***Niners-Chiefs Super Bowl In-Game***

Then I’m not sure what the convo is about. It initially started with someone saying he wasn’t worth the 10M figure that was brought up.
Me either, but I'm not the one quoting my posts. I'm responding to questions that were asked.

I think we're in agreement here.
Me either, but I'm not the one quoting my posts. I'm responding to questions that were asked.

I think we're in agreement here.

We are. I was the one who brought up other hosts (outside of sports) simply to show they make much more than the 10 million.
Did you see 3 stupid offsides and a PI on 3rd and 22?

I did.

Sure. They still won the game easily so not sure what the point is. We’re calling them undisciplined based on a few penalties in game that wasn’t close after the 1st quarter plus? If SF suddenly commits a few penalties in this game are they undisciplined as well?
SF's offense is far more dynamic than Tenny's was, but I'm interested to see how KC"s offense would do against this SF defense.
I can't fucking wait for Shakira to perform at the Super Bowl. I mean, she's only been out of the game for what, 10-12 years?
if they make this Pick 2H hard not to take SF.......garbage time TD only concern. But, ARod seems like he wants 2 be done