Ray Rice new video

Was the NFL aware of this video when Goodall disciplined Rice? Anyone know? What about the AC prosecutor as well -- this looks to get them around the spousal privilege issue.....

On the video, it really looks like the real damage comes from her hitting the handail on the way down....not that it makes any difference.....damn ray....fukkin idiot
NFL was not aware of the full video when he was given the 2 games, ive seen reports that since this released there is a possibility they will extend the suspsension
He's a fucking coward. All this apologizing and remorse from him is only because he got caught. Had there been no video of this, he probably wouldn't have said shit. He deserves a full year suspension IMO and jail time. If I was her dad, I'd beat his ass. If I was her brother, I'd beat his ass. He needs to do what Jay Z did a few months back when he got attacked in the elevator by a female. You're a man, act like one.

And Roger Goodell needs to catch some flack from this.
Man fuck Ray Rice & fuck whatever males his fiancé has in her life. Ain't no damn way any man worth his 2 testicles let's that shit ride. And HE SPIT ON HER!! Fuck the prosecutor that gave him a 1st timers plea, fuck the Ravens & fuck the head NFL office
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Supposedly the only video the NFL saw was the same one that we all saw, him pulling her out of the elavator
Man fuck Ray Rice & fuck whatever males his fiancé has in her life. Ain't no damn way any man worth his 2 testicles let's that shit ride. And HE SPIT ON HER!! Fuck the prosecutor that gave him a 1st timers plea, fuck the Ravens & fuck the head NFL office
[h=1]Players speaking out against Ray Rice after knockout video[/h]Posted by Darin Gantt on September 8, 2014, 11:20 AM EDT
It didn’t take long for the video of Ray Ricepunching his wife in the face to elicit strong reactions.
And that’s not just within the media, lest we be accused of stirring a controversial topic because it’s good for business.
NFL players and prominent former players are beginning to speak out, with the same kind of outrage others have.
That man should be thrown out the the nfl and thrown into jail,” Broncos defensive tackle Terrance Knighton tweeted a few moments ago. “Shame on those deciding his punishment. Smh.”
Knighton continued, calling his fellow players to action.
“As players we must speak up,” he wrote. “Stand up for what’s right. I don’t give a damn who u are or how much money you make. No place for this.
Longtime linebacker Scott Fujita, a former vice president of the NFLPA’s executive committee, had equally harsh words.
I’m glad no one this morning seems to care about yesterday’s games,” Fujita wrote. “This piece of s— needs to be out of the league. Period.”
The Ravens have gone out of their way to defend and protect Rice’s honor, to the extent of live-tweeting his wife’s apology for getting knocked unconscious. But it’s good to know that members of Rice’s own fraternity of players are willing to say what the rest of the world is thinking.

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Pierce was a joke, yesterday. I should've left him on the bench and started Chris Johnson like my gut told me.
the part that's really disturbing is him just pull her around and shit...doesn't even check on her

^this.. just watched the full video again.. he was very calm and nonchalant, right? Drag her around like a corpse.. obviously not the first time he has hit a women and probably grew up around it...
Supposedly the only video the NFL saw was the same one that we all saw, him pulling her out of the elavator
That is what they are saying now, but when asked previously they issued a no comment, while the typical league spokespersons Peter King and Chris Mortenson both reported back in July that they were told by league officials that the league saw the whole video, and implied that she attacked him first, so someone is lying here.
What a joke. The NFL is only concerned about money.

Our court system would have him in jail for 90 days or longer. Our court system would only fine a Pot user 100.00 and let him off.

Yet the NFL gives an asshole a 2 game suspension for assault and battery and suspends a pot smoker a full year off without pay.

Only in America can you live by two sets of laws. Now I guess we should send a message that if you want to release your anger, dont get high, just go beat some women and you got it made.
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[h=1]Ray Rice released by Baltimore Ravens[/h]

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  • By Gregg Rosenthal
  • Around The NFL Editor
  • Published: <abbr id="article-time" class="value" title="2014-09-08T14:21:00-0400" style="border: 0px;">Sept. 8, 2014 at 02:21 p.m.</abbr>

The Baltimore Ravens announced the release of running back Ray Rice Monday.
A video emerged Monday of Rice punching his now-wife in an elevator.
Around The NFL will have more on this story soon.

Man fuck Ray Rice & fuck whatever males his fiancé has in her life. Ain't no damn way any man worth his 2 testicles let's that shit ride. And HE SPIT ON HER!! Fuck the prosecutor that gave him a 1st timers plea, fuck the Ravens & fuck the head NFL office

Very Well said. Silky. :shake:
his only chance is swinging the PR around which might take at least 12-18 months

he needs a full court press, counselling, community outreach, volunteering etc.

thats not to say I would want him

but this is a league that lets guys who have killed people play