Any halftime bets?
This studio crew is complete shit
Where will copa 2020 be? My guess is Argentina
Where will copa 2020 be? My guess is Argentina
they better get their shit together for Russia
I would not agree with always holding it in the USA. Need some variety
World Cup rotation should always go like this
W. europe, USA, W. Europe, Japan/S. Korea
Kate Margraf is doing colour for some euro games too who is she
did someone say paraguay could score? lmao
World Cup rotation should always go like this
W. europe, USA, W. Europe, Japan/S. Korea
no mate Canada too
were getting 2024
golden generation lead by ummm, that 15 year old the whitecaps played last week
no clue, just looked her up...
we get Darke/Maccy for all of England's games im sure...I like Darke
Why isn't Australia getting in the mix, do they not have the stadiums?
Why isn't Australia getting in the mix, do they not have the stadiums?
Aussie big cities are a long fucking way from each other too
Aussie big cities are a long fucking way from each other too
Other then Perth, I disagree
can Paraguay stay on side, jesus
was it Iran in WC a couple years ago that seemed to have 15 offside/gm
yeah that might have been them
Paraguay will be a very challenging game to get a result , even at home. me worried
Do huh?