***Season Long NCAA In-Game***

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Could GA or Alabama beat the Browns? lol....

That would be an interesting game, but it will never happen.
I have Under half. Also the
no score in the 1st 6:30 hit as well though mostly because of the missed FG.
True story.

Bunch of buddies have gone to Vegas every year together since graduation from college back in the early 2000's. 1st year there we are at the scrip club and guy with glasses gets a dance. Stripper straddles him and makes him motorboat her rock hard fake tits. She breaks his glasses going wild on his lap. We're loving it but he gets pissed (he's a doctor now haha). We bought him some Kurt Rambis-like RecSpecs the next year and had a great laugh about it. He brings them every year and wears them to the scrip club when we go.

Epic shit....
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