NHL Fantasy for upcoming season

whats the pw, whats the entry fee, whens the draft, when/how do I pay, etc

and I also wont be able to dedicate the time live to a draft but if I can rank my players, I'd prefer to do that.
just a heads up, i just created the league to get things rolling, so nothing is set in concrete..e can do live or offline, with live u just have to do ur rankings, you don't necessarily need to be there!..with entry amount i thought we said 50? and payment method not sure yet...the draft day that is on there isnt concrete. we still need to get everyone signed up and we'll straighten all details out...this was simply made so people can sign up and we can get logisitcs down...catfood if you need help pm me..ne one who needs help pm me

hey guys, sorry Im going to have to temporarily back out. Im leaving for scotland tomorrow and with all the shit I have to do I doubt I can setup a paypal accnt, do my research, and rank all my players. Im back on the 27th and if you havent done your draft by the 28-30, I could prolly stay in
well if we are doing an online draft we should have it done before the 4th, but I think we can wait for you to come back man thats for sure.
Ya i don't see this happening this year! I'm going to be closing the group! BOL to everyone on the new season.