NFL preseason week 3


Pretty much a regular
This is the best week like week 3 since the teams care more about it, makes it easier to bet on. Anyway I still haven't got the money from that guy in Minnesota another member here younggun, and I just blew up at him last night ha, well I was all drunk and pissed cuz I have been losing lately on the horses. Then he said today he was telling the cops on me for threatening him and his family, lol, what a douchebag, I mean of course I'm pissed off, who the fuck wouldn't be? He has owed me 636 bucks for almost a damn month, and I don't have a job, so fuck off bitch. Pay your damn bets like a man you welcher, you big vagina ha. Seems every younger dude now has a vag, I'm telling the cops on you, yeah you big puss go ahead. If I even here anything about this from the cops I am gonna be:enraged:

Well anyway enough about that crap, let's make some damn money and be happy for a change. Fuck a bitch.

Oakland at Green Bay -6.5 for the 1st half risking 165 to win 150

Oakland is a real dumpster fire right now on both sides of the ball with their starters, whoa, it is bad, I watched em both weeks. Luckily I had Oakland in a teaser and their backups saved my ass barely late against Detroit, after getting into a Schaub induced melt down early getting behind 14-0. Figure this will go much worse at Green Bay early. The Packers new no huddle offense looks awesome so far, when Rodgers is in anyway. He should be in for a half, so we're good. Schaub vs Rodgers haha where do I sign up for the beat down? Not sure about what will happen in the 2nd half so getting out early, get in get out.

Chicago at Seattle -7, risking 157.50 to win 150, had a -105 on reduced at 5 dimes

Seattle is just a dominator in preseason under Pete, nothing more you have to say. At home, crazy crowd even in preseason, crazy depth on the roster everywhere. No chance for the Bears.

2 team teaser 6 points, and bet it so ties win, so -105 juice, it is way better to do that the ties win

Jacksonville +9 at Detroit, coupled with Carolina at New England -1, risked 157.50 to win 150

I think Jacksonville is pretty serious about this game. They are talking about playing starters 3 quarters, first Henne for a quarter and a half then Bortles through the 3rd. They want both guys to get reps with the starters. I like what I've seen from Bortles so far, looks like the Jags have a keeper, a future starter for em. Guess it has just been limited action vs backups so far for him, so we'll see what he has tonight vs Suh and co, figure Detroit's starters aren't gonna play in the 3rd quarter though from what I've seen. You never know what exactly a coach is gonna do however in the preseason. Overall I was thinking Jacksonville looked pretty good so far early, and thought they could at least give Detroit a real tussle tonight. Plus I don't like Orlovsky the Detroit backup qb he sucks huge dongs. The other game New England it is their dress rehearsal while for Carolina it is not, theirs was Monday. Bet Carolina Monday won that one, against em tonight. So New England is game planning and serious, while Carolina is not, sounds good to me, I'm down bitch. I sort of thought maybe that game last year where New England got totally hosed late at Carolina on MNF, that dumb call, that might have Belichick still mad ha, it would for me, but who knows that may not matter at all. Still could be motivation for Bill to stick it to em tonight.

That is it for tonight, sweep hopefully. Do I ever need it, oh man, yes I do.
The worst part about splitting those horse tickets with that guy is I paid him when we hit big. Paid him the next day right away, sent 1200 bucks. Did I even think about pocketing the money for myself, no, hell no. If I enter into a partnership I am not gonna fuck the guy over. Oh well enough bitching about that, obviously I'm not getting my 636 bucks ha.
That was retarded on my part anyway, trusting anybody. I talked to him enough I thought he was trustworthy, guess you can't tell by talking to anybody. Yep, do not trust anybody, I should know better. Ha this is really pissing me off, and now I'm getting drunk again then I'm an angry drunk when I'm losing anyways, like I have been lately. But tonight Tuck the happy drunk will be around hopefully after these all win.
The more I thought about it, the more I think that teaser could be trouble if Joe Webb screws me late and rallies Carolina to a win. Or if Belichick pulls one over on me, you know takes out Brady early. You can't always tell about Belichick what he's gonna do, that fucking guy ha. Should be fine I guess, Carolina is on a short week, and no game planning. Starters I am sure are not playing much for Carolina, yes, know that, cuz dress rehearsal was Monday for them.
Carolina just did it that way, cuz of the short week deal, the 2nd game dress rehearsal and game planning. So I should be fine, no need to worry I guess.
Ha my Huskers are the top consensus bet from what I'm seeing for opening week of CFB. I don't know about that, oh my, that is a bold maneuver betting the Huskers to cover 23. I would rather bet Huskers for the 1st half if I was gonna go there. I mean Florida Atlantic wasn't terrible last year, and Pelini does he ever have trouble with running qb's like that Jaquez Johnson guy, man that has been a thorn in his ass forever, for Pelini. Well he still coordinates the defense Pelini, he has a DC, but he does it, everybody knows that around here.
Haven't really looked much at the college football yet. Suppose I will this weekend or next week early in the week. Well have nothing to do, plenty of time for that. It is great not having a job. Now that I'm taking time off from horse betting, I guess I will look at the college games and bet a few of those.
You know Ohio St could be in serious trouble at Navy. 13.5 huh, well good luck covering that with a red shirt Freshman at qb. Navy has a bunch of guys back from a 9-4 team, that is not to be fucked with ha. Guess though Ohio St has everybody back up front on defense, and at linebacker are set up pretty good. Did lose an all american though Shazier. Maybe Navy money line for me, yep big upset in Baltimore. Yeah don't know about that, but Navy +13.5 sounds good. I mean Ohio St they lost all of their o line, so that's a huge question, and with a freshman at qb, they are gonna have to rely on pounding Navy up front is my take, which they may, but I don't think it is a given. Navy man they did struggle a bit vs the run against the big boys.
The Pack first half tonight is my favorite play of the whole preseason. Rodgers should have his way with those defensive backs.
Yeah somebody from this site cover dat. It is younggun he is a member here, we were splitting horse tickets, on pick 5's, and the thing is I paid him when we won, 1200 bucks I paid him, sent it right away. Now he owes me 636 and he won't pay, that bitch. The deal was if we were up over 500 or down over 500, send a money gram. He fucking fucked me.

Yeah the Pack will be up at least 21-0 at half around there.
Just can't believe this shit. I mean I have talked to him a long time younggun before I entered into this deal. Now he is talking about that he told the cops about me threatening him last night, I mean what the hell does he expect? We had a deal he broke it, now I'm pissed, I have every right to be. Thing is he has a fucking job paying him around 50 k a year or so, and he still won't pay me. It is really crazy, unless he is just full of shit and works at mcdonalds I don't think so, but maybe that's it ha.
What is really bad, is I quit with him cuz he didn't send the money when we got behind, and then I talked to him later and he told me a pick just as the horses were going off on a pick 5. And he won, it hit for 20 k, and he still didn't pay me. I mean what the fuck is that? Bullshit, unless he is lying about putting in that bet that won 20 k. I am so damn mad, shit especially then he rubs in my face about how he hit for 20 k, and then doesn't pay off his debt to me, what the hell? Damn, I don't have a bunch of money anymore either cuz my horse bets have been losing badly. Then I applied to a car lot that needed a salesman and the guy was gonna hire me, then he did a background check, uh oh, got a bunch of crap on there. That's the thing I'm totally screwed on a job now too, cuz of some stupid shit in the past.
Fucking oh well, hopefully my games win tonight. Going over to my brothers house to watch em. Shit he would roll that guy's ass younggun, if he were in Lincoln. 6 foot 4 300 lb o lineman, that battled every day in practice with a future Oakland Raider Chris Cooper, that was in high school. I can't imagine that, I would be too big a puss to step to anybody like that ha, that would be a rough practice everyday battling a future NFL player.
I am posting to myself here all night I think. Not going anywhere so probably 50+ drunk posts haha. Had a kick ass night last night 3-0, plus 450 bucks, yep that will work.

Will just put this one up quick without a write up really, since it is about to kickoff.

Tampa at Buffalo -2.5 for the 1st half, risking 172.50 to win 150, it was -115 at 5 dimes
Just think Buffalo their offense has looked better so far than Tampa's with Mccown. The Bills though haven't been scoring on offense with their starters, moving the ball, but not any points really. Figure today is the day for them 1st home game and all here.
This bet though is not exactly my top play of the night ha, I am still thinking about some others that may be a little better than this one. Oh well, only game right now, so taking a fucking stab.
Will put up my others when I decide for sure on em, like anybody fucking cares ha, probably not, but I enjoy posting anyways.
Betting the Bills -2.5 for the 1st half that is a great idea haha, I really didn't know what to do, but I wanted something to watch. Was getting bored sort of just sitting here all day not betting. Drinking yes, of course.
Fuck I sure as hell didn't want to bet any fucking baseball, that has been a total debacle for me whenever I bet it.
Oh man, the Bills receiver fell over, picked off, great. Nice start, what the hell, he must be drunker than me ha.
Damn it, one of my former Husker greats, Lavonte David caused the fumble for the Bills. 2 turnovers for the Bills.
Fuck, this is a loser looks like. Should not be betting just for action in my situation, but I'm such a crack head I can't help it damn it.
Guess I can't say it is a loser yet, but it is gonna take some great things from the Bills from here on out to win this bet.
Fuck every time I bet something just for action, cuz I'm bored, it always loses. Really it never fails, just chalk it up, loser. Fucking damn it, and right now I can't afford that crap, what the hell am I doing, oh my.
Why are all the Bills receivers falling over haha, this is your home field you should have the right cleats on and shit.
Hopefully this game goes better took an over.

Dallas at Miami over 24 for the 1st half, risking 165 to win 150

Figure Romo will get some things done in the 1st half, put up some points, should anyway. Miami and Tannehill will get some things done as well, considering Dallas's defense is completely awful, whoa, they are bad. I didn't want to trust dumb ass Weeden in the 2nd half, Moore for Miami is ok, but did not feel comfortable with Weeden in the 2nd half putting up points. So took the 1st half over instead of the game.
What the hell? That was a terrible call, there was no holding there on the Bills. Guess there goes that game, it is over.
Manchester hey brotha, what's going on? Think I have some winners we will see here in a bit. Fuck I need it for sure without a job and money running low now. Well horses have kind of sucked for me, seems a failed experiment there with the pick 5's and pick 4's. And that guy younggun fucked me, didn't pay his bets that we went in on together, I am still all pissed about that 636 bucks he owes me. I mean it isn't a lot of money, but when you are struggling and don't have a job it fucking hurts, pretty bad really ha.
Next game a teaser, have won about 15 of these in a row in the NFL, so not expecting the run to stop. Can't stop, won't stop bitch, yeah mothafucka!!!

2 team teaser 6 points, paid -105 juice so ties win, worth it for sure

Titans +10 at Atlanta, coupled with Vikings +8.5 at KC risking 157.50 to win 150

That's the bet. Will elaborate here now. Putting it up right away since we're getting close to game time.
It is a bit fucked that 5 dimes is giving me +8.5 instead of +9, but oh well, 8.5 is enough. It is juiced up on Vikings +3, so that must be why the offer 8.5.
I like the Titans to hang around not get blown out here. Really that Mettenberger has looked pretty good so far for the Titans, a helluva lot better than TJ Yates that will come in for Atlanta after Ryan. Can't say I thought much of Mettenberger at LSU, but whatever, he is looking good so far. Atlanta got damn lucky to win their opener in the preseason, got lucky some d bag named Lobato played qb the whole game for Miami, haha, I have no idea who Lobato is, but he sucks big time, and Atlanta won by 6.
Just kind of doubt Atlanta will blow out the Titans with Yates coming in, and then their coach Smith, his record in the preseason is awful. He obviously doesn't give a damn about it. Not that Whisenhunt is much better, but you know what I mean there. A coach that never wins in preseason, and then I get to move a team up to +10 I like that.
Then with the Vikings it is pretty simple. Andy Reid has always been a bad preseason coach, and Zimmer is trying to do big things here to make the fans happy, new coach, so he's in it to win it. Gotta impress people ha. Plus these guys are all out for the Chiefs, Bowe, big blow to the offense, Charles at rb another big player. Then on defense Berry is out at safety. Guess though Peterson isn't gonna play for the Vikes, but oh well. Really the Vikes have Cassel and Teddy both playing pretty well so far. Cassel probably wants to stick it to the Chiefs as well ha, not that I think Cassel is great, but hell maybe he can have a big night here. Seems possible, not sure, overall just think it will be a close game.
Shit, these games are not off to a good start. Miami settled for a FG, 3-0, that's not good. Titans down 7-0 early.
Damn I'm really sucking ass today, after that great night last night the 3-0. Can still hit the teaser bet though, then won't lose a whole bunch. The teaser does look pretty good at the moment, kind of early to tell for sure on it. I do have a helluva run on NFL teasers going ha, it goes back to last year. I'm not totally sure though how many of those in a row I've hit, so not gonna lie about it. Did put em up on here, has to be at least 10 or more in a row.
Guess maybe I need to stick to teasers ha, yep, teaser Tuck. Yesterday though I did hit 2 straight bets along with a teaser.
Well that Bills bet I flat out said before the game it was an action bet, that I wasn't at all sure about it. Pretty dumb doing action bets when you don't have a job like me right now ha, that is really stupid.
Would really be nice if d bag, fuckhead would pay me my 636 he owes me, younggun that piece of shit, what a damn weasel ha. You talk to me all the time then we agree to split horse tickets, and we win, then I pay him 1200 bucks right away, next day, no question, right away. Then we get down and that fuck doesn't pay, ha I am just gonna bitch about that every day probably.
At least the teaser won, boy, did it ever win ha, 2 underdog winners there. Fucking should have bet em both straight, or no, money line. Yeah hindsight is 20/20, I hate that saying, I am a retard for bringing that up. Anyway gonna look at the 2 games tomorrow see if I like em. Have to read the newspapers and team sites and see what the coaches say, although this week you kind of know what your getting for the most part.
Man I am a real drunk now, worse than before when I was working. Fuck today I have almost half a bottle of vodka gone, and this isn't a 750 like I used to when I was working, it is a 1.75 liter, uh oh. Last night I was at my brothers house and I drank 3/4 of one of those, and my bro was drinking too, but not that much. We were watching old Husker games after the Bears at Seahawks ended. The good old days, ha, yeah I bought the 95 season on DVD, that is great watching the Huskers kick ass every game. Ha the title game 64-21 over Florida lol, that had to be the greatest team ever, anybody argues that, they are wrong, yeah fo sho. It's funny cuz the Huskers weren't even favored against Florida in that title game. What an ass kicking whoa, just bow down, to the greatest of all time baby.
I am just rambling now, drunk as shit. That als ice bucket challenge thing needs to be done, that is retarded. I guess I did the Tuck ice bucket challenge, I donated to the younggun foundation, that fuck. Didn't plan on it, but I did, got a big bucket of ice water dumped on my head and gave younggun 636 bucks ha.
Wonder if the Niners are gonna show up. It is kinda crazy how bad they have been so far. Usually under Harbaugh the 49ers kick ass in the preseason, but not this year. They have just got hammered twice, whoa, big whoopings.
Got local news on now, cuz had the football game on, the Saints at the Colts, local news followed and I didn't change the channel. There were 6100 people at the white red scrimmage for Nebraska volleyball haha, damn people are so fucking lame here. Who the fuck cares about volleyball anywhere? Then going to a damn scrimmage, 6100 people wow, that is embarrassing.