playing percentages, traps, etc in the NFL is a one way ticket to food stamps
I've learned the hard way, public wins in this shit all the time, it's a bad concept. Raiders get to 34, don't know or care what Chargers get to
i hope so, I have Carr
playing percentages, traps, etc in the NFL is a one way ticket to food stamps
I've learned the hard way, public wins in this shit all the time, it's a bad concept. Raiders get to 34, don't know or care what Chargers get to
Big gainer Eagles
i hope so, I have Carr
not sure how he performs with this wind chill
Ryan not Jordan sorry
what is it? 72?
Can't speak for SD but I just had to put a tshirt on
well im in my boxers
rememeber Wentzylvania
that feels like it was years ago
we have the Roethlisburger
we are talking steak, sausage, american cheese
Big gainer for Balt
It was Mike Wallace
wow Bell dropped a ball
no clue braves
what should I get?
Ravens in a SOFT prevent D