***Niners-Chiefs Super Bowl In-Game***

boger's face always has a permanent smile on it like cb fucknor...makes it look like they are just amused by fucking teams over with their calls
If P unit was around we could both laugh about that spot

Reminds me of an eagles games where the ref just said fuck it and gave them the first down
they called a personal foul against the defense, half the distance, then they walked the ball backwards like the penalty was on the offense, now boger just wants to watch some porn under the hood
They didnt trust cam with the game on the line cause he‘s a loser. Just like keanu reeves‘ first game in The Replacements
That field goal that Tampa made after turning over Panthers on down at midfield ended up making the difference maybe since without it Panthers coulda tied it at 17
That field goal that Tampa made after turning over Panthers on down at midfield ended up making the difference maybe since without it Panthers coulda tied it at 17
I was holding TB -5.5 +310 I bought after the safety. the entire final drive I just knew CAR would either score a TD or try to kick a field goal + try to recover an onside kick. I was holding TB ML as the last leg of a 2-team parlay as well. The final drive could've gone so, so wrong in so many ways. Got a lot of breaks last night