NHL Fantasy for upcoming season


Give me the NHL, or give me death
Don't know if CTG already does it, but i saw that the football section has a yahoo/ctg fantasy league. Would there be people interested in doing a fantasy this year? I'm willing to be the comish =) hahha but we'd have to draft players...So if people are interested. Let's do it up!
I'm involved in quite a few fantasy hockey leagues, but could always be convinced to add another. What rules are you looking at? Roto or H2H, redraft or dynasty, rosters, scoring system etc etc
it's up to us, if we can come to a collective agreement...

Char: since you're in so many leagues, what has been the best way to tackle these things. I'm only subject to one, and that's a keeper league, and we draft juniors and such =) although points aren't tallied for the juniors unless they play in an NHL game, it's fun being able to trade away your draft picks and prospects to other GM's..

Suggestions are welcome
I prefer dynasty/keeper leagues myself, mainly because I enjoy building over several years and don't mind having an off year or two, knowing that I'll be a power house once my picks pan out. Keeper/Dynasty requires dedicated owners though, that won't bail because they're having a bad year.

As far as scoring I don't like H2H in hockey. Roto with roster limits and starts is the way to go to allow you to manage your team throughout the year.

I like 4C/4LW/4RW/6D/2G/2FLEX myself (22 starters), with rosters at 30 players and farm team of 6. I have this in one league (keeper) and each year, prior to the draft we cut rosters back to 22 + 5 farm. We then go 9 rounds in the draft. Draft picks and farm players can be traded. Any player that has been drafted in the NHL entry draft is eligable for a farm team.

First I think we will have to decide how many teams to play with... The roster sizes and how hard the league will be is dependant on the number of teams and roster sizes.

We will also have to set the game limits per position and figure out a good scoring system.
so suggestion:

keep it on yahoo, which is free..

Rotisserie Settings:
<TABLE border=1><TBODY><TR><TD>League Type:</TD><TD>Rotisserie</TD></TR><TR><TD>Teams in a League:</TD><TD>20 (if we can get that many)</TD></TR><TR><TD>Maximum Roster Size</TD><TD>24</TD></TR><TR><TD>Maximum Player Acquisitions:</TD><TD>No maximum</TD></TR><TR><TD>Maximum Trades:</TD><TD>No maximum</TD></TR><TR><TD>Trade Rejection Time:</TD><TD>2 days</TD></TR><TR><TD>Trade Deadline:</TD><TD>March 6</TD></TR><TR><TD>Waiver Period:</TD><TD>2 days</TD></TR><TR><TD>Starting Roster:</TD><TD>3 centers, 3 left wingers, 3 right wingers, 5 defensemen, 2 goalies, 2 flex players (skaters)</TD></TR><TR><TD>Bench:</TD><TD>6 players (any position)</TD></TR><TR><TD>Injured Reserve:</TD><TD>3 players (must be on real-life IR to qualify)</TD></TR><TR><TD>Maximum Games per Position:</TD><TD>82</TD></TR><TR><TD>Trade Offers Expire in:</TD><TD>10 days</TD></TR><TR><TD>Votes to Veto Trade:</TD><TD>5</TD></TR><TR><TD>Stat Categories (F/D):</TD><TD>Goals, Assists, Plus/Minus, Powerplay Points, Penalty Minutes, Shots on Goal</TD></TR><TR><TD>Stat Categories (G):</TD><TD>Wins, Shutouts, Goals Against Average, Save Percentage</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

I would also like to see a "farm team", with 6 positions.

For a player to be rostered or farmed he has to have been either contracted or drafted by an NHL team.

This gives us 30 players per team, 20 teams, for 600 players, which is a very deep pool. It will require us to go down to at least 3rd line players and in some cases 4th line, which ensures that it'll be necessary to know a bit more than just the star players.

I would suggest that a player is only eligable for the farm team if he has played less than 30 games on the NHL level.
oh, and yahoo doesn't allow farm teams, and they don't roll rosters over between years, but we should be able to keep all that info here.

Initial draft should be serpentine, and we can use an online dice roll to decide order...

like posted before... keeper league is my suggestion. Each year, prior to the draft we cut rosters back to 18 (starting lineup) + 5 farm. We then go 9 rounds in the draft. Draft picks and farm players can be traded.

The reason for cutting the farm down to five is to get some rotation going on young talent... we could also allow to trade permanent farm spots, ie player 1 trades Sidney Crosby to player 2 for 5 permanent farm slots, giving player 1 10 permanent slots and player 2 none.
also, Yahoo hockey starts accepting registration late August, which means we have plenty of time to organize the rules.

I would then suggest to keep the draft here, online, with set draft clock @ 2 hours during the day (10am - 6pm EST), and open during the night. That should allow us to draft the players relatively quickly. If we run into a bind and haven't completed the draft in late September, we could set aside 1 or 2 nights, with 15 minute clock to finish up.
to roll for draft position we can use: http://www.cyrnus.com/cgi-bin/rollem.cgi

Character Name: Put your name here (CTG nick name)
Roll: 1
D: 1000
Don’t check anything
What is this roll for: Your name + CTG Hockey Draft
Put in your email address and mine (charvik "at" gmail.com)

I will roll mine and CC whomever.
we should try to find something that allows for keeper leagues and farm teams, are there any sites out there? even if it is a few bucks I think its worth it big time.

also what are we wagering :)
we should try to find something that allows for keeper leagues and farm teams, are there any sites out there? even if it is a few bucks I think its worth it big time.

also what are we wagering :)
I don't know of any English sites that are any good, besides yahoo... I have heard good things about CBS though. Anybody with insight?

I don't really care if we do money or no money... but if we do, I would like to try to use the league pool as a gambling pool. This is a gambling site, and we could use the league dues to bet on games that we all agree on.
I would partake if we use yahoo and theres a small entry fee and prize for the winner. but last yr I was in one where one person had control of multiple teams and was able to stack them - and I knew him personally...what would stop anyone from creating multiple CTG accounts and staking a team, doing unfair trades, back room deals using PMs and splitting winnings?
platypus, i've been in a few yahoo leagues through CTG for money and that stuff never happens, we will only allow people in who we know are legit so no worries
I'm really not concerned about the entry fee... I view this as a "fun" league. If we get 20 teams, each pitching in $40, that's $800 in total. Using yahoo for free, means:

1st place $400 (50%)
2nd place $240 (30%)
3rd place $160 (20%)
if we pay top 3 and are using standard payout structure.

I would be open doing this for less as well, even free, but I like having a small cost to ensure that nobody flakes out.

I also like the idea of pooling the money together and make 2-3 consensus bets per week to increase the pool of money.
Hmmms hey guys

sorry i've been MIA, been busy with work and getting ready for school. Anyways.. we don't have to use Yahoo. We can use their structure and keep track of points ourselves on excel...i'm willing to do this...

in terms of using our pooled money to make bets, that would be a good idea, coming to an agreement collectively to increase would be nice! /9im a student also)

I really wanna make this a CTG Keeper league! If you guys want to talk more about this league, PM me, I use MSN and i can go on AIM if need be!
Or email me @ gsro87 at gmail.com
I definitely want to keep it online. There's not a lot of fun not being able to track your players in real time, and having it on a site also cuts out any chance of error...

just my 0.02
If this is going to be a keeper league, do you guys think it's worth to maybe even buy into one of those hockey pools online?
If this is going to be a keeper league, do you guys think it's worth to maybe even buy into one of those hockey pools online?
good idea IMHO, but I don't have any experience with any good English sites... anybody?
Ya im going to ask around with my friends who has keeper leagues...if aybody else has input...and where's catfoood!! i'm sure he'd be in on this league
Yeah, things are a bit quiet around here, but the season is probably still too far away for most. If we can't muster 20 teams, we should probably look at increasing the roster sizes some. It's not a lot of fun having the waiver wire stacked with talent each and every week.
Yeah, things are a bit quiet around here, but the season is probably still too far away for most. If we can't muster 20 teams, we should probably look at increasing the roster sizes some. It's not a lot of fun having the waiver wire stacked with talent each and every week.
i'm sure we can get people to join! =) it's not a problem
i dont really care if its online or offline but lets all agree that it has to be a keeper league with a farm team, makes it much more interesting.

ill ask around and see if anything is avail on the internet, id be willing to pitch in a few bucks and go into one thats online, not a problem howver I am a studnet aswell ha.
Definately going to be a keeper league; that's what I had in mind when starting this thread. The friend I spoke to about his keeper league, uses yahoo, and forwards the end results for the next year every year...he says there are other places that autromatically forward it. In terms of juniors, he says that if they aren't on the yahoo list come draft day, then what they do is keep track of it offline, but the majority of it is tracked online....he's also interested in playing with us, even though, he isn't part of CTG but he's good for it...
how's the summer trreating you cat? =)

pucks is back and so are those totals :)
how's the summer trreating you cat? =)

pucks is back and so are those totals :)

It wouldnt stop raining there for a while, some roads collapsed, my basement's finally drying up. Other than that, its all good:36_11_6::cheers:
It wouldnt stop raining there for a while, some roads collapsed, my basement's finally drying up. Other than that, its all good:36_11_6::cheers:
dannggg it rained alot in Toronto too this summer....too bads, soon that rai will turn to snow and we def. have pucks back...
I am in, what I have to do?
Hey peldas, when we get all the info and things cleared up, we'll let you know..just keep checking in on this thread

So Far:
gsro + friend

So far people, =) and it's the middle of august keke.
Also i think that we should make a "trade board" that would be comprised of 4-5 people. They would either agree or disagree the trade. For the most part, since we are all pretty knowledgable people when it comes to hockey, trades will be okayed, but the 4-5 people that are there would ensure no funny business that could happen between two users...alot of leagues do it..just food for thought
Hey peldas, when we get all the info and things cleared up, we'll let you know..just keep checking in on this thread

So Far:
gsro + friend

So far people, =) and it's the middle of august keke.
hmmm... feels like we are pretty far away from reaching enough people to start this. When are we planning on getting an eventual draft going? I am not going to be available for a live draft, so for me it'll have to be messageboard. If so, we need to start this before 9/15 in my opinion, to have a sporting chance of finishing before the season starts. I would prefer sooner though...
Also i think that we should make a "trade board" that would be comprised of 4-5 people. They would either agree or disagree the trade. For the most part, since we are all pretty knowledgable people when it comes to hockey, trades will be okayed, but the 4-5 people that are there would ensure no funny business that could happen between two users...alot of leagues do it..just food for thought
I don't like that at all. When you talk dynasty league people will have different strategies and thoughts, and it's almost impossible to make a decision between 4-5 people, and even more so if 1 or 2 of those people are involved.

The way we handle it is that if a majority of owners calls it a colluding event it gets revoked, (evidence or strong arguments required), and the owners booted. Majority in a 16 team league would be 8 of the 14 remaining teams not involved in the trade.
so far we have
gsro + friend
how bout we just keep it to members of CTG and to get more we advertise the league in one of the general forums.
how bout we just keep it to members of CTG and to get more we advertise the league in one of the general forums.
agreed, I'd like to keep it for CTG members only, mainly because it's relatively easy to do the draft in one thread. Let's give it until after labor day weekend, and then advertise in the general forum... my 0.02
ya and I think the best way to keeper league is to just do the keeping offline, seems the easiest way to go about things
so should we make a deadline for signups and go with what we have this season and just go through it...i'd like to get this done relatively soon and give people time..so we can set up a draft day where everyone is available etc...and we going to just use yahoo?


8 so far, 10 wouldn't be a bad way to start since our target was 20..but 10 @ 50 a person isn't bad is it?..

granted the pot is 500, but I think we said we'd cap with some of the pooled money to enlarge the winnings
so should we make a deadline for signups and go with what we have this season and just go through it...i'd like to get this done relatively soon and give people time..so we can set up a draft day where everyone is available etc...and we going to just use yahoo?


8 so far, 10 wouldn't be a bad way to start since our target was 20..but 10 @ 50 a person isn't bad is it?..

granted the pot is 500, but I think we said we'd cap with some of the pooled money to enlarge the winnings
10 people wouldn't be worth it in my opinion. That would make it way to easy... I'd say we aim for 16 at least. If we can't fill it in here, let's post in the general discussion forum
alright so i'm going to createeeeee the league online at yahoo to sort of get the ball rolling. rules can be changed etc. but for now i'm just going to create it. i will pm those that have showwn interest the infoormation to join...if we cant fill what we want this year.
im pretty sure i sent everyone pm's! but if i missed you please pm me :)
It's set up as a live online draft right now... is that the way we are doing it? If so, I need to bow out.