Crawford is an absolute shell of himself. I'll cop to not watching more than a few innings of Dodger baseball, and that my impression of Crawford is dated, but you guys aren't getting much more out of this guy than other teams are getting out of Andy Dirks or Michael Brantley for pennies on the dollar. He's on the wrong side of thirty. The Dodgers are on the hook for tens of millions. And (of course) guy's hurt. Again, not your money, limitless budget, blah, blah, blah ... smart organizations laugh at the Dodgers.
I mean, it's not like the Red Sox have cash flow problems. They couldn't wait to ditch these guys, the Dodgers were shooting for the playoffs and whiffed, what's that tell the unbiased observer?
Back to the thread, Puig looks great. But remember, Kevin Kouzmanoff got off to a pretty nice start too.
Someone, most probably the Dodgers, will pay Carl Crawford 21-million dollars. In 2017. I predict this will be like still making a Mercedes-level car payment on a burned out Pinto on the side of the road, housing a family of hillbillies.
Puig looks exciting as hell, but this thread has assembled the same group of Dodger honks who applauded the ridiculous trade for all those Boston bums, which to reasonable people was ridiculous at conception. All that trade did was revive the Red Sox.

NO what? I see some familiar handles in here. If it weren't for the crash, I could bump my thoughts on the trade the day it happened.
Beckett is the worst part of that trade.. I think he's finished and was making money fading him and hope he will come back in 4 weeks so I can make more money.

He will be a 5+ ERA guy
NO what? I see some familiar handles in here. If it weren't for the crash, I could bump my thoughts on the trade the day it happened.

I never liked the trade and have been discussing Becketts decline for quite some time.. Maybe I was the only Dodger honk who didn't like the trade.
In summation, congratulations, Dodgers. You absorbed three ridiculous, taxing, and continuous guaranteed contracts to slightly overpay an elite-hitting corner-infielder pretty much what he's worth. This year.
Gonzalez has been great.. I had concerns with him too cause he had a .212 ba @ Dodger Stadium before signing. I think the Dodgers could of spent their money more wisely.
Gonz aint no spring chicken either. Days off at 1B are coming in the more lucrative years of the contract. Unless they pay half his salary and send him off to wherever to DH.
3 HR's 9 RBIs

4 games..

All in a pitchers park.. Imagine when this kid goes to Coors and other hitters park?
Hall. Of. Fame.

or so it would seem...possibly a good player but fanboys are gonna fuck this kid up, it's happened way too many times

this isn't new
Greinke didn't look too shabby tonight either... Looks back to form. We'll know for sure after a couple more starts.
i had benched greinke last night, because i didn't like how his starts were going..good to see form come fantasy rotation could use it
tip, your slander would make sense if that trade somehow handicapped the dodgers going forward. but it didn't / won't. they still threw 150 mil at greinke. theyre still gonna throw 200 mil at kershaw. theyre still gonna go all out for Cano if he hits the market.

the new ownership, god bless em, gives zero fucks about $$$. one of their first moves was to throw 40+ mil at this unknown cuban and everyone thought they were crazy........
the new ownership, god bless em, gives zero fucks about $$$. one of their first moves was to throw 40+ mil at this unknown cuban and everyone thought they were crazy........

Yep, it sure is nice now considering what we were dealing with before.
Steiner`s call on his grand slam is so funny...holy overeaction.

I hope he is a star, i remember jeff francouer was the natural
That definition of slander applies to almost everything ever said about the Dodgers.
Yes. Baseball's tricky and I have a small market frame of reference, but no matter the budget (even if there isn't one) there's money well spent and there's money dumped into an abyss.
You know who's currently doing it right? Cincy. And boy do I hate the Reds.
Colletti is a clown so I don't dispute the point the dodgers can be doing better.

I will never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever forgive him for giving you Carlos Santana in exchange for a journeyman 3 months away from being a free agent. EVER
The trade was good, but ... I actually think Santana's a hack. It's great to be a hitting catcher, if you can catch. You can have him back. And Blake was a gamer.
Having a serious conversation with smurfs hanging out on a pussy. (My problem, not your's, SJ.)
He's just another guy they're paying too much money. They're in last fucking place.
Hes been injured most of the year.. He isn't overpaid.

Great fielder, power, speed. I like him a lot. One of the most valuable players on the team.. If he was never injured Dodgers would be a lot better off.
When you lose your #2, #4 and #5 pitchers, your STAR ss AND your best player is in a funk of course you are going to be bad off.. Dodgers are only 7.5 games away, they can right this ship.. Too many injuries.
Injuries? As far as I'm concerned, I almost couldn't get off the couch once I learned Beckett and Craw were on the DL.
Gimme a break, fanboy. Billingsley and Lilly and Beckett suck. So you have some injuries. Welcome to Major League Baseball.
Billingsley sucks? I mention 7 guys, you key in on three.

O.K thats all I need to know about who I'm talking too here..
I wouldn't trade for Billingley. Actually, I traded his sorry ass to Gurv. He's a ham-and-egger, at best.