Sunday Discussion Thread

With a total of 7 in Miami I gotta assume Phillies Ff or full game team total isn’t gonna be real high, they gonna hit Rogers just like they have the other 2x they seen him this year. I can’t believe the Ff tt be less than 2.5 but maybe over 2.5 be plus money? That be sweet!! Regardless it won’t be expensive and they will have at least 3 after 5 innings! Prob after a inning or 2!! Good luck finding the games Rogers hasn’t given up 3 runs in 5 innings!! Bunch of them against teams who don’t hit lefties nearly as well as Philly lineup!
No idea who gonna pitch for pirates, unless it Brubaker they don’t have anyone else left I think can pitch well in coors. My like of Gomber is no secret, he should be a real problem for pirates lefty heavy lineup, they gonna continue not to score runs at coors! Rox -1.5 again I think. Maybe a Gomber total outs prop as well.
Berrios been pretty great his last 2 starts, that probably means he will get smacked around by kc rag tag group! Jays outta knock Bubic around also, lean over but jays team total might make more sense as ya never really know with Berrios, he should dominate this kc lineup but just when I think he rolling and should continue to he has a terrible outing. Lol
Along with Philly Ff tt Philly -.5 Ff prob also. It really not a bad price for a huge starting pitcher mismatch!
I’d like to just continue riding seattle hot streak as they open pretty cheap once again but I dunno bout Flexen pitching on 3 days rest? Don’t exactly trust him anyways. Normal rest I’d say he be plenty good enough, not sure wtf seattle doing here? Or wtf they yanked gilbert after 5 innings for yesterday?!??! He should absolutely out pitch otto who hasn’t been very good since coming off IL.
Webb should have his way with milw, prob look at some his props and maybe a 1st 5 rl bet also. This Alexander dude starting for milw has as many walks as k’s! That ain’t good.
What’s up with angels and dodgers taking Sunday off? That some horse shit! I swear there gonna be some goofy things 2marro.

Im def playing Philly Ff team total and Ff rl.

I’m def playing rox-1.5 if anyone other than Brubaker pitching for pirates. or Gomber prop,

I think Braves probably safe to throw in a parlay, can’t see them wasting a easy win, strider mowed nats down 1st time he faced them and what do nats care? One look at the smoke strider throwing and they be ready for few days off! Lol.

I would be on seattle if manager wasn’t a idiot. Think I’m staying away or maybe a Ff team total if I like them to score off otto. Flexen has never even pitched on 3 days As a starter so dunno what to expect or why they doing it?

I could see some stupid shit 2marro: odd pitching changes, or just sone indifference from teams who just want few days off from their crappy season or stretch. Think I’m gonna really limit any props and just try to stick with a few hot teams I think keeping their eye on the prize.
Waiting to see the strikeout number for Strider tomorrow. Will likely either be that or the Braves for me.
First glance, haven't read above posts.

Nola k's
O's/Rays ff under
M's ML
Snakes/Pads ff under
First glance, haven't read above posts.

Nola k's
O's/Rays ff under
M's ML
Snakes/Pads ff under

You cool with Flexen on 3 days rest? I’d like to keep riding the seattle streak also but dunno wtf manager doing?
You cool with Flexen on 3 days rest? I’d like to keep riding the seattle streak also but dunno wtf manager doing?
I'm good with that entire staff and if they pull him after 60 pitches, cool. Most BP sessions are 3 days after a start and 60 pitches, makes sense here to just do it in a game.
I'm good with that entire staff and if they pull him after 60 pitches, cool. Most BP sessions are 3 days after a start and 60 pitches, makes sense here to just do it in a game.

I’m not as good w it, not like I love Flexen anyways, not sure I wanna back his pen session vs live hitters: Otto hasn’t been good tho and rangers pen hasn’t been good either (they were yesterday), think I might go the Seattle team total route if I wanted to play them. Think my card gonna be fairly small tho so might just leave this one alone, I dunno.
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When baseball jacked with the scheduling, they forfeited the excitement of rivalries.
What if I'm watching golf at 3am and sleep through that "rivalry" that happens 19 times/season?

The fact you can stay awake during golf is odd so I dunno. They might play 19x but you don’t get many chances to see Sale these days! Him vs yanks lineup is must watch for me.
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Pirates/ Phillies has become more exciting than Yanks/Sox, Cards/Cubs, Dodgers/Giants for me. They saturated the schedule for $$$ and destroyed can't miss rivalry games.

And you're right, Sale/Cole should be exciting. Glad it is for you. Honestly Burnes/Rodon was a million times more exciting for me. Those are the rare games anymore.
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I’m almost shocked they set Philly Ff tt at 1.5!! I’ll pay dearly to see Rogers hold Philly under 2 runs thru 5! I don’t believe it for a minute!
Question for me today is who gets extra rest...teams not really in playoff hunt, never know who's already on vacation.
Pirates/ Phillies has become more exciting than Yanks/Sox, Cards/Cubs, Dodgers/Giants for me. They saturated the schedule for $$$ and destroyed can't miss rivalry games.

And you're right, Sale/Cole should be exciting. Glad it is for you. Honestly Burned/Rodon was a million times more exciting for me. Those are the rare games anymore.

It just not that interesting to me to see a really good pitcher vs a crappy lineup and milw lineup pretty crappy.
Question for me today is who gets extra rest...teams not really in playoff hunt, never know who's already on vacation.

That why I’m trying to keep Card kinda small and sticking w teams who coming in hot who I’m pretty confident will be about winning this game before the break. Def afraid of odd pitching changes today, guys getting day off, or just being disinterested.
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Not much point even looking at cards game, it raining now and hour by hour says it gonna continue all day today:,
Can’t imagine they will stick around and draw it out very long trying to play, I’m sure we see reds a few more times still, I’d guess they call that game fairly early.
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Have you guys seen anything on Braves Nats? Game starts in 2 hours but DK has nothing up?
Have you guys seen anything on Braves Nats? Game starts in 2 hours but DK has nothing up?

Bro there nothing up for rox either! These fucking pricks man, half the time they post everything even all pitcher props overnight and totally Fuck me as all the value gets bet out numbers I like, then today I’m up there early and they don’t have any fuckinb lines up at fucjing 10!!! I knew there be some bs today. I don’t think nats or pirates have announced a starting pitcher yet!! Bunch of garbage so now I’m gonna have to drive back when they finally post them!!
I still can’t believe Philly Ff tt was only 1.5! Almost feel like that gilbert outs price being so low yesterday, like I’m being suckered! It makes no sense! Find me the games where Rogers has held any freaking teams below 2 runs for 5 innings??!! Phillies hit lefties better than most and have hit this guy every time they seen him!! I hit it pretty hard but I’m kinda scared Philly lineup gonna come out and it gonna be missing all their good bats! Lol
Looks like Erasmo Ramirez is the Nats pitcher, but he’s just an opener. Doesn’t look like he’s gone more than 2 innings in any start this year.
The fact you can stay awake during golf is odd so I dunno. They might play 19x but you don’t get many chances to see Sale these days! Him vs yanks lineup is must watch for me.
By the way don't think this has gone unnoticed. It's a badge of honor that you accept that I'm woke at 3am
I don’t play hardly any unders pitcher props but Flexen 16.5 outs on 3 days rest? Seems to me it be pretty unlikely he goes further than 5 innings unless he has a super low pitch count. Seattle likes to fuck me around tho, they prob let him pitch till his arm falls after today when they usually prematurely pull pitchers!
Strider’s SO number is 6.5 today.

Nats havnt been striking out much this month as ya saw yesterday w fried. I think strider a different animal but it is tough for me to pull the trigger needing 7 against a team w one the lower whiff rates in July.