Rocky Long Coached a Horrible Game IMO


Pretty much a regular
1st half up 2, 4th and 5 inside the 10 and he goes for it and not even close. I think even Belichick would have taken the FG there to go up 5 as SDSU Defense was holding Navy down and FG were obviously going to be paramount. then end of game, under minute left with a TO left, 1st and 10 at Navy 20 and ball on left hash. Running play to left out of bounds, then 2 pass plays not even close to being completed. Ball stays on left hash and kicker pushes winning FG to right. Most coaches would have ran to middle to center the ball and take clock down to 4 seconds. I can only assume their kicker prefers the ball on the left hash, even though to me it's always a difficult angle and kick. If their kicker would have preferred the ball centered, then the last 3 play calls were among the worst I've ever seen. They would border on firing Long if the game meant anything. I had SDSU ML and then got off bet live with Navy +4 in 1st half so lost some juice. But Long coached a truly horrific game IMO. You just wonder what these guys are thinking sometimes.
I don't question him for passing on the fg. He was just trying to get a two score lead and ice the game. I do question not centering the ball for the last second fg. That was beyond questionable
I do question him for passing on the field goal. Wasn't first half either I don't think, thought that was 4Q.

Me too. It wasn't even a bad coaching move either because "bad" moves mean that the coach had some sort of choice but chose wrong. In this case, it was the only move to make. 10 out of 10 random D-I coaches kick the FG there (expect maybe Oregon or Baylor, but I think even they would considering the time on the clock). The funny thing is that they were playing Navy, and not some prolific offense who was guaranteed to march down and get 7 to win. Plus, the defense wasn't playing half-bad.

I tried to come up with any sort of reason why he wouldn't kick it. I thought that maybe the kicker was hurt. But if that was the case, they would have taken shots to the end-zone on the final drive. They didn't do that.

I found this post-game quote from the coach, but I really don't know what he's talking about:

Of going for it, Long said, "I thought that we'd had so many opportunities down there in the red zone and had to continue to kick field goals that it was time we … score a touchdown. I knew that if we didn't score a touchdown we would develop field position, which we did. And we had field position all the way until we fumbled. I'd do it again.”
It's not like they were at the Navy goal line and it was 4th and goal. They were at the 12. So even if they kick the fg and kick off, and let's say Navy returns it to the 25--That's only a difference of 13 yards. On top of that, the difference in yardage would be made up in SDST territory because Navy would need to score a TD, not a FG.
Well with navy scoring TD's on almost every drive, going up 5 was meaningless .... oh wait.....

My friend said it best to me when I said "I don't get it" he responded "there is nothing to get".

Shame because Rocky Long is a really good coach that most of the country doesn't know about and now all they will know about him is that he is capable of making as bad a decision as any other coach.
Shame because Rocky Long is a really good coach that most of the country doesn't know about and now all they will know about him is that he is capable of making as bad a decision as any other coach.

Couldnt have said it better myself. I had a friend texting me last night ripping him to shreds about how bad he is, when in all honesty he is a good coach. He just made one of the worst decisions I've seen last night. There was zero reason to go for it there. My Aztecs got exactly what they deserved though....much deserved loss....just too bad it cost some people some money in the process lol
Shame because Rocky Long is a really good coach that most of the country doesn't know about and now all they will know about him is that he is capable of making as bad a decision as any other coach.

Only gamblers and Navy fans were watching that anyway so I doubt the rest of the country has much of an opinion. And *most* gamblers know how good a coach Rocky is, I wouldn't put much into that meaningless game.
Hell, he could have been passing on 3rd down--instead of centering up for a fg-- at the end trying to score a TD and cover the spread