***Niners-Chiefs Super Bowl In-Game***

Reason Number 999 why NFL head coaches are idiots...

If BOB is going to challenge there, why is he burning a TO before hand? He essentially burned one to challenge and lose a second one.

How fucking illogical are these guys running teams?
Despite the track record, they can still amaze me which is pretty incredible
Just another year of a horrid production by ESPN. This year they've got a god damned banner in the lower right hand corner for down and distance that is yellow of all things. So it looks like there is a flag on every play. And on and on w/ the craptastic job they do.
why can't Hopkins tackle like that? gotta get him to the ground somehow, no? dude probably outweighed him by 40 pounds
I don't know. If I had to tackle a dude way bigger than me that's how I'd do it lol. gotta get him to the ground right