Ridiculous rule changes proposed

4 makes no sense, the whole concept is for downfield receivers to have time to get back to the huddle

I like and want rule 3, have for years. No reason it's different than the NFL rule.
NFL halftimes are 20 mins
NCAA halftimes are 12 mins

That's a good start.
NFL HT is already short I think, no more than 15 minutes.

I'd love to see HT shorter in college too but I get that they have a bunch of scholarships out there for band and HT shows are their moment in the sun. People do actually go to games for HT in NCAA.
NFL HT is already short I think, no more than 15 minutes.

I'd love to see HT shorter in college too but I get that they have a bunch of scholarships out there for band and HT shows are their moment in the sun. People do actually go to games for HT in NCAA.
My bad I had that switched

NFL halftimes are 12 mins
Ncaa halftimes are 20 mins
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If you think about it, every major sport but baseball (obviously) has 4. Clock doesn’t stop when Russ bricks a three.

But for NFL a constantly running clock would have to have some nuanced sort of play clock because guys have to have time to get back into the huddle. It would complicate icing games, you don’t want teams to be able to just crawl back.
2022 NFL avg time of game 3:12
2022 NCAA avg time of game 3:18

A college game probably runs 40 or so more plays per game than NFL? More scoring more possessions. I don't think that's too significant a number in difference.

But I'd be all for running clock after 1st downs.
2022 NFL avg time of game 3:12
2022 NCAA avg time of game 3:18

A college game probably runs 40 or so more plays per game than NFL? More scoring more possessions. I don't think that's too significant a number in difference.

But I'd be all for running clock after 1st downs.
Running clock on first downs would at least finally make timeouts more valuable and hold coaches more accountable.

Getting the ball with 1:30 seconds left and no timeouts needs to be more difficult to get into FG range than it is in college. Imo anyway.
Do cfb execs lay awake at night and think to themselves, 'How can we take this really amazing and unique thing and try our very hardest to completely fuck it up?'

I still wanna meet the lunatic who dreamt up the idea to do a perp walk exit out of the stadium for targeting offenders. I'm not sure if the stupidity of that one can be topped.
It's the only source of accountability for these bums.
Eh, I'm not sure if kicking up the call to an anonymous figure in an offsite replay booth located somewhere maybe possibly in the US is what I would call the height of accountability. Especially when the replay booth gets it wrong half the time.
Do cfb execs lay awake at night and think to themselves, 'How can we take this really amazing and unique thing and try our very hardest to completely fuck it up?'

I still wanna meet the lunatic who dreamt up the idea to do a perp walk exit out of the stadium for targeting offenders. I'm not sure if the stupidity of that one can be topped.
Do cfb execs lay awake at night and think to themselves, 'How can we take this really amazing and unique thing and try our very hardest to completely fuck it up?'

I still wanna meet the lunatic who dreamt up the idea to do a perp walk exit out of the stadium for targeting offenders. I'm not sure if the stupidity of that one can be topped.
They officially messed it up...as of yesterday...

I'd expect a running clock by end of the decade in the name of "safety" but a noon game will still finish around 3:30..
Guys faking injuries wastes a lot of time.

Many of these guys could get off the field if they wanted.

I guess they're told to stay down - liability reasons?

Back in the day you never laid down on the field - if you did you were carried off ha
For me instant replay makes many games unwatchable. For anytime other than end of half or game - correction should come from upstairs, within seconds. If not - play stands.
Trying to fix something that isn't really broke.

I've tinkered in my mind with eliminating replay altogether, but if you did that, you would have to get rid of showing controversial plays on replay to the audience. Some calls are so egregious that if you showed them to the audience over and over....there would be an outcry...for replay.
They can shorten the game all they want, the result will just be more commercials and games will take the same amount of time

I wonder if we compared the actual time of the game vs the tv timeouts for commercials or announcers BSing or some stupid hype segment about a player. Games take longer than 30 years ago, but how much of that time is actually football action vs advertising and TV breaks?
targeting replays seem like they lengthen the game the most
Thing that really fires me up is the replay on a score and the guy might be down a foot out. So they have to reset, get the clock right, etc just to have the team score on the next play anyway
I wonder if we compared the actual time of the game vs the tv timeouts for commercials or announcers BSing or some stupid hype segment about a player. Games take longer than 30 years ago, but how much of that time is actually football action vs advertising and TV breaks?
I saw Georgia at Clemson in 1995. No TV for some reason. Game was over in two hours and five minutes. It was a close game (19-17) with timeouts at the end.
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Yeah 1 minute replay max and they can have the booth look at it too w them .. if it takes longer than a min to see a knee down or the ball came out then too bad moving on nobody will care that much .. obvi if they have a reversal and have to sort out the clock etc they can get another minute for that ..

Targeting can all be reviewed after the game .. that also allows for the punishment to not be so rigid they can decide if its just a warning or bench for a quarter or a half or longer if it was really dangerous nobody would mind kicking a dirty player with 5 targeting calls out a few games ... maybe only conceivable way they review targeting on field if it was just so egregious that it has an unnecessary roughness component to it but think they could just call a UNR penalty and move on or at a min they need to move all the questions about whether the guys helmet touched the other guy to a post game review.. obvi no team should get free penalty yards for any of those lol ..

Also penalties can be 10 yd max from now on .. 15 is absurd.. also no more free 1st downs or 1st and 20 totally perverts the game .. make it same down and distance just move the ball... im sure there's some unintended consequences that are a little annoying but can't be worse.. only reason to add a review is maybe give the booth 20 seconds to reverse a bogus PI or holding or check if the ball was totally uncatchable, think everyone is fine w those penalties disappearing .. oh and no more helmet comes off you miss a play thats dumb ..

Need some very clear no flopping rules they can tailor those to the game situation like D guy flops at a critical time then its a forced team time out or clock run off .. can only sub the 1 player, can't bring the kicking team on, etc .. obvi if yer on the ground and need a time stoppage then you're out that rest of the drive .. should be very easy to fix that ..