***Pre NYD Bowl All Football In-Game***

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totally off topic, but I'm looking to pick up a Panerai. Of course, I'm in Canada, so there aren't many shopping choices - any good places online?
Geez.....IDk. What's your opinion?

Looking for advice, dunno

My ex was 29 when we split in January and I can't land the early 30 somethings anymore. Turn 40 in a couple months. Hate to have to change the gameplan.
Looking for advice, dunno

My ex was 29 when we split in January and I can't land the early 30 somethings anymore. Turn 40 in a couple months. Hate to have to change the gameplan.

I'm not that old so I dunno. I'm early 30s and still have no problem picking up a 21 yr olds. I'd assume that at 38-40 you should still be able to pick up a women in her early 30s. My general rule is 10 yrs younger
If there was a bet available that said both teams suck dick, a fg gets blocked, you hate yourself for watching, yada yada, I'd of gone max bet on it!
Does anyone else keep seeing Doughty's stats scroll across the bottom and thinking WKU must've rolled and then remembering you got ass raped?
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