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**************Super Bowl Ingame***************

Quinn is such an idiot, why go for 2 there.

Dude tries way too hard to be a smart guy but always fails.
From another site:

For anyone who cares... just went through the service plays and hand counted
Philly -4
Dallas - 19

Dallas -Hondo,Bondi,pointwise,kelso(goy), tx sportswire.
Philly- chris James
That's a weak call....again.

BS with giving himself up. He's not a QB, he cannot give himself up.
lol at the Palmer fumble not being overturned, but the Rivers fumble being overturned. Looked like the same fumble to me.

What did Cam say in his presser? I missed it

Carolina Panthers quarterback Cam Newton ripped the NFL’s game officials following Sunday’s victory over Arizona, saying he’s fed up with the non-calls on late or illegal hits he has endured throughout his career.
“It’s really taking the fun out of the game for me,” he said. “At times I don’t even feel safe. And enough is enough. I plan on talking to commissioner (Roger) Goodell about this. And I don’t know what I have to do.”

Read more here: http://www.charlotteobserver.com/sports/nfl/carolina-panthers/article111500722.html#storylink=cpy
Fucking guy bitching when he was molesting AJ and he still came down with the ball, douche