So Barry Alvarez is getting paid $118,500 to coach the Rose Bowl


Beacon of Calmness
Paid out of Bielema's buyout money that's coming from Arky. Seems like a great idea to spend over 10% of the funds to ask the AD and former coach to come out of mothballs. He gets another $50k if they win.

The Occupy Wall St. protesters should be furious.... :thinking:
seriously? lolololololololololololololololololol

Yes that is what successful people do when asked to come out of retirement. And they usually get close to what they want. That type of thinking is why they are so successful. Is that really so shocking?
Yes that is what successful people do when asked to come out of retirement. And they usually get close to what they want. That type of thinking is why they are so successful. Is that really so shocking?

Nothing like "giving back" to the program you built by being greedy and "taking what you deserve"

Listen, I get that the $118,500 he's getting is what Bielema would have been paid if he were still there coaching. I was basically making a joke of it. However, now that you've stated that he had the balls to ask for more really makes me lmfao. All from the "athletic director", no less. That's rich.....

You are basically saying he deserves this money more than the program does - that buyout money theoretically should be earmarked to hire a new coaching staff and support the football program/athletic dept., not to enrich the former coach who now calls himself AD. If you don't see the irony there then I don't know what to tell you... If you're the AD, then you should act like it and not be so greedy.
Nothing like "giving back" to the program you built by being greedy and "taking what you deserve"

Listen, I get that the $118,500 he's getting is what Bielema would have been paid if he were still there coaching. I was basically making a joke of it. However, now that you've stated that he had the balls to ask for more really makes me lmfao. All from the "athletic director", no less. That's rich.....

You are basically saying he deserves this money more than the program does - that buyout money theoretically should be earmarked to hire a new coaching staff and support the football program/athletic dept., not to enrich the former coach who now calls himself AD. If you don't see the irony there then I don't know what to tell you... If you're the AD, then you should act like it and not be so greedy.
He built the program. He's been loyal to program for over 20 years after getting offers to the NFL and big college programs. Hell he probably raised well over half the money they take in from boosters. Its Wisconsin not Akron. Financially they would be fine. If he was an incompetent AD and was looking for 1 more big payday, then I'd agree with you. But he runs a top 10 athletic department. If he asks for a extra money to come out of retirement to coach the Rose Bowl after the current coach up and left, then I have no problem.
Bielema was paid $2.6 mil for this year, so if you count all the games including this one - he would have gotten $185,714.28 per game.

I don't think Alvarez was asking for too much with the $250K I don't really think it was out of line. P is right - he's a greedy SOB, but they all are. Look at what these fuckers make per game. Bielema barely cracked the top 20.