**************Super Bowl Ingame***************

The problem with lizards is that they stink, and you have to keep running to the pet store to get some live crickets so it can "hunt" for its food. Fuck those things.
This is what I envision Twinkie looks like



Pretty far off
Lol....not supposed to house together mooks

What age did that happen?
I didn't know what the fuck I was doing was like 22 year old dumb ass and someone gave them to
me because they didn't want to deal so just threw them i a tank and noticed one had 3 legs one day and figured I'd get to googling that shit....
I was at a house trying to catch some kinda mouse the other night, kids love those things
The worst, not even close, house pet is a fucking rabbit. And the things supposedly live like 20 years. Thank god our vile beast nibbled on a little fertilizer out in the yard.
My ex mom had a rabbit, kept it gated in the pantry cause it shit everywhere. Had to play hopscotch just to get a granola bar