****Soccer is the Greatest Sport on Earth In-Game****

In general I've always though Sweden and Dutch women win, but Germany there as well

Problem with Spain is I'm surrounded by Latinas and much prefer the Puerto Ricans and Central American women, Spain are kinda boring to me
I think I hate Mourinho just as much as vk hates hillary. hope a has another meltdown like at chelsea last year in 2 years or so
same line. just a foot and bit of arm offside I think it's good they let it go when it's so close but some ref might have whistled yes
Initial top 10 predict for me, can't wait to see how wrong this is:

West Ham
Samuel Luckhurst@samuelluckhurst <small class="time" style="font-size: 13px; color: rgb(136, 153, 166);"> 3m3 minutes ago</small>
Coaching staff are hugging Mata. Mata is actually having a go at Mourinho. Having to be restrained. #mufc

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This is funny....Copa Sudiamericana game Deportivo Lara vs Junior Barranquilla 1-1 after 3 minutes, no goals after that with 15mins to go...wonder if this might be the biggest moose for o2.5
Colombia with a shocker, will add a bit of spice for tonights game between China/Sweden.
I kinda root for Colombia cause my daughters soccer coach for the past year and a half plays on their team. Kinda cool to see her play.