**************Super Bowl Ingame***************

My wife is as Catholic as I am Mormon. We just try to be honest people and let the rest take care of itself. I'm as un-religious as you can be without being agnostic or atheist.
A good weekend of football for me is when I win the majority of my bets.

Past the fan, looking for entertainment buzz.

Prolonged exposure to gambling has killed my soul.

I am magically 3-0 this weekend...might be a record for WC weekend:shake:
I like the stupid, emotionally shallow dog. Each time I enter the house, it's like I've returned from the war.
I am magically 3-0 this weekend...might be a record for WC weekend:shake:

Grats bruh.

2-0 pending, needed it after the Rockets and Dubs violently churned my ass out real proper. Can finally sit down again without pain.

Dogs days of the NBA, ftw.
So what's the play on the late game? I have no opinion but want some action

at least one dog has to cover no?
My brother in law and I have been betting each other for a while now. I was down $150 to him a few weeks ago, I'm now up $45. These are $15 - $30 bets keep in mind. He was on Detroit, Oak yesterday and had Miami today. He's on GB next game fwiw. He's reeling.
I see Pitt is the favorite against my chiefs next week. Doesn't surprise me but still odd. Wonder how often that happens? Will be there freezing my ass off I'm sure
Jordan Raanan@JordanRaanan <small class="time" style="font-size: 13px; color: rgb(136, 153, 166);"> 1h1 hour ago</small>
Odell Beckham's pregame cleats. The mice eat the cheese, the mice eat the cheese ...


Pitt/KC should be a slugfest. Pitt offense better than KC's but both defenses pretty similar. Home field worth noting in this one, weather will be non-issue....both teams built for cold/snow.
After thn absolute beat down they put on us earlier this year i was expecting that. Was really hoping Miami would win so we could get Houston but oh well.

Was just 2.5 Pitt now down to 2, it's bouncing

I just bet under, hate to do that with the Steelers (and NFL in general) but think it's the correct play
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Big missed 2, because they'll have to go for it again if they score another TD. Only a little nervous.