***Niners-Chiefs Super Bowl In-Game***

Enormous PI review in Hawks game.......if they uphold this defensive PI then the system is just fukkin broken
I had to go throw it in my old ladies face. She was mocking me earlier cause I told her we should bet our children’s unborn children on colts! Lol ., bitch I was right!! Lock all along!
Not even worried about this ml round robin I got going w titans/colts/Steelers/Texans. That just be a huge huge bonus! Lol
Thanks for talking me into lions VC. That made way too much sense after we talked, and I was gonna pass on that easy money too!! Lol. Might be friendliest line we get against zona all year.
good thing you didn't use that other AFC South team....

Not gonna lie i thought that be a better game but I liked so much fading kc didn’t seem like great idea. Jags coaching is horrible, why would they try and shoot it out w kc??