Richard Sherman


Mister NSFW
One of the most unprofessional acts I've seen.

Guys probably a total douche.

What do you guys think?
@Joe_Veee: Richard Sherman has a degree in Communication from Stanford University.....seriously
if crabtree was talkn shit fuck em. Kaep and 9ers showed up the panthers same shit, that's what they get

Now stop bitching and fucking adapt
I don't know if Crabtree was talking smack or something to him but what Sherman did is completely unprofessional. What happens on the field and between the players stays on the field. I don't know if the seahawks or Carroll care though
I partially blame the media for having access so quickly after the win. You could tell he was emotional and pumped up and then he calmed down on the following interviews. It's a tough tough thing to do
Leading the league in INTs when the ball is thrown in your direction the least is acting like a boss
what is he supposed to say?

"(random cliche), we played a good game, (random cliche) they are a difficult opponent and I give full credit to them, (random cliche), Michael Crabtree is an upstanding gentleman"

people complain about these guys showing no emotion and then when they do they complain harder
As always , spot on about most things

@chrissyteigen: how "classy" do you want your football, class?
the interesting thing is

if Kaep did this people would be going after him for being a thug/hood etc (like they did with the backwards hat ridiculous BS)

Sherman is a stanford grad and extremely well spoken, he knows he's playing a role in all this, he didn't say anything over the top, he didn't swear, he showed emotion because he just made the play to send his team to the SB
Honestly, I have zero problem with it. Not even a little bit.

We want these guys jacked up and ready to run through a wall for three plus hours, and now what, the moment the game ends we want them to turn it off so, what, we can have them jump through a media hoop just right? Did he swear on live TV? No. Did he call out a guy he said called him out? Yep. And?

There's just nothing there. Sure, he could have taken the high road and said the same nothing bullshit that EVERY OTHER ATHLETE SAYS after a win. "We just took it one play at a time, they're really great, props to them." Which we all know is fucking bullshit. They say that shit because it's the fastest way to get through it and get off the field. He chose to tell Crabtree he's a jackass. That was his choice, it didn't bother me.
1. he did not swear
2. he made a heckuva play to win the game
3. he is the best corner in the game
4. he has a degree from stanford
5. he was disrespected by jim harbaugh at stanford repeatedly
6. he plans out what he does and gets publicity for his team in seattle
7. he writes very insightful and educated articles on mmqb
8. he made erin andrews look ugly
9. he showed us what a chicks face looks like when she is very unattracted to a man
10. he's not boring like russell wilson

do i like him, not really except when he was part of my fantasy team, but he can ball.
Couple thoughts already shared. Definitely too soon after a big/fucking huge win to get in someone's face and ask questions without expecting the standard bullshit answers back, so I actually understand why he was the way he was. That being said, I have actually liked Richard Sherman up until tonight. I thought what he did to Crabtree on the field was bush league, trying to shake his hand after the play. We have all said it, act like you've been there. Like its not the first ball you've tipped. Lastly, how about "My team is fucking awesome!" instead of "i'm the best DB in the game." Shit, he didn't even intercept it, lol. The NFL should be renamed to the "I" league. So sick of the chest pounding and the pointing the name on the back of a jersey, there are very few gentleman left in this sport.
Disagree, Erin Andrews had no issue with it, I think she was just surprised

@ErinAndrews: Richard Sherman gave a candid response seconds after an emotional game..looking forward to a great Super Bowl matchup
Frankly, I have more problems with the reaction to the guy than with what he said.

I don't have a problem with what he said at all. I would have reacted similarly around the team, but he should know better. Go to the locker room, blow off the steam, and then get interviewed.
I don't have a problem with what he said at all. I would have reacted similarly around the team, but he should know better. Go to the locker room, blow off the steam, and then get interviewed.

NFL doesn't give them a choice

they get fined
Hard to tie down a hard on, no question, was a pretty damn good play but the mofo holds better than anyone else in the league. Terrible decision by Kap anyway, way too much time left for a desperation decision under pressure, use those legs and sail one out of bounds.
Disagree, Erin Andrews had no issue with it, I think she was just surprised

@ErinAndrews: Richard Sherman gave a candid response seconds after an emotional game..looking forward to a great Super Bowl matchup

Come on. She's a company girl. What did you think she would say?
Hard to tie down a hard on, no question, was a pretty damn good play but the mofo holds better than anyone else in the league. Terrible decision by Kap anyway, way too much time left for a desperation decision under pressure, use those legs and sail one out of bounds.

i blame harbaugh, first down 30 seconds and ticking, 2 timeouts left, take one and relax the troops for 18 yards in 30 secs with a to. not kaps game to pass like that
ok alligator arms, maybe you should work on stepping OOB


I don't have a problem with what he said at all. I would have reacted similarly around the team, but he should know better. Go to the locker room, blow off the steam, and then get interviewed.

Not you, LJC, some of the racist shit on twitter, etc.

I agree with you, it would have been a much more mundane or even productive interview had he gone to the room first. But 'Teed and other said, that's not an option. They get grabbed by TV. And, shit, if I just made the play that sent my team to the SB and you asked me how I felt I probably would have swore like a motherfucker.
I give EA props, she was going to press on with that interview until they told her to dump out of it. You could hear her surprise when she threw it back to the booth.
erin's acting all up tight these days now that she's settled down with jarrett stoll, but about 7 years ago she would be going all pat white on her knees and shit.
Also, let's define unprofessional. Lebron not shaking hands with the Celtics, that's unprofessional. Sherman talking shit after a game to someone he says started it—engh, that's less unprofessional to me than it is just declining to take the high road.
Sherman may be a Stanford grad, and well written or read or whatever, but he lets his immaturity eek out a defining moments, the first remembered one was on Brady a year or so back. Punk.
Sherman may be a Stanford grad, and well written or read or whatever, but he lets his immaturity eek out a defining moments, the first remembered one was on Brady a year or so back. Punk.

u dont think he does this stuff for a reason after thinking it out before the game? i think you're selling him short. he knows what he is doing, hes building a brand for himself and team.
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Can we all just take a second to recognize that P-Unit follows someone on twitter whose handle is "ObeyThisDick."
ok alligator arms, maybe you should work on stepping OOB


I don't have a problem with what he said at all. I would have reacted similarly around the team, but he should know better. Go to the locker room, blow off the steam, and then get interviewed.

Not you, LJC, some of the racist shit on twitter, etc.

I agree with you, it would have been a much more mundane or even productive interview had he gone to the room first. But 'Teed and other said, that's not an option. They get grabbed by TV. And, shit, if I just made the play that sent my team to the SB and you asked me how I felt I probably would have swore like a motherfucker.

Didn't think you were pointing at me and didn't realize race was brought into the mix.
One of the most unprofessional acts I've seen.

Guys probably a total douche.

What do you guys think?
