Sean Mcvay retiring?

His age, bank accounts, LA...pretty sure a lot of us know the difference between living in your late 30s and in your 40s, don't get those years back and not like if he took a few years off he wouldn't be a hot commodity instantly.
The Romonator (I was *forced* to do this, hehe ) makes twice as much as McVay, for simply talking about the game and giving color commentary. McVay is being lured by ESPN, he’d be making twice the money and have WAY less responsibility if they match what Tony gets. Sounds like a no brainer if he indeed is offered a position for that kinda money.

He can always get back into coaching if he really misses it. Seems like you would REALLY have to love it to keep doing it if you’re being offered twice as much for half the work (if that), let alone after a few years of doing half the work and getting twice the money.
The Romonator (I was *forced* to do this, hehe ) makes twice as much as McVay, for simply talking about the game and giving color commentary. McVay is being lured by ESPN, he’d be making twice the money and have WAY less responsibility if they match what Tony gets. Sounds like a no brainer if he indeed is offered a position for that kinda money.

He can always get back into coaching if he really misses it. Seems like you would REALLY have to love it to keep doing it if you’re being offered twice as much for half the work (if that), let alone after a few years of doing half the work and getting twice the money.

There’s no cap on coaches. Is there an owner pact to not pay coaches 25 million a year? I don’t get it.
What network is courting him? I believe it but just curious if it’s substantiated.

He could always go back. Leaving that team right now would be smart. They could run it back but that requires no one to be hurt from a very select group of players. And that would also involve either OBJ or Woods coming back 100%. Unlikely.
What network is courting him? I believe it but just curious if it’s substantiated.

He could always go back. Leaving that team right now would be smart. They could run it back but that requires no one to be hurt from a very select group of players. And that would also involve either OBJ or Woods coming back 100%. Unlikely.

ESPN. You’d imagine they want him for MNF, but they are the ones trying to get him out of coaching.
No one cares about parades and never once did i think about attending it. Does that make me a terrible fan from 1973? No, it means i have to get to work after paying 6700. Who gives a fuck about a parade?
That gal broke her spine, thought Staff was just having fun with some drinking when I first saw it but that's not a good look now that details are out

The Staffords are paying for her medical care in their defense. Matt is a good person overall, just had a shitty day as a person that day imo.
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The Staffords are paying for her medical care in their defense. Matt is a good person overall, just had a shitty day as a person that day imo.
Had heard the Rams were paying for it, good on him if he does. To teed's post, regardless how shitty a person is, I wouldn't wish that on them. Surprised she isn't paralyzed.
Had heard the Rams were paying for it, good on him if he does. To teed's post, regardless how shitty a person is, I wouldn't wish that on them. Surprised she isn't paralyzed.

Very lucky to not be paralyzed...looked like about a 8-10 feet drop.
Girl broke her spine and the internet just backed the bus back over it

This guy getting dragged in the comments is hilarious. The goalposts can’t be moved quick enough for these clowns.

Perfect example of people setting “the rules” they almost always break themselves but have excuses as to why…
