Official Heisman Thread

It's funny when people need to prop their bullshit up as fact or news, it's pretty much garbage. Not that it's alarming, but it's the desperation that's fuckin funny. Fake news, fake facts, DESPERATE.
An immature fellow who yearns for attention via ridiculous public displays: armpit farts, mime routines, playing a bassoon in the middle of the rush hour crowd. He is usually pale in complexion and under 100 lbs.
The clownboy's antics were ill-timed and he was summarily throttled by half the annoyed citizens of downtown Cincinnati. No charges were filed as the police lent assistance in the beating.
The horse that's been profusely beaten while dead is still dead. Like JoePa. We can keep beating but it's pointless other than the couple of you bringing up bullshit "facts". He's still dead. Rest in Hell.
You and VK and a few others are the one's bringing it up constantly. More facts I can provide including in this thread alone, turn the page back.
In fairness I do think I have a window open here constantly even when I fuck about
Just providing facts.

They don't like when you tell them facts, because they refute their thoughts.

I was talking with one guy, who kept insisting that we stay away from the facts.

That's the basis of their whole argument, lies and misguided imagination.
Well, that turned fast. Can we rename this thread, because it has very little to do with the Heisman.

...and Barkley may have torn up his invitation after this past weeks performance. I guess he can blame his O-Line for his performance.
What Detroit is passing off as facts, are other people's opinions of his ability. The more correct those opinions are, the more of a bust he has been this season. Meaning if he is an NFL talent, he has grotesquely under-performed.

Facts are not opinions though.

Facts are his numbers. The rest is opinion.
And part of the problem

posting a play where someone misses a block, a play where someone takes away the rb in the option, or the opinion of an NFL scout are pretty weak in the fact department, amigo. Very weak. If I say that is a fact, I suppose it is ... based on your opinion of what a fact is.

You're a joke of a human being, a pedo-sympathizer and an illogical twat.
I like Lamar, just not even positive he gets an invite at this point given the team record...I suppose if they win out he's probably right there
And part of the problem

posting a play where someone misses a block, a play where someone takes away the rb in the option, or the opinion of an NFL scout are pretty weak in the fact department, amigo. Very weak. If I say that is a fact, I suppose it is ... based on your opinion of what a fact is.

You're a joke of a human being, a pedo-sympathizer and an illogical twat.

You're a lunatic who is like a 5 year old who still believes in Santa Claus. The more facts I provide the angrier you get about Paterno or anything in life. It is a fact that Barkleys Oline is awful based on the stat I provided. It is a fact that NFL scouts value Barkley as a top 5 talent.

It is an opinion based on what you were told by the media that Paterno covered up for a guy he hated that makes no sense to any rational human being. It is an opinion of yours that I am a pathetic human being because I dont believe the guy covered up for the real predator for multiple reasons that rely on fact and evidence.

You want testimonies of DA, AG, lead detectives I already provided? You want the statement in the police report from the PSU shower victim? You want me to post emails of how Mike Mcqueary was persuaded to make up a story? Oh I know you will see them and say they are just opinion. Your hate is too deep rooted for anything PSU, even those that disagree with your opinions.

Your hard on for hating anything PSU makes whatever you say about the situation completely moot because it is clear even if you had a fucking clue you wouldnt open your mind, which makes you at best ignorant and at worst a coward.

Keep bringing it up though in threads in a gambling forum because you just cannot get over it and it eats at you. You are the boards favorite troll, what an honor in life to brag about to your internet friends.
I hate pedos, pedo enablers and pedo sympathizers ya ...i have a problem with a lot of things penn state right now. I have read everything ypu have ever offerred on the subject and my quite rational brain finds them entirely uncompelling from an evidentiary standpoint and sickening from a moral standpoint.

Your emotional school girl crush on JoePed blinds you to his bad acts. His horrific acts of protecting his program instead of under age boys. It's a sickness you have. It is why your insults have no power. I am positive I am a better human being than you are. Your opinion of me matters little.
And you attacked me ..and you brought up the joeped scandal. I was talking about barkley and how ridiculous his heisman candidacy was from long before it devolved into a debate about whether pedophilia enabling is ok or not. I say "not", you say otherwise.
curley, schultz and spanier decided to report sandusky
curley told this to paterno
paterno convinced ‘his bosses’ to break the law and not report

this was known in 2012. it was shown as evidence to jurors in the 2017 spanier trial. these are facts

There is at least an argument to be made for Mayfield.

Unlike Barkley Barkley now has three games where he has rushed for over 100. THREE! hahaha what a loser. This guy, this season, is the most overrated player since Reggie Bush.

Not surprising he doesn't have the character to get it done.

When asked about Jerry Sandusky, Joe Paterno said that Jerry was all about the safety of the kids. He said that when Jerry was driving, he noticed that he drove extra slow through the school zones.

that sounds awfully close to a personal attack. I never attacked a member of this site.

I don't care. I would rather be personally attacked on CTG and have the mods look the other way than be a 10 year old who got sexually attacked while Joe Paterno looked the other way.

curley, schultz and spanier decided to report sandusky
curley told this to paterno
paterno convinced ‘his bosses’ to break the law and not report

this was known in 2012. it was shown as evidence to jurors in the 2017 spanier trial. these are facts

The bolded is not a fact, has never been suggested by legal authorities or anyone involved in this case. It is a theory made up of the media and Louis Freeh and you believe it. Anyone who knows this case knows he did the exact opposite. It was not shown at the Spanier trial, Spanier was convicted of one misdemeanor out of 15 charges that even the jurors said they got wrong and made a mistake. Thats how i know you didnt go to Penn State and have zero idea of what you are talking about.
Jurors were shown emails that the prosecutors said showed the men hatched a plan to keep the matter quiet.

“The only downside for us is if the message isn’t ‘heard’ and acted upon, and we then become vulnerable for not having reported it,” Spanier told Curley and Schultz in a 2001 email exchange, saying it was a “humane and a reasonable way” to deal with Sandusky.

they showed it to the jury. keep spinning and trying to muddy the water
Because you are blinded by box score statistics when you don't want to appreciate how often he gets met behind the line but time and time again proves to be houdini.

But ugh no point in going down this road. UM cant beat Sparty and Baker is clear-cut Heisman, finished
If you mean disappearing in big games then yes. What, 15 carries for 35 yards on Saturday? Houdini!!!!!
they were legally required to report it
joe told curley he would handle it
they didn’t report it
what are you missing? is that not telling someone to commit a crime?
Well, that turned fast. Can we rename this thread, because it has very little to do with the Heisman.

...and Barkley may have torn up his invitation after this past weeks performance. I guess he can blame his O-Line for his performance.

Based on the facts about his o-line's performance....why is that hard for you to believe when the facts are there?
i shouldn’t do this but i’m gonna because you’re just spewing crap.....

as a kid i loved the wrsc 1290 spoof songs. ‘joepa’ set to harry belafonte’s day-o. the adaptation of the wabash cannonball. another of bites the dust after a win on the way home

marshmallow wars. turned into neon cup wars when they were banned

hearing public enemy blasted during the 92 miami game. shut em down over and over but fayak’s gf broke up with him that week and he basically lost the game by himself

Mouse pitchers and dp dough. zeno’s for the alternative girls. cross court basketball at rec. i wasn’t good enough for the im games.

you want more? i’ll keep going

just a few non internet searchable things that psu’ers would recognize. but it shouldn’t matter. whether i’m an alum or whatever ties i have don’t change right and wrong. and you are clearly on the wrong side of this crackpot conspiracy
they were legally required to report it
joe told curley he would handle it
they didn’t report it
what are you missing? is that not telling someone to commit a crime?

Detroit bases what he says on facts from the case and from the leading officials involved in the case and not assumptions and inventions from the media or trumped-up pseudo-victims in search of payout.

If you are actually interested in attacking people who actually failed to prevent pedophilia and could have done so, Joepa isn't the one you're looking for.
If you mean disappearing in big games then yes. What, 15 carries for 35 yards on Saturday? Houdini!!!!!

When he actually gets the opportunity to perform that Love and other backs get when they actually get put into a position to succeed and not doomed by their o-line, yes Houidini. God you're superficial, "wooo I know everything because I can look at a box score!"
I think drafting Barkley high is a huge mistake but i think that about the position more than the specific player.
they were legally required to report it
joe told curley he would handle it COMPLETELY FALSE
they didn’t report it
what are you missing? is that not telling someone to commit a crime?

Besides the fact that the complete opposite of the bolded is true, Curley told Joe that after Joe followed up about the situation after Joe had already told Spanier Curley and Schultz (head of campus police), Mr. Curley told Joe the situation is handled.

Even a complete moron would believe that a football coach at a prestigious university would say "I'll handle it" to his bosses. You are also going on the presumption there was a rape in this example which again, proven in court and by victim testimony is completely false. But as the resident genius VK said because it fits his agenda, jury decisions aren't facts, perhaps except the other 45 counts Sandusky was convicted. Why were the ONLY 3 not this episode and victim....Hmmmmm, hard to figure why.

Again, these are some of the most basic facts of the case.

Other than that Mrs Lincoln how was the play? If this is me getting curb stomped keep stomping, I'll keep getting up laughing.
Back to the matter at hand, Heisman, is all Baker Mayfields, we all know this therefore this thread is a waste of everyones time but since a few of you boys keep bringing stuff up when i find the time i enjoy the discussion.

In regards to Mr. Barkley, here is some highlight tapes of the Rutgers game. I think 5 of CTG finest could block better.

Hey Detroit, help me out, i'm really shocked, So actually watching the game disproves vk's disbelief about the role of the offensive line in Barkley's poor statistics. Like, so, to be clear, you have to actually watch the games?? OMG
And then, to understand about Joe, you have to actually get the facts straight about the case? Facts?? cómo se dice "facts" en español ??

So, to the most respected son of ctg, vk.

1) Watch the game

2) Learn facts.
It's sooo annoying. Over and over these guys bring up the Paterno issue. They bring it up. They mention erroneous assumptions and utter lies that have long been disproven. And then at least I get heat for responding with facts. One completely ignorant fellow called me a pedo supporter. Lol? I don't get it, because I like Paterno for reporting the pedo Sandusky?
we know paterno reported it to schultz. i am not talking about the university park campus police golf-cart-squad. this was about reporting it to the state.

"After giving it more thought and talking it over with Joe yesterday, I am uncomfortable with what we agreed were the next steps."
The athletic director apparently preferred to keep the situation an internal affair and talk things over with Sandusky instead of notifying the state's child welfare agency.

are you telling me joe didn't, at a minimum, discourage them from reporting to the state?