Presumptive 2028 Vice Presidential Nominee
Horny has played a great game.
gaglianone is built like a sack of potatoes. probably the main staple of his diet as well.
gaglianone is built like a sack of potatoes. probably the main staple of his diet as well.
who doesn't love a kicker that is 5' 7" 280 lbs
they list him at 230....rrrrright
what the fukk was that with UM cheeleaders....looked like a couple of 14 yo boys with long hair.......that the best?????
What to eat
What to eat
I'm feeling the Cuban link coming outwait to decide until after this kick return for TD out of wiscy....just saying
Berrios time
Lol its so easy to provoke brewers to like my posts.
Hey brewers...fuck bowles!!
Hows everyone’s night going? Im still circling the airport