Sorry Calgary - Keenan hired


Pretty much a regular
Following the formalities of signing a multi-year contract, Mike Keenan and the Calgary Flames will officially announce his hiring as head coach at the Pengrowth Saddledome at a news conference at 3:30 pm et today.
Jim Playflair will remain on as an assistant to Keenan, while further discussions with Rich Preston, Wayne Fleming and Rob Cookson are expected to take place on Friday.
Keenan's hiring comes as a huge surprise to many, but a quick trip down memory lane shows a long history with the Sutter family.
Keenan and Flames general manager Darryl Sutter worked together in Chicago and helped lead the Blackhawks to the 1992 Stanley Cup Final.
Keenan hired Brian Sutter as his assistant coach in 1991 as part of his Canada Cup staff.

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</NOSCRIPT><!--- End Ad ---></TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></P>Duane and Brent Sutter both played for Mike Keenan in Chicago, while twins, Ron and Rich Sutter also have playing experience with Keenan as their head coach.
As one NHL executive puts it, "Keenan and the Sutters are like makes perfect sense."
The Flames went 43-25-10, finishing 8th in the Western Conference last season under Playfair. They lost to the Detroit Red Wings in the first round of the playoffs.
Keenan's last job in the NHL was with the Florida Panthers where he was replaced by Jacques Martin just prior to the 2006-07 season. The Panthers were Keenan's seventh NHL team. He began his NHL career as head coach of the Philadelphia Flyers in 1984. He captured the Jack Adams trophy awarded to the league's top coach in 1985 while leading the Flyers to the Stanley Cup Final.
In 1993-94, he was hired as head coach of New York Rangers and led the franchise to its first Stanley Cup win since 1940. Keenan also served as head coach and GM as the St. Louis Blues, Vancouver Canucks, and Boston Bruins.
Keenan began his coaching career with the Peterborough Petes of the Ontario Hockey League.
Iron Mike has been behind the bench for 1,014 games with 569 wins, 447 losses, 140 ties and 20 overtime losses.
just awful Joe... guy has left a path of destruction everywhere he has gone, not only behind the bench but in the front office

hasnt been to the playoffs in12 years and still manages to find his way back into coaching... i thought he went to Sweden?

only hope is Kiprusoff now demands a trade to Toronto. I bet he has smoked about 5 packs today already after this news.
Yeah i just hope that Iron mike won't end up destroying the team.
They say he is close with the sutters, so hopefully nothing will happen...
He can be a good coach though and his record doesn't lie.

Atleast he isn't the we won't see players getting traded every other week.
That he's not the GM is really the only thing that can potentially save this team from a complete implosion.

It's so funny, I was just thinking about this guy in the playoffs. Like you, Santa, for some reason I thought he was out of the country or whatever. I just didn't think we'd ever see him on the bench in the NHL again.

How wrong I was.

Thank God it's not in Pittsburgh, but I do feel for Flames fans right now.
Surely keenan wont be that bad, his last chance pretty much. Still, Claude Julien was available lol
Joe, didnt know Pat Burns was still interested after battling cancer?

Dammit, it's always funny until someone's battling colon cancer.

I completely forgot. Stupid Joe, my mistake. Didn't mean to offend anyone.
Oh Im not offended Im sure no one else was Joe :), I dont know if he is or not, people come back to the grind after cancer. I just never hear his name mentioned in the list of suspects when theres a job opening.
I didn't really think you were, CF, at least not totally, but I just didn't mean to make fun of someone who's battling cancer.

If he is better, I'd love to see him try to get back out there, it's what he loves. Now, whether his talent for the position had run its course or not, that's another story, but I root for anybody who's got the b*lls to fight for their lives, that's why I feel bad I used him for a cheap joke.
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=627 align=right border=0><TBODY><TR vAlign=top><TD>Sources tell TSN that Chicago defenceman Adrian Aucoin has agreed to waive his no trade clause to permit a deal that would send him to the Calgary Flames.
In exchange, the Flames will send defenseman Andrei Zyuzin to the Blackhawks.
Sources say the paperwork and formal approval of the transaction will be completed on Friday. The deal, therefore, cannot be deemed official until then. But Aucoin is prepared, the sources said, to be a Flame and the Blackhawks and Flames have agreed on the terms.
The Flames were in the market for a defenceman and zeroed in on Aucoin, who has a history with new Calgary coach Mike Keenan. In 1998-99, Aucoin scored 18 of his 23 goals on the powerplay for Keenan's Vancouver Canucks.
At $4 million a season, Aucoin carries a price tag the Blackhawks were looking to shed.

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</NOSCRIPT><SCRIPT language=VBScript> on error resume next MM_FlashCanPlay = ( IsObject(CreateObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash." & MM_contentVersion)))</SCRIPT><OBJECT id=EN_cubicle_300X250.flash codeBase=,0,0,0 height=250 width=300 classid=clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000>

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Last season, Aucoin had trouble with a groin injury and played only 59 games for the Blackhawks. He scored four goals and 12 assists for 16 points. he was a -22 on the season. The year before that, Aucoin only played 33 games, scoring one goal and five assists.
In 694 NHL games, Aucoin has 88 goals and 179 assists for 267 points and a +15 rating.
In 49 games last season, Zyuzin had 1 goal and 6 points. He missed 14 of 16 games in December and January with a knee and groin injury and was a healthy scratch for 12 games late in the season.
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Sutter wants to bring back more or less the 2004 team identity.
hard work, defense-first and grit.
Their defense still looks very good with phaneuf, regehr and aucoin as the top 3. Sarich (although maybe not worth the money) is a solid defenseman and warrener and probably giordano will round out the defense.
There is a lot of size and toughness, but the defense is lacking in speed and will be beaten by teams with speedy forwards.

I don't know why, but my gut says that keenan will do fine.
guys like phaneuf, regehr, iggy, langkow, conroy and lombardi will probably respond to his coaching style.
not so sure about huselius and tanguay tho...