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yeah no doubt but I dont count the straight endurance part in the physicality of the game argument.

I agree with you. A football player could play a soccer game and may collapse but will be fine the next day. If I played a whole football game I wouldn't be able to walk for a week
I don't know what it is going to take for the NFL to hire full time referees. It's not like the NFL can't afford to pay their salaries
yeah no doubt but I dont count the straight endurance part in the physicality of the game argument.

well then it's not an argument

I can take hits, endurance is the issue and the most physically demanding issue I can imagine
hardest I ever got hit was on the onside kick team...just put my head down and ran towards the kick. I really wish Id been running with my head up
hardest I ever got hit was on the onside kick team...just put my head down and ran towards the kick. I really wish Id been running with my head up

I never thought the blocking hits or the shoulder nudges on kick offs hurt, but when a linebacker who weighed 80 more pounds than me laid into me it hurt like hell
sure, but I think an MMA match takes more endurance, a lot more, than a football game

MMA endurance is nuts

Just stand and punch the air for 15 minutes while keeping your fists at shoulder level. Youll be tired and thats not even with another human involved whos trying to kill you or the wrestling aspect