli if the doctors think it would be wise. Boras did a great job of pointing out how the Red Sox could be wounded by not shelling out big money for Teixeira, but if Mike Lowell and David Ortiz come back strong physically in 2009, they find a catcher and Josh Beckett gets healthy again, they can chase the Yankees and come October have two top-caliber starters in Beckett and Jon Lester. Come June, when a couple of teams have to move payroll because of the economy's impact on that team's or owner's finances, there may be some very good players (possibly Magglio Ordonez) to be repossessed. But the Red Sox can also resume the role of underdog, which to an organization priding itself on the flow of self-developed talent isn't a bad thing. We have seen how well Ben Cherington, the Red Sox's vice president of player personnel, and Mike Hazen, Boston's director of player development, have built a player development environment which has led to many seamless transitions from the minor leagues into the Fenway Park pressure cooker. And that will continue. It is more difficult these days, because the Yankees are not only rich and abetted by the mayor of their city, but also the Steinbrenners have turned the operation over to a very smart man in Cashman, who, with Hal Steinbrenner's empowerment, seems to be able to run the business without being affected by the irrationality of Hank Steinbrenner and team president Randy Levine. The aghast bad-for-the game thing doesn't work. This is the system the Yankees have and the NBA's Lakers and the NFL's Giants do not. It may cause a lot of owners to sit tight and make the middle-class of free agents squirm for the next two months, while the lower-class crawls. This is the baseball world; the union cares only for what Sabathia and Teixeira make, reminiscent of the Mike Barnicle/Pat Buchanan observation on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" that Washington focuses its bailouts on people who take showers before going to work rather than on those people who need a shower after they work. Boras doesn't want to be the good guy, and doesn't care who gets burned as long as his clients get the best deal; didn't Edward Bennett Williams do the best he could for Joe McCarthy and Sirhan Sirhan? Didn't Hal Steinbrenner invest $423.5 million to buy back the we're-the-Yankees-and-you're-not swagger? Look at it this way: The Yankees will still be helping some small-market owners pay down their interest. Will the notion that it is wealth, not meritocracy, that earns championships and Illinois senate seats damage baseball? Given the economy the next couple of years, perhaps when viewed in relation to the NFL's parity it will. For now, it's the American way. Wal-Mart eats up small-family businesses. The Yankees eat up the Brewers and the Indians, and there may not be an owner in any sport who, given the opportunity afforded to Hal Steinbrenner, wouldn't have done the same thing. We have months to see how the Yankees mesh, what scabs they develop, what injuries they must overcome, whether the expectations make the game joyless despite the joy that
52 mil just to talk to a borderline number 2/3 starter is wisely spending your money??

very true. then didn't they sign him to a 5 year deal worth another 50+ million?

so the bottom line was basically 20+ million a year for dice-k, when you get right down to it.
unless they re-sign him...then that initial 50+ mil just to talk can be "expensed" over a longer period of time. ;)
Oh, also, Streinbrenner tried to buy the Tribe in the early seventies. He didn't have enough money. Ironic. His family still lives on Lake Road in Bay Village, beautiful house, south side of the street.

His fortune is from buying and owning the New York Yankees at the right time in history. A Mouse (or a Geico caveman) could make money doing that.
and what exactly then did the celtics do with KG and RA last year?

Boston didn't have 20-30 times the amount of payroll as any other NBA team.
Yanks, as I said, you just don't get it.

right back at ya, tip. we feel the same way, in that regard.

Oh, also, Streinbrenner tried to buy the Tribe in the early seventies. He didn't have enough money. Ironic. His family still lives on Lake Road in Bay Village, beautiful house, south side of the street.

His fortune is from buying and owning the New York Yankees at the right time in history. A Mouse (or a Geico caveman) could make money doing that.

i know. and if so, why didn't they?

and what exactly then did the celtics do with KG and RA last year?

Boston didn't have 20-30 times the amount of payroll as any other NBA team.

true...but it was bought & paid for, just the same...with both teams operating w/in the rules of their respective leagues.
and what exactly then did the celtics do with KG and RA last year?

Some clown on sports radio in NY said the exact same thing. I am not sure if that is where you got this from but I hope you actually do not think these situations are comparable.

The Celtics waited years for that off-season where they would have the flexibility and availability to make themselves a serious contender. They did not have a meeting like the yanks did and say lets offer every big free agent tens of millions more than any other team does so they have no choice but to come to here. It works a little differently in basketball than it does in Yankee-country, but then again I am sure you already know that.
52 mil just to talk to a borderline number 2/3 starter is wisely spending your money??

haha. this was a guy that theo and co. wanted to get in the worst way. and with how everyone expected the yanks to bid (spend), who could blame the sox for posting that much. and it was $51,111,111, clever if i do say so myself. next closest bid was some 40 mill by the mets. with all thhe merchandising and expsoure, im sure that 50+ mill is already paid for, or will be by the time his contract is up in 2012.

and if that isnt enough, they got some reliever to come with dicek that year by the name of hideki okajima? ever hear of him? all star first year in the league, one of the best relievers in the game that year, that was a dominating 8th inning presence and bridge to paps during a world series winning year. yeah hes paid just over a million a year, lol. now the sox get the next best pitcher this year out of japan, junichi tazawa. signed for 3yrs 3.3 million, he'll be in the minor leagues this year developing for next year. you see, most every player from japan looks up to dice-k as a god or something. so when they come over hear, boston seems like a good place to go. i think the whole bid 50 mill for dicek has been working itself out jusut fine so far. and, i think any team in the league would be willing to pay out 8 million for an 18-3 season, just a thought tho.
soo funny

Go head, ban the Yankees, and all you small market baseball teams can shutdown your stadium tomorrow. Baseball can't exist without the Yankees. Thats a fact.

Whatr is also funny, a disastrous season for the Yankees is not making the playoffs and winning 89 games. Thats funny because 89 wins would of gotten you the AL Central and the NL West. There were 21 teams with a worse record than the Yankees. If a disaster of a season is winning about 90 games, I can accept it, especially when Sidney Ponson was a starter in the rotation at one point. That number should improve by about 20 this year.

The funny thing is the term BUY is so misplaced in this discussion. Who did the Yankees buy in the past decade ? To me BUY implys an offer once cannot refuse because its so overwhelming . Lets see didnt Tex have comparable offers out there ? Didnt Mike Mussina way back when have bigger offers from the Mets and a few others if I recall? Didnt the Yanks trade for Kevin Brown , Randy Johnson , Bobby Abreu and Alex Rodriguez ? Dont the Yankees have a POLICY of not signing players to deals before they hit FA which explains why they overpay their own FA's see Jorge Posada who was almost a Met , Mariano Rivera , Derek Jeter ?

People make it sound like the Yankees come in an offer guys getting 2 million dollatr deals 10 million . The bottomline is the way the world is today bewteen Manhattan living , history , money and chance to win what beats NY ? Its money but few places have what NYC offers in terms of a life experience .

How is this any different then what the Celtics did ? Cant anyone understand the Yanks had just shy of 80 million coming off the books from 2008 and imagine Hideki goes thats another 13 million . Just for the future Damon expires this season , Jeter in 2010 and believe Rivera as well ...so that about 13 for Damon and 35 million or so for 2010 off the books . Yanks are paying out huge sums but they also had tons of money coming off the books . It snot like the payroll went from an absurd 200 million to 300 million . With the longterm deals the Yanks know what the payroll will be basically for 5 years . Its also a lesson learned that in times of economic struggles the greatest asset is always CASH . We all NYY has money to burn but the best part is instead of burning it they actually acquired 3 solid players ....

Use some commonesense here -

Okay CC Sabathia is not the stud ace we expected . Can we agree that even if he mirrors Mike Mussina its alot of upside to be had if he does ?

<TABLE cellSpacing=2 cellPadding=2 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD>2001</TD><TD>New York Yankees</TD><TD align=right>$10,000,000</TD></TR><TR><TD>2002</TD><TD>New York Yankees</TD><TD align=right>$11,000,000</TD></TR><TR><TD>2003</TD><TD>New York Yankees</TD><TD align=right>$12,000,000</TD></TR><TR><TD>2004</TD><TD>New York Yankees</TD><TD align=right>$16,000,000</TD></TR><TR><TD>2005</TD><TD>New York Yankees</TD><TD align=right>$19,000,000</TD></TR><TR><TD>2006</TD><TD>New York Yankees</TD><TD align=right>$19,000,000</TD></TR><TR><TD>2007</TD><TD>New York Yankees</TD><TD align=right>$11,070,423</TD></TR><TR><TD>2008</TD><TD>New York Yankees</TD><TD align=right>$11,071,029</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

6yrs 87 million and 2 yrs at 22 million for 8 seasons at 109 million !! From 32-39 years of age .

So how bad does 7yrs and 161 million look when you get a guy 3 years younger and at a 20% inflation factor since 2001 ??

Big Tex deal at 8 years and 180 million but he replaces Giambi who went 7yrs 120million ...

Burnett and his health ? How bout Pavano and Jaret Wright plus Igawa making that trio besides useless cost more then 80 million ? remember Kyle Farnsworth ? He made 6 million last year ? How bout LaTroy Hawkins 3.75 million? Wilson Betemit 1.125 million ??

Remember Darrell Rasner we sold him for a COOL million to Japan !

Wed Dec 24, 2008 6:37 am EST
Even after spending spree, Yanks' payroll drops in 2009

I think Lowe is solid and all BUT Lowe, who reportedly had been seeking $18 million annually and a five-year deal, may settle for three years with a vesting option.

No one says Wang makes only 5 million or Joba makes 400 K ? In fact other then Marte dont believe any other Yankee pitcher will make a MILLION dollars next season.

Complaining is fine but didnt the Cubs just give Ryan Dempster 52 million over 4 years ? Think I rather pay Burnett over 5 years 80 something million then what Dempster recieved ...

This OFFSEASON just fell into the YANKEES laps. They have a new stadium , we know they have tons of cash , they lost at least 80 million in SALARY from 2008 off the books meaning they had at least 80 million a year to spend for the next few seasons , the country went into a recession and with economic uncertinity what rules the day ? CASH ....so they all came to see the CASHman (first name Brian) !

If its so unfair lets these BS artists agree to spend all the money they recieve from MLB and revenue sharing each year and have a salary floor and cap with max player contracts . I dont mind seeing teams retooling and lets credit the Red Sox for doing a little bit of everything in building there team but there payroll is lower because they lost the AROD sweepstakes , only probably had 1 terrible contract in Matt Clement though JD Drew might no be far behind and they caught a break when David Ortiz repeatedly took less to stay in Boston. Ortiz has signed twice in Boston I believe after his 03 season and still only made 42 million in 5 seasons and despite his woes 13 million for him is helluva better then what NYY is paying Matsui .....

If you think the Yankees are doing it this to baseball then spend some time in NY. Everything here is crazy expensive . Cant wait till a trip over the Verranzano Bridge goes from $10 bucks to $14 bucks . How many people here drive over a bridge and pay a $10 dollar toll soon to be as high as 14 ? Any of those in Ohio or Florida ? Or pay $ 5 bucks to go a 1/2 mile in a tunnel from Brooklyn to Manhattan each way ? How bout 20 or 30 K for your parking spot not at work but where you live ? Everything about NY is overpriced so how could the Yankee payroll be any different ?
Some clown on sports radio in NY said the exact same thing. I am not sure if that is where you got this from but I hope you actually do not think these situations are comparable.

The Celtics waited years for that off-season where they would have the flexibility and availability to make themselves a serious contender. They did not have a meeting like the yanks did and say lets offer every big free agent tens of millions more than any other team does so they have no choice but to come to here. It works a little differently in basketball than it does in Yankee-country, but then again I am sure you already know that.

haven't been back to nyc in over 4 years...but i will be heading back late this spring. it's long overdue.
anyways, so no...didn't hear that on a ny radio station. heard it from a friend, actually...and thought it was funny.
now of course i see the differences...but at the same time, there are more similarities than you may be willing to admit.

the celtics were in the cellar for years. the yanks (using SPs like ponson, etc) may as well have been in the cellar, relatively speaking.

talk about flexibility, timing, and availability...that's what this is all about.

how many times do you see 88.5 million/year (much of it in bad contracts) coming off the books if you're the yanks...or a similar % of the total for whatever team you'd like to use as an example? the answer is rarely.

whether they win or lose...the yanks were able to improve the product, while lowering payroll...so internally, for them, it's a win/win.

this year's FA class was headed by tex and cc, with aj up there as well. do you know what next year's FA class will look like? adrian beltre (who no one will want), jason bay (who the bosox will prolly lock up before the end of the year), and maybe matt holliday (maybe, only because he's bait for the trading deadline...and won't make it to free agency in a sign & trade). so it'll be some serious slim pickings next year, to say the least.

so whatever your opinion is of all this...the flexibility, timing, and availability of this offseason for the yanks was actually a rare combination of factors...much like the celtics situation.

admittedly there are differences. but there are a lot of similarities too.
haha. this was a guy that theo and co. wanted to get in the worst way. and with how everyone expected the yanks to bid (spend), who could blame the sox for posting that much. and it was $51,111,111, clever if i do say so myself. next closest bid was some 40 mill by the mets. with all thhe merchandising and expsoure, im sure that 50+ mill is already paid for, or will be by the time his contract is up in 2012.

theo & co wanted tex in the worst way as well.

but my only question is why is it ok &/or justifiable when someone else spends big money, but it's not ok &/or justifiable when it's the yanks?

50+ mil to talk, and 50+ mil for 5 years...total it up, and his cost (spread over the life of his deal) is over 20 mil/yr.

semantics, maybe...but i don't see any of this as "buying" something/someone. i see it as investing in the product you're providing, in the hopes of turning an even greater profit...a profit in dollars, and a (baseball) profit in wins. ROI is (imho) how every deal should be judged in the end...regardless of the team/city.
theo & co wanted tex in the worst way as well.

but my only question is why is it ok &/or justifiable when someone else spends big money, but it's not ok &/or justifiable when it's the yanks?

50+ mil to talk, and 50+ mil for 5 years...total it up, and his cost (spread over the life of his deal) is over 20 mil/yr.

semantics, maybe...but i don't see any of this as "buying" something/someone. i see it as investing in the product you're providing, in the hopes of turning an even greater profit...a profit in dollars, and a (baseball) profit in wins. ROI is (imho) how every deal should be judged in the end...regardless of the team/city.

ok, i thought i explained the dice k deal enough so im not going to repeat it. but, theres no way at all you can say the dice k and tex deals are related.

when they bid for dicek there was no way the yanks knew what their offer was going to be. they could NOT use their most important tool as an organization (MONEY) to outbid the sox. well maybe they could've,but they surely didnt think the sox would bid that high. whenever the sox try to get a fa, george always comes in and buys them away to the yanks. the sox cant compete with that, no one can. and his hatred for the sox organizition only adds to that. so when they have this private bidding for dice k, the sox took full advantage of it, knowing it was a one shot kinda deal. the yanks had no 2nd chance to take him away. and like i pointed out, its worked pretty well so far.

the deal for tex, while overspending as any other team would have, was a great acquisition for the yanks. i've made this clear. i wanted him on the sox bad. its the pitching contracts that are laughable. :36_11_6:
ok, i thought i explained the dice k deal enough so im not going to repeat it. but, theres no way at all you can say the dice k and tex deals are related.

when they bid for dicek there was no way the yanks knew what their offer was going to be. they could NOT use their most important tool as an organization (MONEY) to outbid the sox. well maybe they could've,but they surely didnt think the sox would bid that high. whenever the sox try to get a fa, george always comes in and buys them away to the yanks. the sox cant compete with that, no one can. and his hatred for the sox organizition only adds to that. so when they have this private bidding for dice k, the sox took full advantage of it, knowing it was a one shot kinda deal. the yanks had no 2nd chance to take him away. and like i pointed out, its worked pretty well so far.

the deal for tex, while overspending as any other team would have, was a great acquisition for the yanks. i've made this clear. i wanted him on the sox bad. its the pitching contracts that are laughable. :36_11_6:

I think the current status of the rivalry is more the Yanks hate for the current Boston admisntration that organization (as in the higher ups ) . For awhile the Yanks were clearly guility of trying to one up Boston but I also think some of that came from us passing on David Ortiz and Boston gobbling him up . Imagine Ortiz in those MVP years(not that he is washed up but some degree of question) with the short porch . If your old you remember Sam Horn ? Was like Ortiz in stature and when he failed in Boston (after Baltimore as well think sort of a Kevin Maas like debut / rookie year) or Phil Plantier ? Think both end up as Yank AAAs on their way to retirement / out of the game ...Plus Boston was also attracting more FA's for awhile . Matt Clement was highly sought after .

I think your somewhat wrong about the DiceK situation . I think the Yanks just fucked up . The bid wasnt as outrageous that secured Dice K and everyone knew it would cost 100 million to get him. Boras had wacky demands if I recall . Boston won simply because Yanks werent as high on Dice K. Look what they paid for Igawa they wont admit but I think they tried outsmarting everyone . Grabbing Igawa thinking a LH would be good at the Stadium and turn out better then Dice K .

You are not looking at everything IMO when it comes to Boston . Hell look at JD Drew ! Manny Ramirez when he first went to Boston . I give credit to Boston for few failed signings and wasted money . Thats why NYY payroll is a joke because you can literally look at the payroll since it exploded and see WASTE everywhere plus as I mentioned the Yanks dont pay the young kids and around 2000 and 2001 thats when Bernie Williams (rememebr Boston offered more money ) , Pettitte , Mo , Posada and Jeter all became FA's .

The NYY spending is part myth ....well BUYING players is the MYTH IMO...

One thing lost is if your an active player in the FREE AGENT market you will always OVERPAY for the player . Thats what Free Agency is a BIDDING WAR ! Thats why I like the idea of the NBA with the contract and salary structure . How did the Angels make out paying Gary Matthews Jr and Tori Hunter ? Look at some of the past FA deals of the decade .....

Hampton 120 million and Denny Neagle 55 million !! Free Agency is what drives up the salaries NOT the New York Yankees and a HUGE ASSIST goes to Scott Boras because the players have the owners by the balls .
How is the notion of New York buying players a "myth"? Seriously, your point of view is insane.
How is the notion of New York buying players a "myth"? Seriously, your point of view is insane.

Insane ?

How can you buy something when there is a comparable offer or better offer available ? It's like Ebay . You look at the auctions they have bids to win the auction but also Buy Now prices . Free Agency is a bidding process where the player selects the bid he wants to accept . I would assume every player has a "Buy Now" type of price in mind that would get them to decide based solely on money .

Who is NY throwing so much money at they cant refuse to take it ? I am not talking about 2008 but the past decade . Naturally Sabathia CLEARLY did take the money but out of 40-50 FA signings this decade how many were clearly bought . CC was bought I agree . How can you say that about Tex ? or Burnett ? Go to the past outside of Giambi who did we buy ? I can name so many who take equal or less to come here .

So what is your definition of bought ? Being able to vie for any FA and match market offers because they have unlimited resources ? Does a wealthy person look at the dinner check when he signs it or the prices on the menu . They dont worry about value they pay what the market calls for . If NY is BUYING all these guys how come the process didnt just happen in 1 day ?

You just sound like a bitter person who doesnt understand the dynamics of the situation. Like Yanks mentioned it's clearly about timing what happened this offseason. No one jumped up and down when we gave Matsui 13 million per , Clemens , Pettitte 16 million last year or did we forget how the Yanks allowed him to go to Houston ? Yanks cant win they are going to have to pay to and overpay everyone that they sign with a contract with . It's the cost of being wealthy . How can you bargain when the other side KNOWS you have cash to burn ?

Lowe was thinking 5 yrs 90 million !

I already stated I think its a joke even as a Yankee fan. However this has nothing to do with the Yankees its about the structure of baseball and Free Agency . What is NY supposed to do have 80-100 million bucks to spend with 2 stars and a player who wuld be a star w/o an injury riddled history let them get away ?

My point is complaing about NYY's sending this year when NOT recognizing the tremendous amounts of money they have spent poorly , the amounts coming off the books from 2008 and in teh future , coupled with a slowing economy is silly .

The Yankees as a team on a player to player basis are the EXACT representation of this CITY the Have and the Have Not's occupying the same space . Look at the roster loads of guys making 10 million ++ and then a ton of guys not making a million....

So go look up the history of every FA signed with the Yankees in since 2000 and read about the deals they spurned . Then SHOW me how players the Yankees BOUGHT with some crazy offer that was impossible to refuse .

Buying a team has nothing to do with signing FREE AGENTS . Especially when half of the team came from within ....

Like I said if your taking in 30 million or so in cash from distrubtion of MLB money plus what revenue sharing is giving teams and you dont have money to spend then something is wrong . If a team thinks Tex or CC was the absolute key to the playoffs they arent worth a 160-180 million longtern gamble that you can get out of ?? Building a team costs money and you have to spend it . Baseball created this by focusing on expansion without focusing on expanding the interest in the game city to city as well . Baseball is aware of the money NY has so why doesnt it help promote the game in smaller cities ?

Just dont understand what the Yanks are supposed to do with the current situation. Lets be honest Henry is fucking a jerkoff and he got shit on because he tried to make a power play on Scott Boras . Boras has an EGO that is probably reminisicent of what Kings thought of themselves in the old world . Boras showed how much power he wields and thats why Cashman didnt say jackshit about CC . When everyone in NY radio was saying turning the page . Turn the page to who ? Curt Flood created a Monster and maybe it is payback for the slavery the players endured for decades before ....
SN, first off, the title under your name is funny. because this thread involves my team, i can stay interested. but if i tried writing as much as you i'd probably repeat myself 5 times each post. i appreciate your thoughts on everthing tho.

i agree 100% with you that every free agent is overpaid, thats a given. but some actually live up to what is paid. in the yankees case since their last championship, the way they managed their team has been a joke. not because they havent won, but because of the contracts they hand out. the way they pay their players, how the hell can someone not be termed a failure in comparison to their contract. the sox have made their share of mistakes with this regime too (clement, lugo). im a huge fan of drew, and he is overpaid, but hes only 2 years into his contract. its not fair to judge on him yet. his postseason "clutchness" cant be overlooked either. but lets face it, when your winning championships the mistakes can easily be overlooked. but in the yankees case, they've spent what 1.5 billion since their last championship? naturally, their mistakes are gonna loom larger because of all the wasted money they've spent.

the dicek situation, yes the yanks did fuck up. instead of outspending the sox like usual, they tried getting cute and taking the lesser of the two pitchers.i mean they paid 26 million just to talk to him. but this was a unique spot in which boston knew they could have dicek at a hefty price and nyy couldnt counter. it was smart of boston to take full advantage of this situation, while dumb on the yankees part for letting it happen. im glad we cleared that up.

maybe the yankees buying players can be seen as a myth, i can somewhat agree with that. but, spending and myth cant be linked when talking about the nyy. two teams had to pay a luxury tax for last year nyy and detriot. yanks had something like 27 million, detriot like 2 million. two teams and they were even close. add the fact that they own the players of the 4 most expensive contracts in the mlb. boston under the new guys have signed 2 contracts over 40 million.
Just to further illustrate the perfect storm that developed:

NY had loads of money coming off the books we know that .

They are FINANCING their own Stadium so with that in mind because they are that helps in terms of what they pay to revenue sharing . Which means more money to spend technically because the new Stadium will pay for it self generating at least 50 million MORE dollars in the first few years but it could do so for decade . So really despite financing the Stadium they increased revenue will offset that BUT they now have the difference in what they paid in the past to revenue sharing to what they pay now and in the near future....So again MORE MONEY FOR the YANKEES to spend without increasing there spending .....

Then the recession and really the Yanks are recession proof when you factor in not only the new stadium but the YES network.

The 2008 FA class vs future ones.....

So its great timing or some great calculated decisions by the Yankee organization looking years ahead to this offseason.

I give them no such credit though and just think everything has fallen into their lap.
sportsnut, they buy everything they need, always have, always will. The playing field isn't level. Their margin for error is so wide, it's non-existent. They pay mistakes away. Why "overpay" for C.C. and Burnett? Because overpaying for Pavano, Wright, and Damon didn't work, unless you're a big fan of four-and-out in the first round. They're a joke.
SN, first off, the title under your name is funny. because this thread involves my team, i can stay interested. but if i tried writing as much as you i'd probably repeat myself 5 times each post. i appreciate your thoughts on everthing tho.

i agree 100% with you that every free agent is overpaid, thats a given. but some actually live up to what is paid. in the yankees case since their last championship, the way they managed their team has been a joke. not because they havent won, but because of the contracts they hand out. the way they pay their players, how the hell can someone not be termed a failure in comparison to their contract. the sox have made their share of mistakes with this regime too (clement, lugo). im a huge fan of drew, and he is overpaid, but hes only 2 years into his contract. its not fair to judge on him yet. his postseason "clutchness" cant be overlooked either. but lets face it, when your winning championships the mistakes can easily be overlooked. but in the yankees case, they've spent what 1.5 billion since their last championship? naturally, their mistakes are gonna loom larger because of all the wasted money they've spent.

the dicek situation, yes the yanks did fuck up. instead of outspending the sox like usual, they tried getting cute and taking the lesser of the two pitchers.i mean they paid 26 million just to talk to him. but this was a unique spot in which boston knew they could have dicek at a hefty price and nyy couldnt counter. it was smart of boston to take full advantage of this situation, while dumb on the yankees part for letting it happen. im glad we cleared that up.

maybe the yankees buying players can be seen as a myth, i can somewhat agree with that. but, spending and myth cant be linked when talking about the nyy. two teams had to pay a luxury tax for last year nyy and detriot. yanks had something like 27 million, detriot like 2 million. two teams and they were even close. add the fact that they own the players of the 4 most expensive contracts in the mlb. boston under the new guys have signed 2 contracts over 40 million.

Thanks TigerCub as fitting as Fondyesque was for our similiar styles of just betting everything this is funny . It flows . Say something and then the and then process starts off in my head..

I am in total agreement with you . It's absolutely laughable the decisions NY has made on ways to spend money and most true fans will tell you that . As I said repeatedly the Yanks sadly WASTE so much money its what makes their payroll irrelevant when you compare to it to actual production. All Yankee fans know that the former regimes did try to make that big Free Agent splash once we lost in 2001 because it felt like we were just 1 player away every series . Every year it was more and more tinkering where back in the late 90s our core stuck together .

The Yankees have thought nothing fo writing contracts and the thing is thats their downfall. People can laugh about 2008 but based on the injuries to an already thin pitching staff with loads of questions they held up fairly well . Wang goes down and that is huge , Pettitte you can look at the preseason thoughts here I knew could really be in a for long season with the Hearings he attended and the Clemens rift . The guy is basically successfully for his preparation and in the Winter if 2007 that was disrupted and limited . Arod continues to his every other season trend .

I wont stick up for any previous Yankee moves . I have liked some but probably hated 2/3 of them . Also you have to acknowledge the power struggle between NY and Tampa for much of the past 5 or 6 years before the last two . You have the wrong people calling the shots and that was part of the problem.

With FA some actually live up to what they have been paid is true but its like a 25 % success rate I would imagine . Also if other teams are bidding for that player at the same type money you have to look at that in the contract analysis.

A great point about the 1.5 billion they have spent and look at the payroll form 1996 to 2000 its standard for a big market team . They clearly took on every player regardless of money in this period to try and win . The difference is most teams wanted these players as well just deemed them to costly . In NY defense if you think Big Unit is the last link then you dont mind overpaying hom for a year or two . Problem is that they thought this to often ..

100% agree with you on Dice K . They tried to be cute and outsmart Boston and they not only messed up but essentaily doubled their loss by signing Igawa ...clusterfuck !

As an organization I have great respect for how Boston has run their team in terms of finances . I am not saying what NY has done in the past was smart , correct or right . I am saying giving the current situation of this offseason as a Yankee fan its much nicer to see them spend money on players like CC , Burnett and Tex rather then bit pieces who get big contracts like Farnsworth , Igawa, Wright , Pavano (which I didnt think was a bad sign back then) , or forced to overpay Moose , Pettitte and Clemens . From my standpoint back in the day it was us shelling out 120 and nearly 90 million for Giambi and Moose give me AJ and Tex this time around for the same money essentially sounds good to me if the worst case is they duplicate the careers of the former rather then their own.

The Yankees have unlimited revenues and like every weathly person they waste a ton of it . Think about what the avg multi millionaire or billionaire wastes per year ....its a symptom of being wealthy ...unfortunately ...

I am not saying good for the Yankees because regardless of salaries we still have a bunch of guys who make a ton more then they produce and are worth ...Arod , jeter , Posada and Matsui alone make 80 or so million and probably give at best half that in value...

sportsnut, they buy everything they need, always have, always will. The playing field isn't level. Their margin for error is so wide, it's non-existent. They pay mistakes away. Why "overpay" for C.C. and Burnett? Because overpaying for Pavano, Wright, and Damon didn't work, unless you're a big fan of four-and-out in the first round. They're a joke.

Agreed . Baseball is the joke though its not about NY . Wouldnt you agree its been obvious that NY always had more money and that once their payroll zoomed to near 200 million it was OBVIOUS something needed to be done to level the playng field ? So why hsnt it been done? Part players union maybe and part the owners as annoyed as they are like they money they are making and would rather not jeopardize the profits for fairness??

I really think you need to understand how the culture has changed in NY. The Yankees due to there late 90's success became a corporation . Like you said LeBron James type Yankee fans . It sucks and I hate it but its the truth . There goal is to win at all costs like we see athroughout Corporate America. Which by the way is also mismanaged. The easy way out is spend money . I do not deny this . As a true fan I want whats best for the organization longterm so bandaids dont interest me .

However a problem exists . How do you keep the fans happy ? Today the fans are the paying customers and the paying customers are corporations who own boxes and have season tickets deals. So to keep that flow coming in and having 4 million fans in the stadium every year you need to keep your product fresh . To keep the Yanks fresh they need to add new faces when the previous seasons ends without the acheived goal . So not winning means add new exciting faces that the media can latch on to. That they can sell as hope for the next season . Lets say the Yanks let the 80 million fall off the books and go with the young kids and add 1 need in FA . The team wont make the World Series and the fanbase and the media will be asking how can the Yanks take in xxx amount of dollars and not be spending it ? So who do you spite the teams your competing against or your fan base ? New Yorkers have NO patience we know this so rather then pass on some marginal FAs if they needed a SP they signed what was available. Problem is FA dont take 1 year deals or 2 year deals . They are dead weight for 3-4-5 years if they dont pan out . people can knock the 08 trio that signed but of the previous signings these 3 have alot better resumes IMO . maybe yo agree and maybe you disagree on that . There just is no way to think 80 million or more was coming off the books and it wasnt going to be spent. So for me I am happy in that sense it was spent as wisely as one could expect given the big picture . Spending 400+ million isnt wise but again its unavoidable . In some ways maybe the silver lining of the years of spending irrational created this inflated payroll and accepted budget . Without that maybe then NY doesnt have 80 million to spend this offseason because its payroll never would have skyrocketed..

I dont think the Yanks ever tried to do this but they were foxholed into this by winning in the late 90s and having this new Corporate Generation of fans . Rather then be patient and develop players just add the new flavor when comes out (as in FA or available via trade).

As far as a building a team I agree Tip the last few seasons have been a joke . Again though what are you supposed to do if your NYY ? The only players that teams trade are guys who are making to much money and not performing comparably or guys who are coming up in FA. So what options do the Yanks have ? Has NY at times been guility of acting like a teenage girl in HS more concerned about what everyone else is doing , namely the Red Sox when making decisions ? Absoluetly . Thats why I happy that its 1 guy calling the shots although I fear Hank's input .

The Yankees will always work under different rules because its the nature of the beast . Which is really NYC and the Wall Street / Corporate America influence .

Thats why I say feel for the real fans. Locking up more stars to big contracts means less growth for the youngsters and NYY has a ton of arms alone that I would like to see get some on the job training . What irrates tons of people in the workplace ? You do a good job at work and then they go ahead and higher some big shot from another company . Who looks more attractive on the surface and makes more more money but the end of the day may produce less then you would have ....
ARod ...

So glad that deal that Red Sox fell through ....lol . In all seriousness though thats my point he was all but a Red Sox so how can Boston or anyone make fun of that deal ? When a big market team didnt pay him they found an emerging market in Texas . These guys will always get paid .....usually its the new owners coming in and spending like mad but that has slowed in years ....hell the Padres are one of the more valuable franchises in baseball whowould have thought ! They are trying to deal Peavy now as well ! Thats the JOKE of baseball ....

Blunders of the past ? Colorado , Baltimore , Seattle , LAD ....hell TB even misspent a TON of money at the beginning ...remember wicked Wilson Alvarez ? Jose Canseco , the Crime Dog ....

It just the Yanks who get all the blame ...Arizona back in the day .....few franchises are immune:shake:
I get the point your making sportsnut about other teams are being cheap and should spend more and you have a point there, but there should be a max cap on what a team can spend, say $200 million.

The fact of the matter is, it’s not fair. Baseball seriously needs a salary cap. Here’s a football analogy, which team would you rather have ….
Team 1<O:p></O:p>
Qb: Tom Brady
Rb: Adrian Peterson
Rb: Michael Turner
Wr: Andre Johnson
Wr: Steve Smith
TE: Tony Gonzalez
OL: All All pros
Team 2<O:p></O:p>
Qb: Gus Frerotte
Rb: Kevin Faulk
Wr: Ronald Curry
Wr: Bobby Wade
TE: Marcedes Lewis
OL: Regular guys
Obviously, you’d take team 1. That team would definitely score 35+ pts a game and the NFL would be boring to watch because they’d be winning every game. That’s why I love the NFL so much. They make you take care of your money and not just sign all the best players from the previous season. They make you do your home work and they make a level playing field. They don’t let one team control the FA market. That’s why I don’t give much credit for the Yankees winning championships because IMO, they’re buying them. Now if they were doing it with their farm system, I’d give them credit. It should be a nice mix of farm players with a key free agent pickup not all FA’s. IMO, the championship will be watered down and diluted if and when they do win because of how they got these star athletes.
i agree to an extent...but you're missing a major factor. if you want mlb to have the nfl's cap, you also have to do away with guaranteed contracts...just like the nfl.

anyways, i agree w/ a ton of what you yankee haters keep saying...but i also disagree w/ a significant portion as well, as i don't think you are seeing the entire picture. we also all carry biases into this, which clouds everyone's judgement/reason/commone sense.
but this will keep going around and around the same old topics, because both hatred and love cloud our vision.
I get the point your making sportsnut about other teams are being cheap and should spend more and you have a point there, but there should be a max cap on what a team can spend, say $200 million.

The fact of the matter is, it’s not fair. Baseball seriously needs a salary cap. Here’s a football analogy, which team would you rather have ….
Team 1<O:p></O:p>
Qb: Tom Brady
Rb: Adrian Peterson
Rb: Michael Turner
Wr: Andre Johnson
Wr: Steve Smith
TE: Tony Gonzalez
OL: All All pros
Team 2<O:p></O:p>
Qb: Gus Frerotte
Rb: Kevin Faulk
Wr: Ronald Curry
Wr: Bobby Wade
TE: Marcedes Lewis
OL: Regular guys
Obviously, you’d take team 1. That team would definitely score 35+ pts a game and the NFL would be boring to watch because they’d be winning every game. That’s why I love the NFL so much. They make you take care of your money and not just sign all the best players from the previous season. They make you do your home work and they make a level playing field. They don’t let one team control the FA market. That’s why I don’t give much credit for the Yankees winning championships because IMO, they’re buying them. Now if they were doing it with their farm system, I’d give them credit. It should be a nice mix of farm players with a key free agent pickup not all FA’s. IMO, the championship will be watered down and diluted if and when they do win because of how they got these star athletes.

Salary Cap is absolutely needed ...

Yanks really didnt buy any of their championships if you look at who they signed in FA or traded for . Of course if they do in the near future I would have to agree that money is what got to them the championship...

You will never here me argue against a salary cap which includes minimum spending and max spending along with contract structures.

The beauty of baseball is really 1 player wont change a team a much . In other sports you can add 1 or 2 guys and make a huge difference not in baseball really . Which is why Free Agency is such a bust ...

Everything is a mess in baseball ...

From my standpoint if NY shed 80 million in salary and added 70 million in salary whats the fuss ? Cause they are longterm deals ? Any Yankee fan can tell you they keep the payroll down by underpaying their own players . Look at every Yankee who came through the Minors and see how long it took for them to make any money . Joba is a star already and makes 400K amd Wang is a Cy Young contender and will only make 5 million in 2009 . The same thing is happening in the NBA where bad teams cant attract FA's. If your a FA in your prime why are you going to a bad team in a small market ?:shake: