
Life getting in way again. Try to get to questions later. Appreciate the thread involvement. But current present count under tree: kids= 10-12 ea. , dubs= 8 including big curious one in back???, mrs tee*dub= 0... my 10 year old daughter and I trying to close gap this afternoon and tommorow. Is high end power washer good start?

for the wife...not too sure. lol.

For the wife, better be a damn good one if she has Zero under the tree right now!
GL dub, tailing you on Iowa and Fla St and probably LSU
About the power washer lol, go for the trifecta and get the chain saw and weedeater too lol
I thought she usually completes the Christmas list in Vegas ?
Merry Christmas to all
Check Sorel women's boots to start. My wife's friend clued me in on them this AM so paid the extra $17 for 1 day delivery. Apparently the women love them - weather proof and very comfortable. Will prob get you a little further than the power washer!
My wife always ask: "What's the weather going to be?"

So, one year I got her a weather radio for Christmas

Now, my ex-wife
You know your wife better than us, but my wife would love the washer. Just not for Christmas. That is kind of a house need. I've always had luck purchasing things she really wants, but won't spend the money on herself. The little guilty pleasures. A nice handbag or low end jewelry set that matches her favorite outfit. Or simply buy an outfit you would like to see her in. Keep the lingerie under the bed, not the tree. That one can be addressed to you from Santa. Load her up with swag. Little goes a long way when you are getting her things to open.
You know your wife better than us, but my wife would love the washer. Just not for Christmas. That is kind of a house need. I've always had luck purchasing things she really wants, but won't spend the money on herself. The little guilty pleasures. A nice handbag or low end jewelry set that matches her favorite outfit. Or simply buy an outfit you would like to see her in. Keep the lingerie under the bed, not the tree. That one can be addressed to you from Santa. Load her up with swag. Little goes a long way when you are getting her things to open.
I'd be careful on the "outfit you'd like to see her in"....could go wrong.
Jewels are something that she needs to hint and you get or get together.

The Play......(in my emkee voice)

Purse/Bag(like book said)....Celine, Birkin.....tee* got them racks, get a nice one

Shoes.....Louboutin's, Choo, Chanel....... You will be a hero

GL again tee and let me know about LSU please
wow, lots of Christmas advice.. Good stuff. Hey sorry I didn't get here to give Wyoming thoughts. Worthless now, tho I wish we would have known RB Hill suspended for 1Q. That sucked and think Wyoming would have been able to establish an early lead with him.. anyway, game played out about the way I thought, Wyoming won the stat battle but lost the score battle.. I think if they played 10 times it would be 5-5.. points and the backdoor cover are the gamblers best friend..
SGU thoughts:

For me to be on anything TU+, I gotta like both the situation and the matchups.. Briefly on the SITUATION and I will break down matchups as the game draws closer

Iowa, since the dominant performance in the '10 Orange bowl v. GT has had 5 duds in a row and the performance has gotten progressively worse culminating with last years embarrassment in the Rose Bowl. (actually the '15 Taxslayer bowl vs Tennessee was even worse, so much it is now known as Hawkslayer Bowl)

Ferentz and staff have made many adjustments and have talked extensively about bowl prep and mistakes that have been made in the past.. Importantly to me is among all the changes, ferentz has asked the senior class to make sure this is taken care of.. Because of course, these seniors have been embarrassed 3 bowl games in a row.. These seniors include reining Thorpe winner Desmond king and future top DT NFL pick Jeleel Johnson--- both since the PSU game are playing the best football of their careers-- but more on that later..

So I have very high confidence Iowa will be geeked up for this bowl beyond any intensity you have seen all year.. (think Mich and Nebraska games--- not PSU and Rutgers) Iowa fans travel very well ,and these two teams have some history in this bowl and the last one tho none of these players played in it will very much be on the minds of the coaches and fans. some remember it as the worst officiated game in CFB history. (search YouTube)

Iowa this year was difficult to cap for many because of the situational aspect.. Early on they just seemed to not show up for some games and the lack of inspiration and effort was alarming.. In other games, especially on defense, they completely dominated. SO WHICH IOWA TEAM WILL YOU SEE? Because of the info above I think you will see the geeked up team flying around and a defense that will dominate an overmatched Florida offense IMO.... When your best players are your leaders, and your seniors, and they have been embarrassed and challenged... I like that situation..... Hope I'm not wrong
wow, lots of Christmas advice.. Good stuff. Hey sorry I didn't get here to give Wyoming thoughts. Worthless now, tho I wish we would have known RB Hill suspended for 1Q. That sucked and think Wyoming would have been able to establish an early lead with him.. anyway, game played out about the way I thought, Wyoming won the stat battle but lost the score battle.. I think if they played 10 times it would be 5-5.. points and the backdoor cover are the gamblers best friend..

Nice call on Wyoming....and on the subject of that game since I've nowhere else to post but need to single biggest coaching pet peeve was on display again last night when BYU got the opportunity to kick off from the 50 after a PF on's raining and I'm just begging for BYU to pooch the ball down to the 5, where all sorts of crap can happen, mostly for the receiving team, especially when it's wet. Alas, boot the ball through the end zone, BYU does. Makes me rage.
Looking to hear if the Florida players are hungry to make amends for getting whipped in their Bowl game last season
I rarely share personal sentiments on these boards but I enjoy reading others regarding this game so will briefly share mine.

Grandfather was in the Army and served in WWII. He fought in the battle of the Bulge and received a purple heart. He lived a wonderful life and died a few years ago at 92. He was haunted by the war experience and would never talk about it, until the last few years. He had many stories-- I think some of them were true. lol

The one story he told me I'll never forget-- the one of how he got the purple heart. The battle of the bulge was a lot of walking and walking and walking which was the case in most battles of the war. Europe is a big place he used to say. "The day I was injured was the day most of my squadron was killed by a bomb. I was tired that day so was near the end of the formation dragging behind. Everyone in the front was killed, my friends. I lived because I was tired." I think that haunted him.. He used to stop short on a lot of his stories and would say "people do horrible things in wars" He hated Hitler but he always used to say that Joseph Stalin was by far the most unhuman creature on the planet. "The atrocities committed by the Russians were unthinkable" he was really haunted by that and would never go there but in my readings of Stalin and his M.O. I think I know what gramps was talking about.. He is my personal hero. I told him, Gramps , if we don't win that war, the world would have been a horrible place for a very long time and maybe never recover. Our freedom would not exist..

He had some great Patton stories. He adored the man despite his flaws
My Grandfather served under Patton and was involved in the Battle of the Bulge as well but he never talked to me about it. My Grandmother, on the other hand, told me a only couple of stories she had been told by him. The only thing he ever told her was "he did what he had to do." She also told me once he was out on patrol and got stuck too close to a bunch of Germans as they marched by. He acted dead for almost two hours as they marched by him. It was bitterly cold and he was nearly frostbitten as the result of playing dead. Hard to imagine what those guys went through.
Great call on BC, tee. Aside from losing money on the under, it felt good to see them put some points on the board been a long time since I've seen them at least be mildly innovative. GL the rest of the way and on Wazzu - gotta think they start throwing more verticals Falk is getting pretty good protection
Read WSU 2H wrong.. Minny showed me a lot. I think the education will pay me going forward.. #bigten. #defense #teamsunderduress. #?
Just sayin'

iowa defense (current form) superior to minny. Florida offense much inferior to Wazzu. Add situational element? May add
lsu eager to show fornette not needed

stanford eager to show we are more than pretty white boy?

#team>individual. #motivation
Pitt 2H moved to 4 quickly. Endorse that also. Pitt left a lot of points on field. Predicting DD Pitt win.
Man- peterman going down doomed that bet. Freshman looked lost. Damn
He threw a great pass to the TE that should have been six if the guy holds on, then made a couple of mistakes after that. Shame, given the circumstance thought he actually played pretty well. Had a good scramble for a big first down as well. Tough spot to put him, and undoubtedly if Peterman plays the entire 2H they score more. I had game over and just felt like it was totally squandered with all missed opptys.
Warming CBB engine up. This line is off by 6 IMO:

iowa +14.5, 3 units

He threw a great pass to the TE that should have been six if the guy holds on, then made a couple of mistakes after that. Shame, given the circumstance thought he actually played pretty well. Had a good scramble for a big first down as well. Tough spot to put him, and undoubtedly if Peterman plays the entire 2H they score more. I had game over and just felt like it was totally squandered with all missed opptys.

Ya , agree he had his moments and the ball to TE was perfectly thrown into coverage but that TE gets lit up and not sure hanging onto that one was possible and bobble didn't help.. Losing Conner also hurt as it took away another option.. I still figured Pitt would cover that 2H.. For sure the empty redzone trips doomed over bet--especially when Pitt had 1st goal and could have gone up 10-0. If they do, completely changes your over bet.. GL the rest of the way
The UFC (ultimate fraud corporation) and Dana white want rousy to win very very bad.
No doubt. May Shonne Green live forever! Lol. I believe you're right. Rhonda wins, it brings on a new element for the women's division. If she loses, Dana White loses 100%.
I watched a lot of the weigh in today. Rhonda does seem a little obsessed over this. I like going with the more relaxed and active fighter. Nunez seems to be that person but ya never know.
tee, you've bet Okie Lite all year this year, any reason you're going Colorado?

you are correct Blownaway. Won a lot of money on Okie st all year.. should have stayed on train.. bad day. had one coming.. Arky is the one that truly broke my heart.. had much more on that than posted incl ML... Never figured that 2H but given Arky history I should have hedged a bit at half. I did not. bad bad decision. still learning after all these years.